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Everything posted by youkol0rd

  1. zzzzzzz, ur nooobassss , get ur face out of my way or i m goin whoop u both alone. :P Ah , no way i would lose to u guys mordusxxx , i have onwed u 1 vs 1 using ords and u used harkonnen in fishers , remember? if i m able to own u in a 1 vs 1 in fishers , i could own u easier with a good partner .( since i use his buildable area , i need build so much ) Ah , jeffn00b , u are easy too. i imagine i havent lost to u playing with good players at my side , besides , u be a good player, u coulnt surprasss me. i m a skilled player like even no1 have seen , in ages; Ah , i have onwed every SKUM clan members and i dont think they are realllyyy that good as u said mordusxx. they are only good players. Not god. ::) Hey spaze , plz send me a msg. ;D
  2. Hi guys , After i heard mordusxxx saying there are 4 top elite players in the game and they are : Skum0m3n , himself ( mordusxxx ) , brennq , jeff**** . I m wanting play a REAL 3 vs 3 , with good players , If possible , Me , spaze and Silontee vs jeff , mordusxx and smoeone else. Plz , jeffn00b and mordsuxxxx , come back playing again , i m crazy for owning u guys again. Thanks for let me dream for that match Ur beloved (lol) :P Zenzyr0ex* ;D
  3. Lol, no one said how could save the game ! I think , its impossible we try anything except becouse the one could do it is who created emperor. The EA should put screen of this game in his web-page so many people would watch the graphics and would buy it . ( but , we would need back to old server becouse they woulnt know where the players are ) Or , if Westwood create EBFD(2) , so it would be better moving to 2 than keep at 1. But , how could we know of it? Good. my english is suck , so we would need someone questing westwood if they are going create EBFD(2) or no? If, they says no , we should ask them how we would do to play the game with more people? cuz it is not our fault , they dindt get interested by game cuz of C&C . I think we should advise them to let other company of game ( who create games ) make it. So , if they say , YES , we could send a email to other company saying if they could try do a continuation of emperor . 2Step : would be give ISO of game for free by internet . If we give ISO of emperor battle for dune and fix it in the best sites of games , private sites and sites like free donwloads too , we could get many players online . I think the only way reviving that game would be GIVE ISO of game ( image of game ) for free by net posting it in a private site. but we would need WESTWOOD would accept it . Srrry for my mistakes words plz, i dont have patient to type and try look at dictionary the true sentence. :P
  4. MUHAUHAUHAUAH, kingpoker lost to gunwounds lolol auhauhauhaa , Man ,king , go back learning how to play. he onwed u easier , by alchmi said.
  5. Lol , leave them out. I think we could send a email to WESTWOOD and ask to them create EBFD2 so they would back ! its easier than try bring them back to old game.
  6. Hey guys , what s up? Invite me if u'll want lose again; :P late. AH i still play lol ,
  7. Member Offline Posts: 4286 Re: Maybe for good
  8. Ya i m great i got see it out before gun did can see. lol hey mordusxx go to (model motherboard site ) and type model and number of it in box and download the right graphifc driver to it. but u need go to painel control and remove or modify hardware and uninstall graphic driver u been using . it would help? is it integrate motherboard?? nice check how video memory did u add and minimum is 256 seen windowns xp request 128. u woulnt run it nice. i think u should unninstal ur windonws xp home and intall win xp professional . it is better. windonws xp home edition is a limited windnws as windonws xp professional there is more recurse u could use as it. bye bye dude and dont forget to change windons ah sometimes unninstal software and re install them again is nice seen any archinve could be lost or modify for a virus it would do a bad use of program i have tested it before and it runned . unnistal msn and rest of program its not necessary to a windonws and ur antivirus too and re install all again after cleaned it .many modified archives will be deleted and u will replace good archive. test it out and dont forget to get out ur sound driver too it could be giving problems.( go to motherboard site and not memory card site dude and get the right driver)( if integrated)
