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What is An American?

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This is just another "I can't handle it so I hide from it" ploy, like a child under the covers so he can't see the monsters. But please get back on topic, even if the topic author is offtopic.


This is just another "I can't handle it so I hide from it" ploy, like a child under the covers so he can't see the monsters.

Well said, Acriku.

Of course, it's your right to hide under the covers, Emprworm and Dunenewt. Just as it is MY right to point out the nazi-like imperialism of your countries' leaders. "The right thing"?? What is this, thought police? I believe it to be the WRONG thing, and I will not change my opinion to accomodate the wishes of two self-righteous bigots.

And FYI, I never blocked anyone. Not even Nav. Unlike you, I'm not afraid to see what other people have to say.


I do believe it's his choice to ignore you for whatever reason and furthermore not to be subjected to your childish teasing. (further still I'd like to point out the irony involved in calling him scared when you know he cannot read what you say - essentially behind his back)

I don't see why it's necessary to not only quote him, but mis-quote him in your signature. If, for whatever reason, you cannot handle his arguements in the appropreate thread, then continue through the IM system instead of advertising your petty value of the matter to the entire forum. Like boxers and wrestlers, what goes on in the ring stays in the ring.

Well, what goes on in the thread stays in the thread. Because of a certain professionalism on both sides, emprworm and I are able to thoroughly enjoy laying waste to the opposition in EBFD even seconds after the crashing of opinions on the forums.


There is no misquote. Emp really said that thing in Edrics sig, as well the thing in my sig for that matter.

Edric is expressing his opinion, and if you guys can't bear to read it, don't.


1. I already stated that this is indeed his right.

2. I am not to blame that I have to say it behind his back - he is the one who chose to ignore me.

3. As a matter of fact, I would very much like to take this to IM, but, you see, he has me on ignore so I cannot IM him.

4. The "appropriate thread" was locked - by Emprworm, no less. So how could I take the matter there?


And to be sure he sees it...


1. I already stated that this is indeed his right.

2. I am not to blame that I have to say it behind his back - he is the one who chose to ignore me.

3. As a matter of fact, I would very much like to take this to IM, but, you see, he has me on ignore so I cannot IM him.

4. The "appropriate thread" was locked - by Emprworm, no less. So how could I take the matter there?


well if we must add to it then we can say that yea, you don't need to support Bush to be American, but you do if you want to be an intelligent American

Xcuse me, but WHAT is so intelligent if you support the number 1 killer of TX ??


"Oh I am just as promiscuous as the next parent. Just yesteday I gave rod and tod some redhots with a picture of the devil on the front!"

hehe, anyways you know I have been agreeing that empr is just way far right, but dont let the left wing stuff get out of hand. Just because I dont like bush doesnt mean I am a lover for democratic ideals. like pro choice and gay/lesbian opinions that they have and the like. You guys dont want to go on a path of bashing the american opposition. We all arent that dumb.lol we got smartr bi the dae. hehe


And sorry dust for stealing your color!!! I did that to earth once too. lol, i try not to do it again. hehe

Very nice of you to appologise, thanks.

I prefer this one....

Or this one...

But I've been told that they were too dark >:( . I liked them...

In any case, leaving behind my ranting from before... I also think that blocking isn't such a good idea. I see it as the internet method of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!"

How are you ever going to learn to respect other people's opinions if you don't hear them? And how are they ever going to respect yours if you don't respect theirs?

Like Edric, I have never blocked anyone. I see it as cowardice. If you don't want to read a post, skip it. I'm not accusing you specifically of cowardice, Emprworm, but I do see it as a cowardly technique.

Conversely, I hope nobody has been given reason to block me. If anyone has I realise they won't be reading this so........ Hmmm.


And sorry dust for stealing your color!!! I did that to earth once too. lol, i try not to do it again. hehe

Very nice of you to appologise, thanks.

I prefer this one....

Or this one...

But I've been told that they were too dark >:( . I liked them...

In any case, leaving behind my ranting from before... I also think that blocking isn't such a good idea. I see it as the internet method of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "LA LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!"

How are you ever going to learn to respect other people's opinions if you don't hear them? And how are they ever going to respect yours if you don't respect theirs?

Like Edric, I have never blocked anyone. I see it as cowardice. If you don't want to read a post, skip it. I'm not accusing you specifically of cowardice, Emprworm, but I do see it as a cowardly technique.

Conversely, I hope nobody has been given reason to block me. If anyone has I realise they won't be reading this so........ Hmmm.

blocking someone is something i would rarely do. i didn't even block Nav (except for a couple days to test it out). I would block someone for spam, but i don't need to cuz the board mods would stop that b4 i had to do it.

i would block someone, however, for hatred and posts that deliberately try to offend people for no other reason than to be offensive.

Hitler butchered 12 million people- maybe more. Because of him, he nearly sent the world into utter chaos. Millions more died on account of him, though not attributed to him.

I do not take Hitler lightly.

I do not minimize those who died directly due to his barbarism.

