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What do you think are the good and Bads of E:BOFD?

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Good : *the* best balanced, most strategic rts ever. Great gameplay, graphics, music and sound (check the music on the hark CD, it rocks! =)

Bad : having to play people online with abolutely no skill, for instance Vilgent ::) heheheheh

no but seriously we need more players :)

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My brother and i use the same serial code so we cant be online at the same time so i got a keygen so that i could, i think its legal since i paid for the game with my own money and yeah, my bro said that no one has been playing on alot, if C and C is out than its probably that... This game is awesome but i cant stay online for more than 1 hour a day


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bad nothing? you're wrong there

there are millions of pathfinding/AI bugs that make the gameplay fundamentally unfair on most maps. this is VERY bad because it turns Emperor from a contest of skill into an unfair exercise in bug-abusing

more bad: singleplayer sucks. starts out very very strong, then fizzles into nothingness after about 6 missions into each campaign. the FMV disappears, and you are left re-capturing the same territories you ALREADY captured millions of times, repeatedly. makes for very boring and redundant Campaigns.

the good? balance, diversity in strat, great interface (unlike the horrendous Blizzard-type interfaces which are a chore to struggle with), amazing gameplay when pathfinding bugs don't interfere (which they do most of the time, unfortunately)

also bad is there are wayyyyyyyyyy too few maps. it gets boring playing the same few maps over and over again for all eternity. most of the maps are way too small to make the game strategic in 2vs2 games. it's just a matter of moving everything you have to the spice that is right next to your base and engaging your enemy right away. if there was more space on the maps between you and your enemy in 2vs2 games, then Emperor would be vastly more strategic in 2vs2 gameplay

perfect size map is Guild Complex. Unfortunately, most maps are way smaller than that. Fisher's is really good too (also, pathfinding bugs on those two maps are minimal hence they are two of the most fair maps in the game). But there aren't many 2vs2 maps that are similar to those 2. There simply isn't enough variety in 2v2 maps to make Emperor remain fresh for a long time. With continual maps and no pathfinding bugs, Emperor would definitely be the greatest RTS to ever be made and would probably hold that title for all eternity.

It's all EA's fault for murdering Westwood and abandoning Emperor instead of making it perfect (which it easily could be with a few weeks of buggy-code correction from the developers).

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Good : *the* best balanced, most strategic rts ever. Great gameplay, graphics, music and sound (check the music on the hark CD, it rocks! =)

Bad : having to play people online with abolutely no skill, for instance Vilgent ::) heheheheh

no but seriously we need more players :)

*Mutters* Refrain from commenting, refrain from commenting... ;D

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if a new guy asks an old question, i will provide the new guy with the same answer that i provided to old new guys in the past. the Emp board has always been like that, same with the Emp strat boards. ultimately it's just the same stuff over and over again from a new crop of newbies, so don't criticsize me from using the same answers when being asked the same questions

edit: i confirm nothing. he addressed the Q to me as the one who made the posts so i responded to it since i am the one he was addressing

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if a new guy asks an old question, i will provide the new guy with the same answer that i provided to old new guys in the past. the Emp board has always been like that, same with the Emp strat boards. ultimately it's just the same stuff over and over again from a new crop of newbies, so don't criticsize me from using the same answers when being asked the same questions

AHA so you DO confirm that you are navaros!... Tadaaa, it has been proven then

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