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Everything posted by hellsmaw

  1. i think any new dune game needs to be completly redesigned. it needs the technological advancement of Starcraft, the number and uniqueness of teams like in Age of Empires, and the great terrain and environmental interaction like on Total Annhilation. It needs to steer away from the C&C "fast battle, no tech" ideology. C&C, and its descendants, were too simple and were built around the rush and blitz. This new game needs to be complex, with hundreds of options so everyone can have their own strategy, instead of "fastest-mouse-wins." it should be realistic and you should be able to have lots of control over units an their actions. The resources in D2K were too few. at the very least, the new game should also include water as a resource (since without water, you can't maintain an army). as i said above there should be a mix of all the best elements of good games. there need to be lots of technologies to reasearch and each house should have radically different units and strategies to develop. If they can make a game that is realistic and teams that aren't clones (like D2K).
  2. how ugly did they made halleck?
  3. I think the new dune needs to be more technologically advanced. dune 2000 seemed like a repetition of C&C:RA, just without as many sold copies. they also need more resources. i know spice was all-important, but what about water?
  4. all right! i have a bone to pick with westwood, and ill restrain from using profanity doing it. i will be honest, i borrow a friends copy of games i dont have to see whether i wnat to buy it or not. but i tried out Tiberian Sun a while after it was realeased and i installed it. the game started up fine, but when i got to the game screen (where you actually play) it locked up. every time. then i restart my computer and shut it down properly. a few weeks later, every game that i own stops working (note: these were all already installed). its been around a year, and i havent been able to fix the problem by deleting, reinstalling, or fiddling with the control panel. i found out a few weeks ago that the problem was an .ini file was disabling my video card and all display drivers for that matter. Hmm... coincedence? Another thing, I've had dune 2000 since around the time it came out, and ive only been able to play it around 4 times. i absolutely could not get the program to run. it would lock up before i even got to the title screen. Lastly (although this isnt a microsoft page), me and a few other people are having problems with microsoft games all the sudden locking up or exiting back to windows (!%^@#^). if anyone knows why my games are doing this, id like to know. This is about the fourth time ive addressed the problem. ive emailed westwood tech support twice (never got a reply) and ive also posted asking what is the matter with my $%^@# game. all i seemed to get were changed subjects or no new replies were added to the string. this ticks me off. HAVE A NICE #$%^ DAY!
  5. i just thought id say hi since i havent posted in several months. Things do change! well... HI!!!!!
  6. the first was the only one that was any good what so ever. in fact, i went back to reading tolkein because the rest of the dune novels sucked laderhausen
  7. hellsmaw


    a dark area on Arrakis' second moon
  8. they didn't leave out Thufur "the Man" Hawat or Gurney Halleck did they? Now THAT would really suck
  9. i kinda liked magic before they started adding all those stoopid sets and cards. yes, it seems that WotC is trying to get a monopoly like Microsoft DOWN WITH THE ROCKEFELLERS!!!
  10. on the contrary, ive seen a DVD at Barnes and Nobles for around 14 bucks... recently
  11. i have a tought time deciding which is better, Dune or Foundation. The first book, Dune, in the Dune series is, in my opinion, the best. the sequential books fail to reach the mark of the first book. i think Dune's weak point is detail, the characters are well described, but the storyline just isnt broad enough. i think the movie seriously defiles the book (it is still a pretty good movie though). I like foundation (ive read all 7 of asimov's, but none of the new ones) because the entire series is well detailed and full of excitement. For those with serious questions about earth (or like me, read the foundation series twice) there are the Robot and Empire series as well. I like certain elements of both books, so i cant honestly say which one i like more. Asimov is a better writer though.
  12. Paul needs to use some super Kwisatz Haderach powers to save the universe! Or at least wipe that off his slate.
  13. hellsmaw

    Las Gun

    hmmm.... atoms:nucleus correct me if im wrong, but are NUCLEAR and SUB-ATOMIC not the same physical thing nuclear: of the nucleus of an atom sub-atomic: smaller than or a part of an atom
  14. The problem with Dune is that there are ardly any houses mentioned in the books to make new houses for the game. Logically, they made house ordos to satisfy the need for another house. The only houses that were mentioned were the Atreidies, Harkonnen, Corrino, and Tlielaxu (is this a house?). Yes, Edric is right, the ordos were the only other choice rather than use on of the hardly mentioned houses.
  15. two things please note that (V)echa is "mecha," not "vecha" I think that something like Battlezone II would be great. With the first person and strategy combined. to be honest, i think that is the way to go because it gives the players the most flexibility possible (why dont they sell this in stores?!?!?!?!)
  16. And anyways, only paul and alia were corrupt, and paul wasn't really at complete fault. the self-proclaimed preists were a major cause of the jihad (although paul created them, he didnt want them to do what they did) If you look at the "pre-treason" Atreidies, you'll notice that although they are not rich, they have fanatic loyalty from their soldiers (because of the good dukes, NOT EMPORER MUAD'DIB!!)
  17. Edric, i would just like to point out all the wonderful things war (WWII in particular) do for us. 1) Reduce chance of overpopulation (this may sound cruel but 1 million killed can prevent more than 1 billion births that would cause famine and disease 2) Technological advancement is advanced at an abnormally fast rate 3) Social bonds are created as people with a common cause unite 4) The economy after a war booms (like WWII brought us out of the depression) 5) The possible elimination of an anti-social group would most likely have caused dissention and mistrust With all these things that we get from war, how can anyone who cares for humanity not agree with me?
  18. i personally like the harkonnen because they have devastators. the game would be a lot more fun if the teams were drastically different. Mainly in weaponry or at least design. that is one of the problems of having a one species war though, a species as it evolves modifies its technologies to suit its body shape and needs, so if they want to stick with the story, change weapons & strengths. However, they could make a spinoff where some mutant uprising or a new alien race comes into play (it is a big universe after all)
  19. that would be way off from the book if they left out the Baron. Did anyone else notice that in the book he is a fag?
  20. hellsmaw

    Las Gun

    yeah, a nuclear explosion. and lets not forget the stone burners!
  21. well, i never liked the ordos, and they aren't part of the original story, but i think that maybe it should lean more towards the book and away from the game's story. Perhaps their could be a rebellion against The Imperial Atreidies by the landsraad and they have to fight them all off, and you could pick the Atreidies or one of the houses of the Landsraad (like corrino, or harkkonen, or they could still use the ordos). And the Landsraad houses would at first be allied, but as one of them gets ahead of the rest they could turn against them, whoever the player chooses.
  22. thats another problem, my direct x is supposed to only update if an older version is present right? well, it doesnt, it will install an older version, unless i tell it not to. and i dont think i have any other version other than the one that came in the box
  23. hellsmaw

    Fremen and Houses

    Yes, the fremen harvested spice, as seen when paul discovers gurney halleck in a spice harvester and he tells his troops to quickly bring in the harvester so it can be repaired and used
  24. I must say, Flying Fatman, that this game is not on RA engine, d2k has quite a few gameplay differences and the only reason that they were made in a similar way was because the C&C line did so well the first time around (RA is one if not the biggest selling RTS games in history)
  25. hellsmaw

    dune2k is stupid

    i disagree with your assesment of other 'missions' on other games. Have you not seen AoE: II? You must be talking about TA.
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