The western powers, along with help from the Soviets, brought Hitler down.

The United States of America was one of the key players in saving Germany from internal destruction, and millions of innocent people from the hands of a maniac.

Superimposing a swastika over the US, or anyone's nation is a repulsively offensive thing to do.

It would be like superimposing the dead body of Allah Sheppard and the flames of hell over a gay pride parade.

I used this example not to offend you, but hopefully to bring home how utterly disgraceful, offensive, and revolting something like that is. If someone did that to you Dust Scout, I would consider them human trash. It is one thing to disagree with homosexuality, it is another thing to be express wanton deliberately offensive hatemongering. I wouldn't tolerate someone superimposing the dead body of Allan Sheppard and the flames of hell over a gay pride parade or a homosexual man suffering from AIDS any more than I would a swastika over the USA, or a swastika over Britain, or Canada.

That kind of childlike, immature, prepubescent hatred has no place with me. If it is a one time thing, I can forget about it and move on. But with this individual, it is a constant thing. I have talked to him many times- both in public forum and in IM asking him to not do such deliberately offensive things. Yet to no avail, he does it continually, without ceasing. THinking its so funny.

"oooh, ha ha! Look at this. The USA = Third Reich. He he."

240 million people- men, women and children all simultaneously judged by the deliberate immature childish moral destitude of one teenager. Why should I put up with this if I don't have to? If I want hatemongering, I can go get it anywhere on the internet. I don't want to wake up in the morning, log on my computer and have to see crap like that in this forum. Not if I don't have to. Therefore, I excercise the one and only option I have left to me. Since talking to him does nothing (only growing up will solve this), it is a last resort to remove myself from the presence of this gratituous hatred that serves no purpose other than to offend people. I simply block it.


How would you two like it if I maniputlated something you said, take it out of context and stick it in my signature? It's petty, it's immature, and since it has no relevance whatsoever in a signature it's...



How would you two like it if I maniputlated something you said, take it out of context and stick it in my signature? It's petty, it's immature, and since it has no relevance whatsoever in a signature it's...


lol, Ace. Its the latest fad. At least 2 people are doing it. Finding little things I said, rather than asking for clarification or looking at their context, they just decide to spam it in their sig's thinking I will be humiliated.



but what can I say? No matter where you go, from a playground bully to an adult arm-chair warrior still living with mom- there's no where you can go to expect everyone act maturely.


uhhh, yes it is Acriku.

i already explained what i meant by it earlier.

and before you put words in my mouth *I* know what I meant by it, you don't.

Original Quote which is in regard to evidence to go to war with Iraq:

"and blair is with the majority of the rest of the world leaders. this is because civillians are ignorant and just look for excuses to take out their anti-american sentiment- even at the expense of human lives and suffering under the hands of a ruthless dictator. Latest polls in Europe show 20% of the population would favor unilateral US led attack on Iraq, while 60 (something) percent would favor a UN attack on Iraq. So majority opinion is already on record. All you see on the media are the anti-war demonstrations- a few hundred here and there. You dont see the Pro-US demonstrations now do you?"

here is the explanation (quoted from the original topic in which was first stated)

"The comment about civillian igorance was intended and stated in the context of evidence for Hussein having WMD. Military intelligence knows this situation much more so than civillians. Civillians who profess that there is no evidence really don't have any clue but from what they see on the news. ."

now, if you want to be a child, and nit pick what someone says to put it in your sig to make fun of them, well i dont think the board mods will stop you. But most certainly I know full well what I meant by the statement and i stand by it. What civililian on earth owns satellite reconassaince equipment? How does a civillian know what kind of evidence exists and what doesnt? Get real. They do not know. So certain teenagers grabbed this quote and felt necessary to poke fun of me like some kind of playground bully. But I just laugh it off


Please emprworm -

and blair is with the majority of the rest of the world leaders. this is because civillians are ignorant and just look for excuses to take out their anti-american sentiment- even at the expense of human lives and suffering under the hands of a ruthless dictator.
This is the context in which it is in, and still brings the same conclusion.

And stop editing posts! It's very annoying, and makes my post seem a bit off. Check out andrew's pic in the site updates for the first version that I was replying to.


Please emprworm -

and blair is with the majority of the rest of the world leaders. this is because civillians are ignorant and just look for excuses to take out their anti-american sentiment- even at the expense of human lives and suffering under the hands of a ruthless dictator.
This is the context in which it is in, and still brings the same conclusion.

And stop editing posts! It's very annoying, and makes my post seem a bit off. Check out andrew's pic in the site updates for the first version that I was replying to.

it brings that conclusion to:

Like you, Acriku, would defend something I say? C'mon man. No matter what, you would most likely be against me. Ggivn the chance to side against me, you probabily will. You even were in support of Edrics superimposing a swastika over the USA. So, i am really not surprised by your "objective" analysis of my quote.

Yet I made the quote, I now clarified it.

So once clarification is made, what justification remains to take it out of context? I have now provided the proper clarification so what is left for me to do?


