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Evolution and Creation


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steven hawkings also did experaments to prove the existance of a god. You guys spew out relativistic opinions that prove only your belief. Not a fact behind it. By the way Edric. Macro evolution is against the bible. Jesus talked of the 6 days of restoration. He talked about it and believed in it. All the apostles believed it and talked about it. I can point out quotes if you wish. If jesus was flawed in his history than he was flawed in his ideas. If he was flawed in his ideas then that makes him flawed and therefore not perfect. One little fly can make the ointment stink. One little mistake ruins it all. Once you start compramizing then you are fighting against the same thing you believe.

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duh... Why would you want to worship something that isnt true? by logic you have just said it is not real by saying that it will be destroyed if we dont change christianity. So if it isnt real then there is no reason to worship what isnt reality.

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Earthnuker, yes evolution is a therory but it is a therory that is backed up by mountains of indisputable evidence.

Creationism is a therory to but a therory that is backed up by faith. No scientific evidence evens comes close to proving its existance. so.....

Evolution is backed up by mountains of evidence

Creationism is backed up by opinions based on opinion(bible)

Why do people belive in religion.... faith ... Take away a persons faith and they will see religion for what it really is..

a fabrication.

Dont worry tma edirco usually comes up with some crap like that when he has no answer for what you are saying.

"TMA, you said in the "Debates" topic that you are clueless and your opinion isn't worth considering.

So I will follow your advice and not bother with your irrelevant opinion"

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Religion isn't a fabrication. I don't believe in it but I don't say it's a lie. I think that even if people who believe in religions are wrong that it can help people. The idea of their not being someone who can watch over them is very disturbing for some people. I think that religion can save lives. When a persons family member dies, they may turn to religion rather then ruining their lives. While I do see it as somewhat misguided I am glad that they have something they can turn to for support or whatever it is they're looking for.

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innoculator i'll quote myself here

"I only worry that once people relise that there whole existance is purely to spead their genetic legacy people will do stupid things as they relise that the only thing that can stop them are the laws of the world."

It is a geniune concern and i hope the world can come to grips with the fact that there is nothing out there and essentially our existance is nothing more than reproduction.

If you can defeat the police and authorities you can do anything you want in this world and that to me that is scary. Just look at the sniper in the states..

and yes.... religion is the greatest fabrication of all time. It is a opinion without evidence of how the world came to be. Religion is racist, homophobic, sexist and dividing..... all traits of man.

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you are exactly right repo man. Religion is a horrible thing. It kills and injures. I dont worship in a religion though. I believe in jesus christ as my savior and that he died for my sins. I follow the word of god. I dont follow man. I am not in a religion and there are many believers out there that arent. You have an axe to grind man.lol chill out.

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Have you actually READ the "Debates" topic, Repoman? If you did, you would know the reason for my reply to TMA.

Dont worry tma edirco usually comes up with some crap like that when he has no answer for what you are saying.

And this is the kind of unsupported crap that you always come up with, instead of logical arguments.

I will answer to you Repoman, but not to TMA.

So first of all, Repoman, I would classify you as a religious fanatic. Your religion is atheism, and you fanatically try to preach it by using a combination of outright lies and non-sequiturs.

You are the atheist version of Bin Laden.

Frankly, I'm sick of having to tell you the same thing over and over again, but since you keep repeating the same arguments, I have no choice. I DO have hard logical reasons for accepting evolution even though I'm a christian. I do not compromise, I simply read the Bible and draw my own conclusions, instead of relying on the interpretations of corrupt Middle Ages priests.

I will quote myself, because I have already told you this (but you refused to listen):

The real question is this: Why do people insist on replacing God with evolution, or the other way around? Evolution is just another scientific theory, like relativity, etc. It should NOT be a topic of religious debate!

God and evolution can perfectly co-exist. "Genesis-as-allegory" is the way I see it. This allegory was absolutely essential, because there's no way you're gonna make 5th Century BC shepards believe that their ancestors were apes!

Why is there no science in the Bible? Because science constantly changes as our understanding of the world grows! The Bible was meant to last forever. So which science shall we use for it? Roman science, modern-day science or future science? Either way, you end up with a very narrow timeframe in which that science is "valid".

How do I tell which parts of the Bible are methaphors (or allegories, etc.) and which parts are facts? Simple: Everything than can be understood by people in every century is fact (e.g. Jesus went there and did that). But "sensitive" scientific subjects (like Creation) are not facts, because the actual facts cannot be understood by all the people throughout history!

Just imagine if the Bible used the scientific knowledge of the year 5000. It would look like complete jibberish to us.

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