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Your Definition Of A Good Game?

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Well certainly there are some genre of games that don't need graphics, but who is going to buy a game that is crappy graphics, that doesn't make you feel like you are in the game, that doesn't let you see 20 feet in front of you without it being blurred or fogged out, that confuses you with repetitive, monotonous textiles? Halo is the perfect example, it wouldn't be as good without the good graphics.


But not as good, which was my point, graphics help a lot.

SC (strategic command) is pretty basic, but good. I couldn't find out what anything was, it was a demo, but I got used to it. I sucked, but got used to it.


Well certainly there are some genre of games that don't need graphics, but who is going to buy a game that is crappy graphics, that doesn't make you feel like you are in the game, that doesn't let you see 20 feet in front of you without it being blurred or fogged out, that confuses you with repetitive, monotonous textiles? Halo is the perfect example, it wouldn't be as good without the good graphics.

I would. Probably my overall favourite game would be either CyberMage: Darklight Awakening (Graphics: think DooM), or I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Graphics: a bit better than Monkey Island).

Don't get me wrong - graphics can add to the overall atmosphere, etc, but other things are a lot more important to me.


One of the most involving games ever for me was Castlevania 2. I still play it now and am an expert at it.lol The thing is freaking old but I dont care about graphics. They are just one of the tools. To me graphics are just there in order to visualize a story. Now if graphics is used to enhance mood or gameplay than great. That is rare though. The last one I saw that did that was Morrowind, and before that Aliens Versus Predator (Not an awesome game but one of the most chilling) . I only care about grapics to get me where I need to go in the game. If its great text then I will play text games (I.E. Drugwars). Mood is everything. If graphics are used to intensify mood then great. I am not a big fan of it though.

The game with the best grapics on my computer now is rollercoaster tycoon.lol That should show you I am not too into graphics.


You all put low %'s for graphics but you know you wouldn't buy a game that had sucky graphics :P The graphics set the atmosphere, and tie in with everything else, so it is pretty much essential these days.

The last game I bought was Haegemonia: Legions of Iron. If you ever have the privilege of playing this game, you'll be treated to amazing graphics, up to what your machine can handle. Graphics represents 1/3 of the total percentage for me, if a game has poor graphics, the most it will get is probably a 70%-80% rating from me, but there's no point having a flashy eye candy game that is awful in the other categories. I really appreciate great graphics, it does make up the atmosphere of the game IMO, but that's not all I look for. If a game has excellent graphics, but is lacking in the other categories and wall full of bugs, it would probably only get about <50% from me. Depending on how poorly it does in the other categories of course.


You all put low %'s for graphics but you know you wouldn't buy a game that had sucky graphics :P The graphics set the atmosphere, and tie in with everything else, so it is pretty much essential these days.

I've bought MW2: Mercenaries just two years ago... And it has horrible graphics. And I think it's better even than MW4, which has good graphics, but miserable playing system and less 'mechs.


Yeah I agree with ackriku about the graphics, V important!

But some games are classics so rubbish graphics don't matter because when you look at them you remember the good old days. ;)


I have chessmaster 8 and the graphics for 3d chess is pretty good, but graphics isn't needed much for that game, it's just a matter of making out the pieces.


70% gameplay

20% storyline(put this 20% into graphics if it's a FPS)

10% graphic

Nowadays game companies seems to focus more on graphics but less and less in gameplay...sigh :(

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