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Second Teaser Trailer Up


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Wow! The second teaser trailer for Children of Dune, titled "Alia", is now up at the official site, and it is just... wow. The other trailer was good but this was fantastic. If anyone just happens to have a time machine just laying around, give me a call, I cannot wait to see this. It doesn't seem to be following the books near as close as the first adaption, but my god it looks fantastic. For those of you who can't view it or just can't wait the download time to learn all about it, heres a synopsis and analysis:

It starts off with a shot of Alia laying on the ground and her saying in a voice-over "Enemies often appear as angels". A reference to the Baron Harkonnen? That seems more than likely. The music at this point is slow with peoples' voices barely noticeable in the background.

The next shot is of Alia on the throne with a male voice-over saying "Are you with the Empire, or against it?".

This is followed by a shot that was in the previous trailer, of Alia with guards

walking around her, and her lowering her head with another male voice-over saying "The empire left a confused and lonely girl."

Then we have a close up of Alia on the throne and Mother Rommallo's voice saying "Did you think you could escape my vengeance?" which seems to mean that her part in the conspiracy was left in the miniseries.

After this we have a series of quick shots with the music speeding up with bongo sounding drums. The first of this series of shots is Alia hitting somebody, the second a shot of Wensicia turning her head, the third being a woman and man on a bed behind a curtain kissing, the fourth is Alia stretching, and the fifth is a shot of Paul.

At this point, while the shots keep flying by at the same pace and the music remains the same, the voice-overs kick back in with Paul saying "We have eternity" while we see shots of two people standing on a cliff face over looking the desert, two people having sex (Paul and Chani I think), a shot of Ghanima in what looks like her wedding dress, the shot of Leto that was at the end of the last trailer, and an image of Chani putting her knife to Irulans throat.

Now we hear Chani (Or Alia? It makes more sense for Chani to say it, but the voice sounds like Alia's) say "You have eternity, I have only now" over the images of two people taking each others hands, something exploding in the desert in front of a man wearing a stillsuit and a thumper (a worm rising, maybe?), what looks to be a battle in space(!), some kind of airborne vessel sending something down into the sands, an even closer shot of Alia in the throne, and a fade to black.

After this we fade back in on Alia's face in the dark with a couple quick flashes of light on the left side of her face while Alia says in a voice over "I will face my fear".

And that's it. This is one of the best trailers I have ever seen. I can only hope the feature lives up to it.

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Wow !!!! I am really looking forward to see the COD miniseries.

I sincerely envy all of you who live on USA and will be able to see it on March, 2003. I live in Portugal, and don't know when I will be able to get my hands on this beauty.

I am really a Dune Fan (from books to games, to everything! - I even have the Marvel Comics and the Parker Bros Game! ;)) and for me, these miniseries will be a great event.

Oh... :'( Do you know if I can spice bribe the Sci-Fi people in order to have COD in a Portuguse channel? ;D

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Thye used both contact lenses and CGI in the first mini, but they ended up replacing allt he contact-lens's with CGI anyway because it looked better, didn't annoy the actors near as much (near the end of the miniseres Alia was supposedly in a lot of pain from hers), was easier, and cheaper than fitting every single person for contacts, then making them

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