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Unreal Tournament 2k + 3


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Radeon Mobilety, 32 MB plus the option to add shared RAM to it.

Thanks, but I can't take all the credit for the desktop. Althoug it's mine she is partially sponcored by my [ vonlunteerd ] work. The computer I'm "most" proud of is my verry own dual. Don't know why but ones you've gone dual. . . you never want to go back. :)

lol, that radeon will hardly be able to chug along at 12 frames per second ;D

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I know Alienware. My Dual is in a case verry simular to there's. But the radion is in a Laptop, not a destop and Alienware is not the prefered computershop in my area. ;)

And every time I am in the US some nice things are comming home through customs. ;)

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You people are disgraceful! Look at the picture! Look how smoothly and realistically the body is being manipulated against the bar! It is truly the next generation if gaming physics. Totally blows my mind. Even after playing ut2k3 for over a month a still can't get over the graphics, never mind the gameplay! :O

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Guest Eric E.


Razorox have you played soldier of fortune2 with all the updates? I'd say it looks better then Unreal tournament. Besides, Sof2 is more realistic, <== and that's not just my opinion.


Unreal tournament's gameplay is way better then sof's gameplay. The sof's controls are lousy and they got their joypad system all screwed up. Unreal tournament is clearly designed more elaborate.


Eric E.

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Guest Eric E.


Well that's your opinion, Peronally i think UT is more like a fantasy game; No realistic weapons and the ''moves'' during the game are off scale. And when i look at that picture ''razorox'' posted, I'd say SOF2 looks more realistic.

Good day,

Eric E.

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Guest Eric E.

hello acriku,

You are right about the gameplay, but it's not just about that,

It's also about the graphics and of course the community.

Take ''Half life :Counter strike'' for example, it's a Fine game, but now it's not so popular any more. In the old days (1-3 years ago), it was a big hit in the gaming world. Because that game was first one out of many to come later that actually had a good gameplay with some awesome graphics and of course a strong community arising. So as you can clearly see, to say it is just about the gameplay would be inadequate.


Eric E.

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Community is what comes when a game is successful, allows mod support, and properly advertised :) Graphics are necessary in a lot of cases, such as Ghost Recon where if it had poor graphics, sniping would be hard to do, and wouldn't seem as realistic, thus downsizing the gameplay factor.

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Guest Eric E.

actually im using a geforce 4 TI 128mb for both games.

why do you tell everybody they dont know what they're talking about?

I'm just pointing out the facts, clear and simple.

And soldier of fortune2 Has a better graphic design unlike Unreal Tournament with their cartoony engine. I'd say Unreal T is more for the usual gamer, that cares less about gameplay and more about graphics, that's a common story.

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actually im using a geforce 4 TI 128mb for both games.

why do you tell everybody they dont know what they're talking about?

I'm just pointing out the facts, clear and simple.

And soldier of fortune2 Has a better graphic design unlike Unreal Tournament with their cartoony engine. I'd say Unreal T is more for the usual gamer, that cares less about gameplay and more about graphics, that's a common story.

Excuse my blatantcy, but it is apparent that you don't know jack about gaming... Soldier of Fortune two has the worst gameplay ever made due to the overabundance of major bugs that are still unpatched. The AI is buggier than windows 98 and the hiccups and BSOD crashes are atrocious. UT2K3 is ALL about gameplay, that is what brings any game to the top. Ever wonder why there are so many people playing the Unreal series? Certainly not just for graphics.

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Funny, I played SOF2 with no problem, and loved it? I even remember playing the demo late at night shooting those guys with the m16. Unreal is great because it is fast paced first person shooter, die, kill someone, kill someone, dominate, die, die, die, die, die, kill someone luckily, die, die, die, grab flag but die right after, die, die, die, beat all odds and score a point, followed by 16 deaths. This is what my first experience was, and it was great because I like fast-paced fps games, but not everyone does it so opinions do conflict on the gameplay.

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