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  1. build krindjal first at the start you have like two apc, two minos and one sonic tank and one ixan projector.depoy your apc to let your troops out.send them to the barrack so you can have 3 stripe krindjal and sniper.build 5 krindajal on each side of the opening of the base.if the niab tanks come you can kill it with your krindajal.DONT BUID FREMAN CAMP FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. you are wrong.sonic tank+devastator=dead devastorfeydakin+minos=dead worm krindjal+laser tank=dead laser sard+skill+backup=all dead cause snipers krindjal and minos took care of that NIAB tanks+minos+krindjal=NIAB sucks
  3. I use house atredies as the main house.house atredies cannot be rush cause of the krindjal, and the snipers are useful against infantry.minos are effective against all types of units execpt air.
  4. assult tanks,flame and missle all rush
  5. I agree with you Timenn but I think 10 krindajal 5 mongoose and 4 mintaurus will do + rocket tureets for deathhand they will always strike the tureets so when it strikes on the turets sell it and build another one also defend the other side as the gunships will come protecyt it with 5 mongoose.Attack the enemy with ix infitrators.Hope you can pass
  6. ordos does not suck its kobra and laser back by deviator cannot be stopped
  7. defence;kobra and pop up +AA trooper offence 2 deviators 4 kobras 7 laser tnaks + AA tropper or mortar at the back with AA trooper and chem trooper guarding mortar
  8. I like to rush with laser tanks or play long game with mintaurus
  9. fremen and sardukar
  10. it is so easy just train sard elites to finish off the enmy
  11. chaos lightning at full power redy for target data
  12. I hate the devastator it is so slow and so expensive and can be taked out by 10 fed I hate the deviator when my ENEMY usaes it.It is a cheap method of taking my units.It can also cause chaos
  13. atredies atr vs hark mongoose+krindjal+minotaurus+rocket turet+sonic tank the devastator will be too slow for all atr units and gunship can be easliy gunned down by tureets inkvine can be killed by mintaurus atr vs ordos onitopher in numbers can easily wipe out an ordos base rocket turets can kill laser tank mino can terminate the kobras and mortar deviator can be stopped by turets and krindjal
  14. I rarely build radar on empeoror it does not help much
  15. you just choose the wrong house to fight keep building kobra units and pop up turets , AA trooper, mortar and chemical trop use the ix infiltrator to find the atredies palace build 5 of them to destroy the palace, and build your own palce to use chaos lighting on minotauruses and build deviators P.S.A direct assault would be suicide unless you have 30 kobras 20 mortars and 15 chem trooper and 10 laser tanks
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