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What year is in the Dune universe?

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The imperial calendar year is calculated after when the Spacing Guild got it's monopoly on space travel. All dates before that are stated as e.g. 3498 B.G. (BG meaning Before Guild)

I don't know which year own our calendar that would be. But I can remember someone calculated that, and he concluded that Dune is about 25,000 years after now


it was based on kaitain time. a 360 day cycle around it's sun. Ill get the exact month in just a bit. have to dig it up.


Like this if I remember correctly (correct me if it is not).

Conversion Factors

(4005 For BC Years) or (4004 For AD Years)

4005 - BC = Years From Creation

4005 - Years From Creation = BC

4004 + AD = Years From Creation

Years From Creation - 4004 = AD


You can calculate it fromt eh appendices at the end of Dune to be about 25, 000 years in the future. Using the Dune Encyclopeadea timeline you can calculate the exact year if you wanted to, as it's timeline goes right back to Alexander the Great.


Like this if I remember correctly (correct me if it is not).

Conversion Factors

(4005 For BC Years) or (4004 For AD Years)

4005 - BC = Years From Creation

4005 - Years From Creation = BC

4004 + AD = Years From Creation

Years From Creation - 4004 = AD

??? I don`t understand you...

BC means "before christ" or what?

and AD, "after Dune"??


for how long do you guys think that the AD time calculations will last?

I think it will last untill the human extinction because I believe that in the future christianity will be the only world religion, cus it has the most tolerance among all the religions and is the most sivilized one. no offense, that is just my opinion


Well I disagree but I don't want to get the blame for starting a religious argument so I won't comment. AD stands for Ano Domini (SP?) meaning after christ in latin (I think).


I thought it was already generally understood Procyon but I will explain. BC (before Christ) and AD (anno domini, or "in the year of our lord") There is no "zero" year -- the year would read 1 A.D., and the year preceding it is 1 B.C so BC years would count backwards if I am not incorrect.


Whoa christianity the most tolerant and "s"ivilized? ::) I don't know about that. :'( and I try not to put the dune books into real life context, I seriously doubt 25,000 years from now will in any way resemble dune. we can't even predict what 500 years from know will look like. So it really dosen't matter what year it is unless you are trying to calculate peoples ages, how long ago the bjihad was etc.


From my idea it is Bhoedism (I don't know how to spell it in English)

But we have masses of religion topics. So don't turn this into another one


WHO CARES WHAT THE MOST TOLERANT RELIOGEN IS. thats what being tolerant means not caring what other people believe and letting them do it. all am saying is that i dont like people who say that their way is the best. anyway half the world dosen't even use the bc ad calender: jewish, muslim, and all those asian and african calendars.

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