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Apollyon challenges YOU!


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Here's a little sinpleplayer challenge for you.

Download the zip file attached here (model.zip) and place the contents (rules.txt) in your emperor/data/MODEL/ directory (if you dont have a "model" then create a new directory.

I challenge you to play as either atreides or ordos and beat hark on hard mode on fishers plane 1v1 with 8k starting money, no prebuilt, no crates, no starting units, no LW and no SW.

The attachment means that you cannot build assault tanks, kobras, indeed the only high level vehicle you can build is the mino... is this an advantage for ATR? Well go and find out.

Goodluck and goodhunting ;)[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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wait a minute, I beat human players on emp with ordos all the time, hardly ever using kobras.. in fact I only use them when I have way too much money..

and the setts are on 5k, not even 8

ask rigel, me and him play on those setts all the time ;)

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but my point was that you said what the attachment does is just makes it so you can't build kobras or assault tanks... and I hardly ever use kobras anyway... no point in downloading it if I don't use them ... or is that the only thing it does? ^-^

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I did, i couldn't build kobra's, or any other unit that was supposed to be able to be made when your factory is upgraded ;)

What i noticed was that he made mass assault tanks, +- 20 in each attack wave, they all targeted for my chemicaltroopers and sardaukars ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I did it, as Atreides. The first 3 attempts, my forces got absolutely crushed by the early saw rushes. Then, I completed it. Computer losses = about 300. My losses = 14.

Took me about half an hour.

If I wore a hat, it'd be off to Apollyon for making this. It was fun!

(When I scouted out the enemy base and saw more than 100 buzzsaws outside, I literally burst out laughing.)

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The changes the mod made were obvious... I was rushed VERY early, something I've never seen the computer do. The first rush was with about 10-15 saws and a handful of troopers, then there were several rushes consisting of about 30 saws with light infantry. After this, the computer built literally hundreds of Saws and parked them outside its base. It also built 1 adv carryall and 1 ADP, but didn't do much with these. I was also attacked by 3 gunships at one point.

(You could have said 'you can't build aircraft' BEFORE I built a hangar!)

Unfortunately for the computer, its base didn't have good IX defense, and my Infiltrators owned it.

I'll try it again as Ordos, and without subhouses. Should be more challenging!

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I've tried this as Ordos. It can't be done. The only vehicles I can produce are Dust Scouts. When the first Hark rush comes, they have easily twice as many Saws as I have Dusties. Chem troopers are of little use. Mortars are a possibility, but you take too many losses for it to be anywhere near cost-effective.

Without laser tanks, this isn't possible.

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