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Westwood Is Dead, WOL To Follow


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EA has officially put Westwood out of business. Westwood is no more. I'd say that EA murdered Westwood, but it's more a case of EA captured Westwood and held it as a POW, then tortured it beyond belief for an inhumane amount of time yet still let it cling to a shred of life for the own twisted, sick amusement of EA - so at this point it's more like EA has put Westwood out of it's misery rather than murdered it.

We all know WOL must surely die too. Without Westwood, how can Westwood be online? It doesn't take a PhD in Psych 101 to do the math.

I predict that GameSpy Arcade - the company which sells all your personal info to tons of junk mail & junk email companies for profit, will replace WOL. I know from personal experience that GameSpy has sold my email address to no less than hundreds (literally!) of junk mail companies because when I filled out the GameSpy Forms that ask for my email addy I put in my name as "GameSpy GameSpy". Sure enough, ever since I've been getting an endless stream of spam in my Inbox addressed to "GameSpy GameSpy". For those of you who may not wish to take my word for it, behold for yourself:

Excerpts from GameSpy's "Privacy" Policy:

GameSpy collects personally identifying information.

Other companies which provide services on our site, or which advertise on our site, may collect information about you. GameSpy does not control collection or use of this information. You should contact these companies or advertisers directly if you have any questions about their use of this information.

You may occasionally get cookies from our advertisers. GameSpy does not control these cookies, and these cookies are not subject to the GameSpy cookies policy. The use of advertising cookies sent by third-party servers is standard in the Internet industry.

GameSpy may retain personally identifying information indefinitely.

At times GameSpy may maintain publicly available user profiles as well, which may contain personally identifying information


So I say, when WOL gets bought-out by GameSpy, it's the last time I'll ever play Emperor online. I hate GameSpy vehemently, as should we all. I hate EA vehmently, as should we all.

I pity those of you who will buy Generals only to have it abandoned by EA within 3 months of going Retail and to add insult to injury, have several thousands junk mail companies spam your email address for eternity thanks to you having to sign up for GameSpy Arcade to play Generals online.

Any predictions on how long until this hostile takeover becomes reality and WOL is replaced with GameSpy?

Does anyone else hate GameSpy and EA as much as me?

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If you register gamespy, you have the possibility to turn off the popups and publicity.

I guess you simply forgot to cross out the box that allows them to use your email adress for 3rd parties promotions when you purchased gamespy.

And i would be happy to continue playing emperor on gamespy when they have closed down wol, if they ever decide to close it down...

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They have said they are going to keep WOL going. It may not be called that but it will still be around.

could "keep WOL going" mean "sell WOL to GameSpy"? based on an ambigious statement like that, it seems that it might.

could you provide further elaboration as to what that will/will not mean?

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This is how I deal with SPAM:

I have two email address. One is the one that is only given to places that I want to know my email address. These include FED2k, a few mailing lists, and my friends. The other is my junk email address. I registered WOL with this email address. When I register something on a website and I don't expect to recieve a lot of emails I usually tell the website the junk email address.

In my junk email address do not have a lot of SPAM messages because messages are automatically deleted after three days (or something like that). I never have more than 50 new messages.

In my regular email address I do not get any SPAM. I mean NO SPAM AT ALL.

You can get a free email address at hotmail.com (this is where I have my junk email address). I have seen email.com and it looks better than hotmail.com, but I have never used email.com

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well i went to go into the clan info, just check out different clan and whos in them, and it said "The Emperor BattleClan System

has been closed due to inactivity". Well if they are closed then how are new clans going to be made? What if someone wants to join a clan? Is this the end of the clans? Are we who were so privilaged to join a clan the last of our kind? Or is this just until gamespy or whoever decide to get it going again? I hope its not the end of clans. :'(

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Was there ever really any doubt this would happen? It's just like EA did to Origin... they bastardize & whore out the Ultima name to this day under the moniker of "Ultima Online," laying to waste both the true Ultima RPG series and the Wing Commander series (two of the highest-grossing, most successful series of their own genres)... for no reason other than to concentrate solely on the more-money-making Ultima Online. In Origin's case EA keeps the "Origin Systems, Inc." name alive, but it's a matter of public account the only people IN Origin anymore are purely EA employees (all Origin staffers having been fired/laid off years ago).

Westwood Studios, like Origin Systems and the other companies along with them, made a deal with the Devil... and, like the others, have paid the price.

- Neo

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