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House Feud


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a secret group within the House of Atreides was placed in stratigic positions around a major harkonnan encampment. "Brothers of the four edged swords". They stole into the camp at night, avoiding security with stealth units on their utility belts. They switched on their suspensors and flew into the guard towers unnoticed. Helmsted himself was one of these men. with expert reflexes, his feet tapped closer and closer to the watch guard. One slice and his neck began to issue forth blood upon the plasteel surfice. Suddenly the alarm was raised. The men regrouped and ran towards the guards. dancing past las-gun fire like a beautiful ballet. With expert swordsmenship, one guard after another were decapitated, their chord-like necks spewing plasma. within a minute, one guard after another was dispatched, an arm chopped off here, a neck slashed there. It was as if phantoms moved in and out of reality and were striking in perfect movement. "where are they coming from!" one guard yelled, just before gurgling a from his torn up face. forty two men were killed within 10 minutes. Explosives were placed around the base and the captain was impaled on a stake, for the harkonnan to see... The hunter has become the hunted. Riding off from the base the explosion could be heard. in the end, the entire small base was destroyed and by only six men. The only wound was a thumb sprain. "For the Duke and the emperor. If only he knew the evil that came from the harkonnan." The next morning, the Harkonnan governer himself saw the impaled captain, and threw up on sight of it.

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To the honourable earl of Vernius. Protector of the spoils destroyed by the great Jihad.

I wish to make a pact with you. As you can see our military might is... well effective. May the Great Mother bless the emperor, but he doesnt see the evils of House Harkonnan. I wish for us to make an alliance. If you wish we may become important friends. It is your wish of course.

The Hammer of Caladan: Duke Atreides

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The Harkonnen decided to retaliate against the Atreides. A fleet of Harkonnen gunships has set off on a bombing mission. They flew deep into the Atreides territory and began to drop bombs and missiles on the military and civilians alike. When they reached a major Atreides base on Arrakis, first they took out the air defenses and then bagan to bomb the base itself. The bombing run succeeded, but several hundred of the gunships were destroyed by the Atreides military. The gunship fleet returned back to base.

Message to Emperor of Known Universe:


The Atreides have attacked us without warning or declaration and we retaliated with a bombing strike.

Baron Harkonnen


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Killing innocent's will not be allowed. I therefore am sending half of my Royal airforce and army to arrakis. two monitors and two hundred frigates will be sent as well. Ornithopters will be placed in defensive positions until another strike comes. When that happens. The rule of kanly will be broken, all out war will be declared on House Harkonnan.

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"God.....dammit ( After the famous Soloman line in intro movie to TS ;D ), this cant get any worse." Linkun Ninx muttered to himself as he looked upon his Atreides base, smuldering from the Gunship attack. Atreides men took heavy loses and men were scrameling about caring to the wounded and dead, but in all the intensity they left there ground defenses to help the men. Suddenly a rumble shook the base, and Linun turned around to see thousands of Fremen pouring down upon the hill. Projectile weapons shot from hundreds of Fremen with rocket launchers. The Atreides men ran in panic as the rockets annhilated Atreides ground vechicles. The men ran around trying to get ground based weaponary but the first wave of rockets annhilated them, they took up weapons and tryed to fight a lost battle honorably against the Fremen.

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The Govenor of the Moritani forces grinned to himself and then giggled like a madman. This was not so surpriseing, as he was in fact mad. Screwier than a tapeworm in a blender. He pressed the big red button.

Message to all houses on Arrakis;

We give you a chance! Surrender, and you will be allowed to leave the planet! We shall not kill if we do not have to!

Govenor Hakran on behalf of Viscount Moritani.

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And when you do it I'll be bwa ha haing along with you. Thanks for staying.

To Houses of the Landsraad

Viscount Moritani has obviously lost possesion of the family brain cell, and declared war on all houses. I have decided that it is necessary to remove him from power. I request the Duke Atreides dispatches a fleet to take control of House Moritani, and may install a leader of his choice.

Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe

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To Duke Atreides:

Do not attack House Moritani or I will personally supervise your execution.

I declare war upon you and the very soil that has been tainted by your people! You shall die, you shall all die! I am sure that my allie Viscount will join me in this war.

Baron Harkonnen

To Ix:

This is a formal declaration of war!!!

Baron Harkonnen

The Harkonnen army on Arrakis adanced on Atreides positions. The gunship fleet flew overhead. Barrages of missiles from the missile tanks were fired upon the Atreides military. Gunships fired their rockets on the ground targets. Harkonnen buzzsaws crunched through the bones of the defending soldiers. Harkonnen devastators fired their plasma and missiles on the enemy minos.

Harkonnen army moved forward, slicing through the Atreides military like a knife slices through butter.

A second front opened when the Harkonnen military crossed the Ixian border and began firing upon the Ixian suboids. The buzzsaws roared in front, slicing the suboids in half with their sharp razor blades, while the inkvines threw their canisters, turning the metalic parts of the suboids into semi-liquid goo. The ornithopters of the Harkonnens flew above shooting down units from distance.

Message to Moritani:


I ask you to support me in this war, dear Viscount.

Baron Harkonnen


Message to Fremen:


I ask to to support us in this war against the Atreides and the Ixians, they have crossed the line.

