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  1. Yes it was wayoung! His exact words were as follows: I have read it. This is my review I posted at fed2k (a big dune site) If you don't want to read the review, the short form is that it is all right, but it isn't Dune as we know it. After that it was word for word what you posted! I can't belive he would steal that from you! I knew it couldn't have been him that wrote it! Well I am glad that I found out the truth!
  2. Waoh.........Thats so weird I just read the same exact; I mean word for word; review on a totally different site! That was kind of freaky! Can I ask you a question? Did you post that on bolt?
  3. sucked laderhausen, That is one I haven't herd befor! Did you make that up yourself?LOL!
  4. OK, this is really bad! I just read Dune about four days ago, and so far I haven't known any of your questions! I think that I need to read it one more time and really pay attention to it, not just spend 3 days tearing it up, if you know what I mean! Who ever said that thing about adding a Trivia section, that is a really great idea! So what is the answer?
  5. chanilewalia


    Wow, I just read the book again a few days ago and I don't remeber that part at all, well I remeber the part where they were talking and he said that he was a freak, weird that I didn't pick up on that!
  6. I was just wondering which Dune novel you guys liked the best, and what did you like about it?
  7. I have no idea what any of you people are talking about, so can you stick to DUNE, or sci-fi at least?
  8. I think that the new mini-series is going to be very disappointing, Because they diddn't do very good with the characters, the new Paul looks like and alcoholic and also looks to old for the part; also Alia looks to be about 8 which is also to old, Gurrny looks to old also! And that is just by looking at the pictures on the web site! Also, something that is dissturbing is the they diddn't put a singel piture of a worm on there! Interesting!!
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