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Everything posted by Ords

  1. I just tested WOL and it is back online have hosted a game on WOL and it seems to work.
  2. I have put my server back online cause of the problems we facing now. But also on my server I get a hang during loading. Letts hope its getting working soon otherwise emp getts a faitel atack. Ords SoW rules the spice ;P
  3. Same here, I cannot get a LAN game going on same errors. This is getting pretty wierd. Have put my server back online but the same error during loading.IP plz try. Looks like there is a self destruction device in emp. Ords SoW rules the spice (skrimitch only) :-[
  4. Thx, mate you are the best.Ords. Sow Rules the spice
  5. every year I look to the messages and this is a good idea erj. I am old and slow but finally here is my nick Ords, Darnnoobs BobSow@hotmail.com ;) Sow rules the spice.
  6. Thx mate I am now dl the old drivers. It seems that it happened during drivers updates. I had a some issues were i was not satisfied with so I upgraded all drivers on my machine. So I go now 1 step back and will c what will happened. CYA online when I am finished That topic were you refere to is identical to my problems. Wierd triangles during the game and so on.
  7. Hi , you all, after playing some BFME games I did play tonight a few games just to feel how this best game ever feels again. But there is something strange going on. See the attachment. plz help. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  8. Youko, I only transfer results from XWIS to fed2k thats all my server does. SO stay on XWIS and dont go to my server when XWIS is online. Its now steady for a few months since EA-games Germany support it. ;) Ords
  9. Correct, Olaf has made a patch for the Proxy running on my server.;) It is running now for a month without crashing. (the Proxy) So the results are send to Fed2k 1 out of 20 games has a send error. Dn were that is coming from. But you elites hf with it and GL on gaming. Stoned rules the spice. Ords[stoned]
  10. Olaf made a change to the proxy and its running now on my Server. Till last night its running ok. Some game results are failing but in general (20:1) ar going ok Ords [stoned rules the spice]
  11. HI to all, It seems that I am doomed not playing Emp until XWIS is back. So be it. I play with pointybum now Zero Hours. The next game I go for is The Battle for Middle Earth. http://www.eagames.com/official/lordoftherings/thebattleformiddleearth/us/home.jsp CYA all guys 8)
  12. Yo guys, I see daily that you all have fun on my server. ;) At least that keeps EBFD alive. The down site is that I cannot play
  13. Yo guys the server is still on 24/7 I go online in a few mminutes CU all on emp at Ords ;)
  14. There seems a problem on XWIS When I and Kalony were loging in it hang at the download channel box. repeating sound error. The WOL server does it ok. And also my server at regards Ords
  15. I have mentioned this before, but when XWIS and WOL are down you can still use my Server at The only thing to do is enter the IP adress in the XCC WOL IRC Server Client ( ) top row and press Set. I have tested it with Mokka14 this afternoon. Have fun.
  16. It seems that SoW is not much online lately. I cancel the team and want to ask you guys who want me in his team. I am lately pretty much online on my own??? :'(
  17. I have put the Proxy into scheduled Task. Running for 60 min killed after 59 min. Restart every 60 minutes. At least that will get the down time to max 59 min. ;)
  18. For some reason it takes very long to see the pings of players when you first enter. When you enter befor that you have a hang. After a long game I am always lost connection to xwis and have to connect again. 80% of the games I would say. My server will be there as a backup. It is installed and I am not removing it. So when it happens it is ready to take over. Gobalopper can you tell me why the proxy keeps freezing on my server at receiving. I have to reset it almost every day. That means that aloth of games dont show up in the ladder of Fed2k. :-[
  19. Kyle, that is not easy we have to keep the 2 dbases identical on both servers. And according to Olaf that is a difficult task. But we have to give Olaf a challange.And if there is someone else that know what to do Plz Help. (Gobalopper can help)? :O
  20. Thats what I have to discusse with Olaf/gobalopper because all links on the site are to olafs, except the game and fed2k ranks.
  21. Yeh it does but there is noone playing at my server its brand new 8)
  22. Yo guys the server of olaf is down. I have with Olaf made a server with XCC on it at my place.(Thx for helping out Olaf). It should also be tested if it works and Gobalopper needs to approve to go with emp games also to this link when Xwis Olaf is out. The link for who is online is When you place this IP in the XCC WOL IRC Server Client. You get on my server with your Emp games. The Proxy that links the results to Fed2k is also running on that server. If Gob is approving this Have Fun. ;) ps when you start the xcc again Olaf's setts are in.
  23. Yo guys since the server of olaf is down. I have mate with Olaf a server at my place. It should also be tested if it works and Gobalopper needs to approve to go with emp games also to this link when Xwis Olaf is out. The link for who is online is When you place this IP in the XCC WOL IRC Server Client. You get on my server with your Emp games. The Proxy that links the results to Fed2k is also running on that server. If Gob is approving this Have Fun.
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