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Ok i know these houses : House Ordos ; House Ecaz ; House Moritani ; House Atreides; House Corrino; House Harkonnen; House Tleilaxu; House Vernius; House Taligari...  Are there any more ? :-/ What's your favorite House? Any info on them :-/?


House Richese yes, Sardaukar are military units of House Corrino, Guild is independent, BG is a school like ginaz, smuglers are far from becoming a House ;D Fremen are natives of Dune or military units of House Atreides...


I think House Harkonnen is a bit to aggresive. I mean from the books - they act like maniacs ( especialy Baron Vladimyr Harkonnen) and that brings them troubles ( The baron's banquet from House Corrino) Anyway i like their way of thinking that's why they are the only trustable allies of House Ordos...


The Harkonnens are suppose to be aggresive they are brutes and only someone like Baron Vladimir Harkonnen could lead such a house.

As far as an allegiance between Ordos and Harkonnen, each lack something that the other has to make their alliance a force with a cause.


1. Ordos hate Atreides as do Harkonnen

2. Ordos are torchuring the traitors just like Harkonnen!

3.  Ordos : Failure is not an option = Harkonnen : Failure is death - all the same...

4. Ordos have no honor just like Harkonnen... ::)


And Ordos know their character and have "snake around Drakonis" sign.

Ordos tortures are weak, not as Harkonnen.

From Harkonnen you know what you should expect ( no good things, don`t come too close ;D), Ordos doing things quietly and they r sinister (like snakes).

And if somebody shouts *FAILURE IS DEATH* must have some kind of honor.


Failure is Death has no honour, you fail you die. The Ordos are very evil. But they just used different ways of evil things. Just because its not write in your face like a heart plug, doesn't mean it isn't as evil. But Gunseng_Harkonnen is a Harkonnen fanatic and will refuse any alliance from House Ordos. But this may change.


Oh and yes, a snake is more likely to kill a ram than the other way around in nature. But I guess this is like a paper scissors rock with the Hawk included.


House Atreides will always be the best House in the universe, they are kind, loyal, honest, but they can also be very ruthless when they want to be look at the kanly between Harkonnen and Atreides, everone expected Harkonnen to win because they thought us Atreides weak, our legions took out two legions of sardaukar on IX, Duncan Idaho slew 19 sardaukar before he fell in that passage at arrakeen, just look around you almost everyone swears allegiance to Atreides Why, I ask you?


BECAUSE Atreides are good and very kind and you won't be dead if you fail on something...

House Ordos are wisely evil, but Harkonnen are evil in stupid fanatical way  that's why they lose everything :P

OK as you wish House Ordos takes their alliance purposal back... >:(


I don't agree that Harkonnen are not wise... Only they are predicted that way in the movie and game, but in the book they are very smart and evil ('sluw')


Example - Thufir Hawat

Thufir was loyal but his Duke was dead through his own failure and House Atredes was in ruins. Where was Thufir to go and the Harkonnen kept him alive for their own twisted purposes. Thufir could have taken his own life but that was not his character.

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