  9. mordusxxx just re-install emperor again deleting all files. try it out. it may be good. and set up low graphics when playing emperor dude ,it would help. dont forget to set up speed to 8. close msn and kazza. if possible , norton antivirus and firewall , it may up ur connection speed; late dude. check if windowns xp firewall not be able. it could get issues too. ah windonws xp home ed is sux dude , try get professional cuz home xp has limited configuration(set up) as software and what they may use. windonws xp prof is better as it. late. i will back soon. just reading post and playing star wars-jedi outcast multiplayer. its rox; late dude. ah try atualize drives video and fast ethernet it could be problem. u could be using wrong driver. there is each driver to each motherboard try it out it runned to me. hehe late( seen mordusxx is noob as pc we need give many options lol) unnistall video driver and install again it may help u.( does right driver to ur motherboard) late dude
  10. Thanks nunu, u did well to me. Now , let me explain : I know what is a kick therapy , but i dont see u kicking ( for example : mordusxxxx , when he does a issues to u.) Nunu said about it and i m trying say 1 thing: The problem is i look like ironic and arrogant , but if i had done it in the correct sentence , u woulnt kick me . urs like a joke. the problem is : i cannot compare ( me and for example , rotaset3 talking crap 1 to other like , me saying ur sucka to a american cuz i think he understand me and he get it like a insult ). In brazil we do it for fun , i call someone newbest , ( ah u cannot beat me ur sux ) In europe or north american country , it isnt acceptable cuz i THINK and i repeat : i think half of ur are ( stupids and arrogants ) . Ur dont know what is a joke or when someone is saying serius . ur ( not all ) get it like if i had attacking ur for nothing and i looking hostil with that. i have done it for fun . not have fun playing that game and winning if u not get oponnent angry and does him keep so angry to he whoop u. ok i think ur got it , if not , ok no worry remember : To me , **** , suck , shit , etc , IS ALL WORDS . nothing more than it. ( Words are words . dont have feeling. But ur action can make the difference inside of me ) i dont care if gun call me newbi or korlover , he always says i m newbi and i always say lol and think : stupid yagmin . But i never kicked him , i never kicked no1 . i always acted right .
  11. Lol , i m his best friend , i like play with him , but he took serius a lot what i said . i did it to get him angry and show me a 1 vs 1 with pearlmans . i dont care what he talk about me , but i never stopped a action of someone(get a game) I never kicked someone 1 thing is u say : youko u are a newbi and a son of a whore I answer: lol.hehe ur funny.( i take it joking ) Other thing is : me doomp0w3r brennq rotazo0m skum0m3n On a host and korlover coming in and doom for example , kick him. How lover fell it? he will get angry cuz he didnt can play a excellent game . I never liked that man I always defended korlover , i always gone to his host when doom or someone had kicked him cuz i dont like let someone alone. I hate be alone in a host game. I hate not have friends or not play. does he think it too? i think not. they are all cold people. ok guys thanks for help.
  12. Yah i was kicked to korlover and pearlmans( silontee) host just cuz i said korlover is newbi. The worst is , ra and newl compact with them , liking that. i fell like a people cannot talk , when i m kicked , and i cannot play anymore. They say i m a idiot and stupid and arrogant , but korlover always called me newbi and coward and i never took serius. I always asked to anys players let korlover in at the host and not lock it. But , u are a dude like me , dont like kick someone , what u get with it? nothing! they kick u and over. How u fell?? when u cannot play a good game?( i fell like wanting cry) i fell like they put me quiet and i cannot talk . Man , **** U , korlover ra newl silonteeee , go to hell u all and i dont care if u gonna banne me or no , but i dont like be kicked to a host for nothing. NEWBI IS JUST A WORD AND WHY COULNT I SAY IT? I always liked be called to newbi , and etc. But i never kicked someone and i dont like kick me too. I hate it; GO KICK UR MOTHER ur (*&(*&(*&. IF i did can , i would punch ur face untill u die. :-[ HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL , why need someone kicks other? why cannot they take it like a joking? i always took things like joking and never took serius , just when i had do a match 1 vs 1 , but the people prefer ( act ) stopping ur action and it does me very ANGRY. i dont care if u gonna banne me now , i lost 4 games and i m pissed off , i hate be traited . ok late i wonder not say ( good bye). zenzyr0newbest PLZ goballoper , not remove my post , i neeed say it all.