I wasn't in support of Edric's picture, I was against you getting pissy over something that was offensive. Oh dear god someone thinks we are nazis!


I wasn't in support of Edric's picture, I was against you getting pissy over something that was offensive. Oh dear god someone thinks we are nazis!

oh so now the person that has to endure hatemongering is suddenly the victimizer? Who are you to tell me what is offensive and what is not? I was not the only one that blocked Edric (after repeat offenses, this was not an isolated case). In addition to the IM's I got from different users in this forum telling me they were revolted at Edric's display of wanton prejudism and hatemongering. In this multi-national forum, you should not have to endure racist bigotry like this.

"Oh dear god someone thinks we are nazis!"

And others think that Jewish people should burn in hell. Is it now acceptable to post a picture of a slaughtered pig superimposed over a Jewish family with the words "Jews are animals?" How about that corpse of Allan Sheppard and the flames of hell superimposed over a homosexual dying of AIDS?

So now when someone voices out in disgust over this kind of offensive, intolerant behavior suddenly he is just getting "pissy?"

Is it possible Acriku that someone could be "offended" and not just get "pissy?" Ever think of that? DO you think its possible...just possible...that those people who IM"ed me over Edric's latest public display of hatemongering that they were also genuinely offended?

Do you think its possible, that when I get up in the morning and log on this forum, I should have a reasonable expectation that I wont have to deal with that kind of thing?

Obviously if someone logs onto a KKK site, they know what they are going to see. I do not expect, nor should I, that when I log on to FED2k, I am logging onto a KKK site.


Not the victimizer, still the person who posted the picture with the swastika, but you are not a victim. I don't tell anyone what is offensive, except when it is offensive to me, and I assume you think it is offensive due to your repsonse, so I wasn't telling you what is offensive. It was a joke, or an opinion of a sad person, but that doesn't matter because you should be able to control your emotions and move on. I am jewish, and patriotic, so I think it would be hugely offensive to me, but do I whine and block him? No, I accept his opinion or laugh at the joke, and move on. Even if it isn't an isolated case, it was the one that seemed to trigger it majority-wise since that was all you talked about before.


well i did move on, acriku. i did not make this into a big deal. the community did. i blocked Edric anonymously. Edric then IM's me through NAM. then speaks about it so I respond and publicly admit I blocked him. Then the outcry of ppl thinking I'm lame for doing such, blah blah. Then he decides to "get me back" by making fun of me in his sig cuz he knows I can read that. So now I post my justification publicly since people want to know. And now I have Acriku telling me I'm all pissy and need to move on. Well that was why I blocked him to begin with!! :P

I got tired of the hate speech, so I blocked him and moved on. I was not allowed to "move on" by the community. I did not anticipate this fiasco, but I certainly wont sit around in silence while ppl are upset at me for blocking someone. I am perfectly willing to "move on" as you say, but this continual post-bombardenment of sig-lines, why-am-I-blocking him, yada yada wont let me.



I have never once blocked a person. I think that if you cant ignore an immature post, than you are overly sensitive, and that is coming from me. I am way way over sensitive.lol


not overly sensitive, just don't need to see swastika's, hitlers, and other nazi hate speech superimposed and/or labelled on my country like I was visiting a KKK site. If I want to visit a KKK site, i would go somewhere else. just my preference is all. ok with that, i'm moving on ;)


First of all, I would really appreciate it if one of you told Emprworm he should read this post. It contains no hate speech, so he has nothing to worry about. :)

Hitler butchered 12 million people- maybe more. Because of him, he nearly sent the world into utter chaos. Millions more died on account of him, though not attributed to him.

I do not take Hitler lightly.

I do not minimize those who died directly due to his barbarism.

Neither do I. Hitler was the greatest evil to ever walk the Earth. My comparison between him and Bush is extremely far-fetched, but nevertheless they do share several personality traits. It seems to me that Bush is a wannabe dictator.

The western powers, along with help from the Soviets, brought Hitler down.

Well, actually it was mainly the Soviets. They were the ones who won the war in Europe, along with some help from the western powers... But let's not get into that... (besides, the USA was the one who won the war in the Pacific)

The United States of America was one of the key players in saving Germany from internal destruction, and millions of innocent people from the hands of a maniac.

Yes, and for that I admire your president Roosevelt and respect him as a great man. But times change... We are not in the 1930's any more.

240 million people - men, women and children all simultaneously judged by the deliberate immature childish moral destitude of one teenager.

Really? And who is the guy who did that, exactly? I'd like to have a little talk with him...

You, see, I only judge those in power - Bush and his government - by their actions. The people of America have nothing to do with it, and I hold nothing against them.

Emprworm, let me make you an offer of peace. If that pic offends you so much, allow me to edit my post and remove it. (you can't edit posts from locked topics)

Then we should talk and settle this problem like adults, not like children hiding in a corner to stop hearing the other side's opinions. You see, I am a pacifist. I believe we can solve this by negotiation. ;)

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