Baron Harkonnen


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OOC - for all of ya who wanted to spice things up ;)


Ix and Atreides vs Harkonnen and Moritani

Message to Emperor:

I have declared war on the Atreides and the Ix and have begun the attack. This is for all those acts of violence that have been committed unjustly against my people. Their blood will fill the craters of Arrakis. The sands will run red!

Your loyal allie,

Baron Harkonnen

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five monitors moved through quiet space, using E.M. "sonar", picking up on all objects, even some of the older no-ships. one thousand and twentyeight frigates floated towards the enemy, dropping Atreides tactical orbs. blue plasma ripped through the hulls. boarding parties filled with some of the finest solders filled into the enemy ships that werent being fired upon. las cannons severed many atreides ships but in the end the harkonnan refilled the guild heighliners and headed home. the ships commendeered during the battle were overhulled and some no-ship technology was taken. Duke Atreides deemed the scuffle "the battle in the bitter-sweet void". 3 monitors were destroyed as well as four hundred frigates. 1/3rd of the harkonnan forces were destroyed and 1 monitor as well as 80 frigates and 2 aries ships were taken. a victory at high cost.

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to the Baron Harkonnan,

As you can see, you pitiful puss of a baron. We Atreides dont fight like peasent women. You have been taken down in the battle in the bitter-sweet void. You may try us again if you wish, it would be your undoing though. may your corpse rot into nothing and let the Great Mother and Creator be on Our side.

The Hammer of Caladan: Duke Atreides

And to all houses. I have raised defenses and have given House Vernius the 83rd squadren of my Royal Air Force on Arrakis. 120 of my finest Ornithopters and pilots. Fully equiped. As well as an interstellar carrier. May you keep the secrets of your people well my friend Vernius.

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OOC - Ares ships are no longer used.

Message to Duke Atreides:

You will pay for your crimes. You think those were my main forces?!

Harkonnen fleet reassembled and warped back into the Atreides space. This time, it carried an arsenal of death hand missiles.

As soon as it arrived, it engaged the already exhausted Atreides fleet. Missiles(OOC - non-nuclear!) were launched into the midst of Atreides army, wiping them out. The Harkonnens were clearly winning this battle. Closer and closer they got to the homeworld of their dreaded enemies.

When they got near the planet, the ground defenses of the Atreides started to destroy many of the Harkonnen ships, so they retreated farther, but no before dropping thousands of probes on the surface of the planet.

At the same time, House Harkonnen went into complete militaristic regime. All five planets were producing mostly weaponry. New ships for the Harkonnen fleet were produced by the minute.

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On Arrakis the events the events took an unusual turn. The Ixians and the Atreides united together and started pushing the Harkonnens back into defensive positions. The Harkonnens retreated, but when the Atr-Ix army reached the stationed legions of Imperial sardaukars, they were mowed down like grass and the Harkonnen went on the offensive once again. Atreides and Ixians, surprised by the power of the sardaukar, began to retreat back to their capitals. Tha Harkonnen airforce launched bombing runs after bombing runs on the Atr-Ix forces.

At the same time, the battle in the orbit of planet Ix has begun.

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Message from Viscount Moritani to Imperium;

My intentions here had originally been to allow peaceful surrender. In my formal declaration of war against Houses Atreides and Vernius now I make clear the fact that I am still open to offers of surrender from these houses.

Message from Moritani to Emperor;

I hope you are not insinuating that I have lost my sences. My declaration of war has just been anounced, not before.

Message from Moritani to Harkonnen;

Naturally, dear Baron, we shall fight together.

The Atreides forces pushed across the rocky outcrop, forcing the Harkonnen soldiers into smaller and smaller areas to avoid the sand. The man in charge of the Harkonnen forces sent his message...

Govenor Hakran smiled, he poked the table to see how it would react. Then he pressed the big red button again.

The Atreides screamed. The Harkonnen stared. They didn';t know how, but worms were on the rocks! Smaller specimens, only about sixty metres long, had swarmed up from the sand by the dozen! They had squirmed straight past the terrified Harkonnens and fell upon the Atreides. The casualties were huge. But not devestating, a third of the Atreides force made it back to the Ornithopters and escaped, one being brought down by...a worm that JUMPED? The others waved their heads in the air as though sniffing the trail, then dived back into the sand, their wormsigns showing that they were following the Atreides forces.

The Harkonnens survived, after they made it back to their own ornithopters.

Message from Moritani to Atreides;

Do not attack Grumman, and I shall not attack Caladan.

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"God.....dammit ( After the famous Soloman line in intro movie to TS ;D ), this cant get any worse." Linkun Ninx muttered to himself as he looked upon his Atreides base, smuldering from the Gunship attack. Atreides men took heavy loses and men were scrameling about caring to the wounded and dead, but in all the intensity they left there ground defenses to help the men. Suddenly a rumble shook the base, and Linun turned around to see thousands of Fremen pouring down upon the hill. Projectile weapons shot from hundreds of Fremen with rocket launchers. The Atreides men ran in panic as the rockets annhilated Atreides ground vechicles. The men ran around trying to get ground based weaponary but the first wave of rockets annhilated them, they took up weapons and tryed to fight a lost battle honorably against the Fremen.

Vigil, I think this was some help for the record, and by the way, Fremen are also fighting the Smugglers, so give me a break here..

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