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CR2 Alpha Feedback


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Just an overall advice, don't make tanks too cheap and powerfull, for example: dustscouts for $200, or lasertanks for $500, i know that there'll probably not be any dustscouts in your mod but i don't know which units are.

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Sorry, that this took so long, but my father was terrorizing my testing work!! :P

Where are the Ixian aircraft? I couldn't buy those fighters, but computer could. Missing icons?

"Big booms here" - Holtzman turret. Where are the explosions, and lasers? It fires rockets.

Ixian suboids are useless.

You should recolour some guild's buildings and use them as eg. factory?

Ginaz soldiers are too powerfull. I trained 10 Ginaz swordmasters, 20 Ginaz warriors, and destroyed the whole Ixian base with them (normal enemy) !

Where are the Ginaz APC? There is only Ginaz swormasters and Ginaz warriors.

Tleilaxu needs some good anti-tank infantry / vehicles, but a mix of gholas, leeches and living turrets solves the problem. Tleilaxu is relatively poor againts Ixians, if the Tleilaxu is not played by human. Tleilaxu's super weapon could be "Weak the mind", wich deviates some enemy's units to you completely. The effect could be same as Hawk Strike.

Smuglers are ok with their quads and trikes.

Honestly, some Corrino's buildings look AWFULL! Take the texture from Sardaukar barracks, and remap Corrino's buildings (that yellow color freaks me out...)

And the sounds! eh HM! Arrakeen militia says something like "flesh..." and "Yessssshh....", while Tleilaxu mutants say "At once!" and "For Giedi Prime!!" ;) And when you chose group of Arrakeen militia, they say "IX" and when you move them, they say "War has a greed (or something)" or other Ixian taunts ;D

Good mod, and I think that alpha testing it didn't help anything, because it's allready so great.

I'm going to play more and find out possibly bugs / other stuff.

Great work!

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Textures, icons, and SFX coding aren't done yet. (except those for Corrino which are already done) Remember, this is just alpha.

I've put a lot of thought into what to do about those awful Corrino textures. :- To be honest, it would be a lot of work to redo them, but I may end up doing just that. As for using the existing Sard barracks textures over and over, I tried that. But it makes Corrino bases look a really ugly drab brown. :-

Holtzmen turret is one of those coding things I'm not quite done with yet. Same with the aircraft. (though it seems strange the compy could build them. :-)

The readme forgot to mention that the Ginaz APC hasn't been instituted yet. It will be soon, though.

The Ginaz warrior is identical to the Regular Sard. in all respects at this point, except that the Warrior is more expensive and slower to build...I don't see why it should be that powerful... ???

I'm going to improve the Suboids in almost every way: More HP, more damage, maybe even faster.

As for the Tleilaxu superweapon, it's impossible to have both permanent (TL superweapon) and temporary (IX MindWave Tank) deviations. :-

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IMO, the Ginaz warrior is more powerfull than Sardaukar, but I may be wrong.

I just played this mod again, and Tleilaxu vs Tleilaxu fights are amusing, because all your attacks are just suicude, because Tleilaxu's only good units are infantry.

When SFX and visualation is ready, this modification is allmost perfect, little balancing there and here... And tadaa, Corrino's Revenge 2... I can't still understand, how can you be so good! :P

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Hmm, we'll see.

Anyways, new patch, Follow the same instructions as getting the full Alpha to get it, except download "CR2 Alpha patch 1.zip" instead. (Don't worry, th patch is really small, only 90KB.) It fixes many bugs and balance issues, incorporates the Ixian Fighter, and makes the Holtzman Turret work correctly. :)

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It was pretty good

1. The arrakeen militia doesnt get anything when upgraded (dont think)

2. The texures are horrendously ugly :P

3. The Ginaz are a tad powerful

4. The tleilaxu are annoying as hell (not exactly a bug I know)

5. The Ixian pummeler is really entirely unnecesary as you might as well just build plasma tanks

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1. Ah, the Tank and their not-yet-implemented Trooper are supposed to require the upgrade, but I guess I forgot to add "UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE" to the tank...

2. I know, I've decided to try using the Sard Barracks all over, with a splash of that really shiny copper roof here and there for color. ;)

3. I really don't see why... ??? Maybe I'll make their stuff more expensive/slower to build.

4. Haven't they always been? ;)

5. Ah, but the Plasma Tank's range is only 9, whereas the Pummeler's is 16. Pummeler's are good if your enemy has blockaded himself behind a wall of turrets, as they're the only Ixian unit that can outrange the turrets. And they have more HP than Plasma Tanks. (Plasma Tanks, HP and Shields combined= 2100, while Pummeler= 2700 and better armor.) :)

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i downloaded it today and will test it on monday (getting ready for easter). from the look of the rules and textures, good job duke leto! and i also like inocs idea about using sard textures the whole way through, i will do some testing on monday to see how they look.

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What about "Sardaukar recruit" and "Sardaukar artillery infantry"... They have...


Ash, forget it.

About the patch.

Where is the Ixian fighter? "Me sooo want it"! You added stupid bomber! :P

Ixians' units have still wrong sounds :-

Heh, smashed 1 IX and 2 Tleilaxu with Corrino (it was very easy) ::) Still needing anti-tank units to Tleilaxu!

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What I meant was, that I have Corrino versions of the following unit's icons:

Atreides Kindjal

Ordos Mortar Infantry

Atreides Sniper

Fremen Warrior

Fremen Fedaykin

Atreides Light Infantry

Harkonnen Flamethrower Infantry

Ordos Chemical Trooper

Ordos AA Trooper

Harkonnen Trooper

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Ooh, can I have the mortar Infantry one?


I know ixian units still have the wrong sounds, all that will be fixed in time...

The unit I added was the fighter, I just put the wrong name in the Text Strings file. :P

The Tleilaxu do have anti-tank units: The leech and the Hellrainer.

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