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Everything posted by cbrick04
X FIRE & MSN Messenger - Add Your Nicks Here
cbrick04 replied to Brennq's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
change mine to chipthebrick@hotmail.com plz -
Why is a no cd crack of any concern? With virtual CD, u just load the images into an imaginary drive and play the game. You can load all of ur games into it and put the CDs away for safe keeping.
I think that Marcos lives in Rio de Janero, and I will ship it to him, as I said.
This works better for me than the xwis link, http://www.dune2k.com/ladder/?show=online
if u were to remake emperor what kind of units would u add?
cbrick04 replied to spazelord's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
I think it would be best if ATR minos were invisible like fremen, and can shoot air like missle tanks, and can move like lasertanks, and fly, and build like saws and cost 350 solaris with no upgrade. That would be best in my opinion. Leave all other units the same. This will make balance in the game. :) O ya, and have on board leech maker too, that would be cool. -
I miss Zillypuff
Spazelord is a chick and she does have a girlfriend that plays too. I did them both before, at the same time, so dont be trying to mack on my hoes please.
clam74,skumclam, elite47r - sup fool , good 2 c u back - u suck my msn = chipthebrick04@hotmail.com , add me. Late
Its seems that no1 can connect to xwis with EBFD as i have the same problems that ord describes. I did notice that when i freeze, my nick remains on the list of who is online for a very long time, half hour or so. I dont think any1 can get on xwis with EBFD currently, you may see nicks on the list(frozen), but u never see a hosted game. Hopefully Olaf will fix it soon. WOL working just fine for now.
In Need of New Dedicated Partner
cbrick04 replied to GhostHunter's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
Yo ;) -
I must say again PS, you are a right on kinda guy. Too bad there are not more people like you in this world. Im glad to know you.
Guns, the game lasted way longer than 3 min, but I think what Navs point is , that he would have quit early once he saw that he was gonna get spanked. How many games I quit against you when you gas me and get 1 of my refs in the first minute of the game. Never. I always give it my best effort. My mom didnt raise a quitter, navs mom did. And furthermore guns I will stomp him on any setts he likes, it makes no difference to me. His level of play is nowhere near yours anymore guns.
So you beat BMW in a game. Damn, you are the greatest Emp player in history nav. I know why you cant recall any others, cuz there are none.As far as you being the center of attention, I liken you to the man with a 3 inch pecker who stood in town square with it hanging out, telling everyone how it was soooo huge. He was the center of attention too, but this was not necessarily a good thing because everyone was laughing at him. Put your pecker away nav. It seems quite silly that you claim to have all of these"skills" but you cannot show them to anyone who is not a total n00b. You see nav, my grandfather is 85 years old, and has had heart bypass 3 times. Back 65 years ago he was a boxer in the Navy. The other day he got mad at me and told me how he was gonna kick my ass. Maybe if he was 65 years younger he could.
You dont even know how good you really are Nav cuz you havnt played a 1 vs 1 game against a good player since WOL canned the QM.
I think we should do a 1 vs 1 tourney ,5 games. Nav picks setts for 3 games. Ill pick for 2. That should be fair lol
He cant beat me on any setts gun. And na, explain to me 1 thing. Do you play odd ball szetts that no1 else plays just to give you and advantage? Why do you so badly need this advantage? Why not try to win on fair terms? I think you SUCK lol. j/k
Changing the serial in the registry ?
cbrick04 replied to Seb_Lz's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
I have installed this game on 2 seperate machines running the exact, same software and the codes generated do not interchange. This leads me to believe that hardware, an/or time of install play factors in the code. So as far a "you cant", you, Nav , cant. And neither can anyone else. -
Thats cool Nav, it you aren't gonna win, just quit.
Im sure that they will lol.
You make me laugh that you start a topic and lock it before I can reply. You not only duck games but duck on this shit too lol. Anyway... The game that you refer to is not even the one I was talking about and in that game my partners did not have any kills until after I was dead. I played you and alchemi 2 vs 1, silly. My partner was way new and didnt even get to play until after I was dead and gone. So ya, I admit it you and alchemi beat me 2 vs 1. The game I was really talking about was a different one. Senda,Mord and I came to 1 of your games all with n00b nicks. Teams were me + senda and u + mord. Senda, Mord and I chatted before the game. Senda and Mord stayed out of the game and let me stomp you by myself. Senda and Mord were laughing the whole time. Mord even made u turrets but you still couldnt even slow me down. You performance was extremly poor, and you micro didnt work well cuz I killed all your units and your base. Hard to micro with no units huh? You didnt just get owned cy, you got raped. I have no screenshots or stats to back this up. But Mord and Senda both watched. And I wont lock this topic so you feel free to reply ok? And P.S. Alchemi played better than you that game anyway. Ya you gotta watch out for my rush game cy, I rush with drone, mino, elites and feds. So when you see 50 mino rush you'll know its me.
Well lets see Nav , brenn can stomp me and I can stomp you. So where does this leave you?
Many players such as brennq and dawg have earned their respect by showing how good they play, not by telling everyone how good they are. Nav,It very much amazes me that you would talk down to brenn. He is lightyears ahead of you in the Emp Skillz department. You two are not even in the same league. I very much understand why you would not want to play. Brenn would stomp you at ur own setts, and with his setts.....lmao. It seems to me that it would be much better to earn respect but showing that you are a good player and a good person, rather than telling everyone how good you are and being an asshole. Maybe you should make a new nick nav, loose the cockbreath attitude, and come play some games. If no one knew it was you, we could have some fun games , and you could get a fresh start. You might even learn a thing or two. And BTW brenn id like to play, Im not afraid of getting beat like Nav.
Slow games of Emp are the most strategic of all
cbrick04 replied to Navaros's topic in Emperor: Battle for Dune
Gunwounds, I think you are really off base on this one. The reason Nav waits soo long to play is not because of his setts, its because of him. He has already pissed of 99% of the players on emp by calling them GAY and n00bs and telling them that they suck. I played a couple games with him under a n00b nick the other day to see if things had changed at all. They haven't. He allied me and we creamed the other 2 players. He then told them that they sucked and were n00bs. Then alchemi came into the game, asked cyrenius how he was. Asked him about being banned from fed2k. Cyrenius(Nav) replied : "fed2k is GAY and Gob is an asshole." I expect that alchemi can back this up. I wanted to make a screen shot , but didnt have the program handy, sorry. Anyways Guns, it has little to do with the setts, he has made almost everyone bitter tword him cuz of his big mouth. Most veteran players dont even try to enter his games because they know that they will not get 1 word out before they are kicked. Thats why you wait for 5 hours lol , not cuz of qm+fog.