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  1. well i have entered and outa shape but i think i can get the ol noodle goin lol ::) every1 have have fun at the torny and gl :)
  2. its been like 2 weeks now i wanna play me and bry r ready
  3. i just ignore it then i page em when the game is done
  4. well bryorama included me but to make sure i am in it for usa ;D
  5. well...as long fed2k is up i will be on it till i am 18 prob lol
  6. sounds great ill play if i get a partner maybe bryorama ;D
  7. duke EA is *becoming a monopoly*...they buy all the good games so slowly they will buy out companies and us buyin their games aint helpin but u cant help but to play a good game!!! :-
  8. i need some funny sites i am bored of the ones i have ;D so if u got anything good!!!PLEASE feel free to post! :O
  9. chaos for me
  10. i will have to see ur mod newt ;D....sure it will be ummmm...interesting :D
  11. i think generals is one of the most unbalanced games...i mean comon chinese have the best super weapon the best tank and if u use em right they r downright powerful. emp on the other hand has it so you can be any team and still win in different ways.example:if u like rushing and hit and runs ord..whats generals...example:to win be china ;D so gimme a break emp is #1 unless generals straightens out the teams with zero hour...ive pre-ordered it so id like to see it. and nav i agree with you ;)
  12. i am with u on that but EA is monopoly. boycot them and u cant get a game at all!!!!
  13. what u guys recomend as the best mod cuz i am goin to get but not sure wich 1 :-
  14. i doubt its better than zero hour ???
  15. when they fire then automatically go to da pads and take turns to reload so u dunt have to worry bout em untill then attack
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