  13. ;D I didnt lose to u gunwounds Remember a 3 v 3 (me and pearlmans and mush ) vs ( gunwounds newlords and ra1024) We beaten 5 times and u got oNLY twice ! i dont think i neeed be allied with u I can own u alone ! i have a car i m not poor stopping issues against me go to hell newbi u lost 6 times to pearmans 1 v 1 u are not a elite anymore newbi u are now hahaha n00000000000000000000000000000bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb i prefer have skills than a car aff, are u arrogant as it one or just been a stupid yagmon? stop think the ocident people is poor they are + rich than u gunPOORewed now go drink a milk and a coffe , by the way , dont boring me ur SUCKA!
  14. Ok . If westwood company gone away , what about comand & conquer be been supported by westwood still? Why xwisc would support clan match to them and not to EBFD? why EA didnt do anything as that? Any term not responsability for them??? I dont belive westwood would give EBFD to ea administration and they dindt have done nothing for that! ok late" look to the left of your key board ... [ Caps Lock ] turn it off. At least that way your broken-English will be a little easier to comprehend. Thank you.
  15. So EA take responsability !
  17. mflavio@brturbo.com = youkol0rd or zenzyr0ex or other nicks not authorized HEHE ;D
  18. ??? OK! i will chat like a proffesional in the "english language"! Secundary information from youko: Note: Don't get me wrong dude but , Fx+5y-2d=? So ,i will not fight back to u but , not take issues against me again or i will rap ur *&
  19. hey gunz , i love u , u are the right man has the right word in the right moment ! did u like? So (*&(*&(*& . it is just a word. What word mean (*&(*&(&??? man , kids not should watch fathers game . aff. what mean that word " fuck you" to urs? In the moment i could say " what the fuck are u doing at now" . is it a issues? AH forget , not boring me now . I know that , gunwounds isnt wrong and u not should let urs kids watch the game becouse it will be excuses to ur loser! ;D bye
  21. Urs are all freak! The best team is : youkol0rd korlover pearlmans mordusxxx harkdawg and sardcore !we would beat jeff + kalony + spaze + cbrick + newlords + darnoobs + sd00711 + deluged + gunwounds + nununuerj + alchemi + ........ every1 else who wanna come to rock us ! Urs are creazy in think jeff is good or spaze or every1 thats i said cuz i have ME AND ALCHEMI have beaten jeff newlords and slap alone mostly we did a greatteam and i think sd is only that oponent team is really good , rest is newbi!Doom and clam too! ;D
  22. yes master-padawan nunu!i got it bought and not with lg i coulnt get no1 law of that cuz i had that cd since 3 years ago !I will try get the patch!but how i use it? i dont know where i have to fix it???? ;D
  23. Muahaha i got a (cd-reader) new and i will start play emperor since now heheh P. DOom ur english is so quiet sucks than mine so dont blame me in the chat as i m the best in the game!lol ;D i m too +! :D doesnt exist someone like me in the world i m unique! thanks guys every1 knows how important it is to us :emperor cd breaking a lot and not seeling it anymore ,,,....agrrr what i will use in the future??? cd-pirate and not original(main) cd game. plz someone knows who did win??? korlover and pearlms or newlords and ra??? thanks guys i got a readierest (cd-reader) sansung and i think it run nice ! bye and i m backing to emperowm since now and i hope for someone there for *(&
  24. where i get that patch slap ? no-cd patch ? i would play in multiplayer with no cd ? nice ! :P
  25. Hey guys, i m pissed off cuz my second cd-emperor broken in my reading-cdplayer and i m to use CD PIRATE cuz i dont like when it happens.My reader-cd did my emperor cd break when i was to watch 1 duel pearlm and korlover vs newlords and ra1024 and i lost this duel cuz of LG.I hate cd-speed 58x becouse when that same read 2x more it is like 58 + 58 but never happens . The cd-reader always read 10 times more than normal when not get find archive so it is like 58x10 and it does the cd break!how could my cd emperor break with 55 minutes of the game and my star wars jedi outcast not broken with 1,5 hours of game ?I m angry and i m going to use cd-pirate and i wanna see someone says: that is not agree! I will say:Fuck ur &*
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