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Guess the Emp object


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I wasn't aware it's shape changed anything when it produced something?

YOu're close, though.

well, i'm pretty sure either after a certain period of time or when a unit is produced, lightning goes around the little gates that the units comes out of and i think it lights up the roof too, may be mistaken.

is it a unit in the last battle on a campaign???

cuz i was going to guess a niab flyer(those little planes in the last battle that dont' do anything!!) may be wrong though

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a maker? (gob just guessed it)

a guild mega cannon??(guessed earlier)

niab tank??? (also guessed earlier)

the building??? (ditto)

other than that , NO CLUE!!!

if it is a maker, i really want to see the pic it came from plz, because i really do not see a maker in that picture

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Can i ask someone: how in the WORLD do you people know what these pictures are? They are so small, I cant make out anything! How are you guys figuring this stuff out?

well i knew the guild one because guild is the only house that has that lightning ball thing.... and the adp..i figured out too late...

but i got that one from the clues... it was hark... it was a unit.. and then i just thought about each unit... and figured it out but i was too late

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Can i ask someone: how in the WORLD do you people know what these pictures are? They are so small, I cant make out anything! How are you guys figuring this stuff out?

When you've been digging around the texture files that the units and buildings use for their appearance in the game, you'll start to notice things you never saw before. ;)

Btw Earthnuker, this is just a snapshot, but is the latest pic a small section of a Harkonnen vehicle? E.g. the front 'square pad' of a Harkonnen Missile Tank?

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