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Red Alert 2 Dune


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High standard... Sounds nice... but can i manage it?


3D Renders: I can use 3d Renders that are in the Web Fan Site Kit...

And maybe take some from the movies (they'll not look so good).

Original Cameos: It is possible to take them, but what do you mean about that?

VireFrame...: How in heaven or earth can i get vireframes without:

a) MAking a exact copy of the models and wireframe render it

b) Drawing that with my hands... (It will look good at some models but not all)

I can try to show you some examples...

Starting to make the units specified over in the weekend(its friday so ill maybe start after school today)

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When I say 'Original', I mean not just reusing Dune2000 or E:BFD cameos.

I mean maybe some new renderings. They don't have to be EXACT, but close enough. The shapes are all very straightforward, and whe you stick it on a background and reduce it to 64x64 pixels it'll look fine.

As for Wireframe, If you did a *basic* render and then put on a 'glowing' yellow mesh as the 'Wireframe'. I know that may be confusing, but one of the Lansraad chaps around here has a Trike with some 'wireframing' on it for his Avatar which shows a bit what I mean...

Anyway, have a go and do some samples, and we'll go from there. I'm honestly sure that you'll do fine ;)

Thanks in advance

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It's quite easy to make that wireframe stuff on a model if you have a 3dprogram. Just render it once in wireframetextures and once without. Then go to photoshop and melt the two pictures together as you like and stick them to a background(preferrably a background you made in the 3dprogram so the model doesn't look fake in it)

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3d to voxel prosess sometimes fails...

Dont know whats wrong with the program... but if it fails it wont be worth the time...

What about this major?:

If cyborg can make renders i can prepare them...

cuz im not very good at 3d rendering, quite newbie

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Forget about the 3do->vxl converter, I'm not using it and nor is anyone else. What I *did* mean was do some 3dos, render them, and then get some cameos made from the renders,.

Cyborg; If you could do me some 3do render cameos, I'd be terribly grateful ::)

I can 'steal' cameo material a la Vidiware, and mine look quite nice, but I wanted all-fresh material and ideas for this mod... And so I need somebody to do something that I cannot...

Nema; Yes! that's it - O45's Stealth Raider. (He uses it for his Avatar)

VidiWare; If you have some time, and would still like to help, please do let me know - At the start of this thread thre are lots of things that I posted, and that still need to be done... :P

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Actually, all the stuff that was posted was deleted when Gob archived the attachments :(

Quick summary then of what still needs doing/sorting;

>Ingame Toolbars - one per Great House

>Music - three tracks per Great House, and three additional tracks that are common to all.

>Buildings - For all four Great Houses, the other Houses, and various 'Incidentals'.


>Ideas for Richese/Corrino/+one other SubHouse

>Menu, Loading, Victory, Defeat, Scoreboard screens

>Desktop Icon?



>Icons/House Crests - especially for 'new' houses

>Possibly a couple of map tiles

>Ore/Gems/Tiberium converted into Spice Melange - also SpiceBlow anims

>New Anims/Explosions for some weapons

>Sound Effects and Voices for Units

Quite a lot, I know, BUT I get my computer back on Friday (yay!), so I can crack on with this mod...

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Originally Red Alert; Yuris Revenge.

Several reasons;

>I will also release this mod on several RA2 sites, and most people expect more complex mods to be for YR. Also, most of the hardcore in the RA2 community have YR.

>YR allows me to do much more with units, weapons, infantry, terrain and special effects.

>YR has a limited form of A2A, which may be useful, and is certainly better than nothing...

>YR already has three stable sides (even though Yuri is part of the soviets in the rules, duplicating this in normal RA2 makes it buggy as hell :-).

If all goes well, I may be pursuaded to do a stripped-down version for RA2, with fewer Houses, less music, and simpler (prolly Dune only) maps.

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Sorry no, the mod is nowhere near ready... :'(

I *still* haven't gotten my computer back (they lost it this week apparently...), but it is coming back next week sometime.

I have a few fresh ideas up my sleeve, and when I share them with you all, you can have a *pile* of new voxels to look too...

Still looking for cameos BTW; check postings of page three for info...

Thanks ;)

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*Still* no PC... This is ridiculous! I have been assured by a groveller on the phone that it will be sent back this week, so you can all expect some nice pics to look forward to over the weekend...

I'll keep you all posted on how I get on...

In the meantime I *still* need some feedback on house COrrino units, Cameos and Ideas for the various houses I asked for... Come on people, don't be shy!! The more help I get with this, the faster it'll progress ;D

Finally, I am having some thoughts on the various subhouses; I may group them into two groups- 'neutral' and 'affiliable'. In this case only four would be available as subhouses to ally with, but they would have extended forces and buildings. The other ('neutral') four would be more incidental, and possibly even computer controlled. They would feature more prominently if I ever did campaigns... As usual, I invite comment on what you all think of this...

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