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Evolution and Creation


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Evolution is proven conclusively. Wake up people. Heard of Genetics. The evidence is indisputable. How can you all be so naive. Think for yourself. I don't have the time to pick all the holes in the web pages that you have been referring to but i wlll show you some.

They picked a male and female of each species. Have you heard of asexual lifeforms. Was there any mention of this is the bible.

" If climatic hardships did not cause the dinosaur's extinction, man's tendency to destroy probably did."

How vague can you be. Translating this they are saying we think that the ice age killed the dinosaur but if i wasn't that then it was man. Man ::) How dumb can you be to say that dinosaurs were around when man was around. Haven't you heard of the asteriod and how they have indisputable evidence saying where and when it hit the earth. For f#$k sake there is a massive crater to prove it.

"As concerned parents, we need to be careful what our children are taught by making sure they are hearing all of the facts. By teaching them the evidence for creation and the fallacies of evolutionary explanations, they will be directed toward God instead of away from Him."

It is this mentality that has caused the world to have so many problems. Religion takes away a right that should be given to all huaans and that is freedom of information. The taliban do the exact same thing but taught their form of religion.

"directed" is a nice way of saying manipulated, coerced, brain washed.

Here are three reasons why religion should be banned

1: Relgion promotes itself above a human life. i.e It is against stem cells because it gos against its teachings rather than its desire to help a human life.

2: Religion is homophobic, It is illegal in Australia and America to discriminate against homosexuals unless you are the church

3: Religion is sexist. There are many examples of it within the bible.

How many holes do you need to find in religion before you will be able to see the truth. ::)

That it is just man's opinion on how life began. Simple as that.

Evolution is evidence based opinion on how life started. That is why it is constantly changing and we discover more and more evidence. The more evidence that is found the more accurate the evolution therory becomes.

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We also do not know what the geography of the world was like before the flood. If there was only one continent at that time, then questions of getting animals from remote regions to the ark are not relevant.

This is from http://www.christiananswers.net/q-aig/aig-c006.html - does anyone get a feeling that they do not know much? Enormous evidence proves that very primitive men (if they can really be called men) crossed the Bering Strait in migration, now this implies there was no SuperContinent (there are lots more evidence to support this but I won't get them because I am not proving that, it is already proven). The christians end the question of How Did the Animals Get to the Ark? with this, as if it answers that question. Well it doesn't! If primitive human beings that had primitive vocal patterns lived a long time after the separation of the SuperContinent, how could Noah who can speak well and who is part of a much more advanced society be living during the SuperContinent? I just found this itching. And a lot of other questions are answered with "Maybe" statements, which is stupid to call that an answer.

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Even if you had a male and a female of each speices.

That is not a high enough gene pool to create a viable speices.

They would all be growing 6th arms ect by the 5th generation.

The inbreeding would just be to much.

Even if the arc is that large.

It wouldnt be able to carry two of each species on earth.

And how exactully did they get animals from South America,Austraila, North America, Most of africa, The arcipelgo's of the pacific?

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Evolution is proven conclusively. Wake up people. Heard of Genetics. The evidence is indisputable. How can you all be so naive. Think for yourself. I don't have the time to pick all the holes in the web pages that you have been referring to but i wlll show you some.

I am awake. It has not been proven conclusively. Go get your 250,000 dollars then. Show the proof for this "conclusive" thing you declare. There is none. Period. Why are there many atheists turning to Panspermia then? Simply because Evolution on earth could not have happened. http://www.panspermia.org/oseti.htm

at this site you will find an actual scientific community that embraces Panspermia because they acknowledge that the counter-evidence for evolution on earth is overwhelming. They conclude that evolution on earth could not have happened. If your teachers in school taught you all the COUNTER EVIDENCE to evolution, you might not be so brainwashed today.

It doesn't matter how many holes or how big the holes we find they will always use the smae answer.


I agree with this. It doesnt matter how many holes or how big the holes in evolution people find. They will always still use the same answer and say its true.


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easily. mutation is bad. always bad. it is a mistake that occurs in genetic replication. It is not evolution.

Back to this subject, theoreticly it is possible that a mutation turns out beneficial, and that a slightly different variant of a species becomes more widespread and eventually takes over. This would support the claim that life on Earth evolved, no matter where life originally started (this supports the claim, but is not evidence).

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what is your evidence to suggest mutation is beneficial? We have observed millions of mutations, and none of them are beneficial and all of them represent an error in replication. Replication errors are not evolving. They are representative of weakening. No evidence. You can BELIEVE it if you want. Then again, there are billions of other religious people on earth.

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Yes, but Emprworm says there is no such thing as beneficial mutation. All mutation is supposedly bad in his opinion- but even if an animal is perfectly adjusted to his environment, the environment can change (for example, the ice age). Then the animal is no longer perfectly adjusted.

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Yes, but Emprworm says there is no such thing as beneficial mutation. All mutation is supposedly bad in his opinion- but even if an animal is perfectly adjusted to his environment, the environment can change (for example, the ice age). Then the animal is no longer perfectly adjusted.

you are now confusing adaptation with evolution and mutation. totally different.

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how could they get all of the animals across the world. From Asia,North america,Austiraila, the mirconeasian and other islands over to noa.

considering God was the one that flooded the world, I would assume that God was also the one that brought the animals.

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you asumed.

its all based on a asumption

yippi i found a loophole!

lol! Uh, this is not a loophole. It is called faith. The loophole lies in evolutionists who think they aren't assuming anything. All religion takes faith. Surely you knew this...right? And evolution, like religion, takes faith as well. Are you telling me here and now before everyone in this forum that you do not assume anything?

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Emp have you heard of marketing???? The church pioneered it. It sells itself to people like yourself and makes money from you. What do you think that 250k concept is?? A marketing concept.... One that you took hook line and sinker. It wouldn't matter what evidence that was put in front of these people, they wouldn't pay.

The church has proven many times that it will lie to stop the truth from getting out. Look at the Child abuse scandal. They have been getting caught out lying many times just to protect the image of the church, as if they wouldn't lie about a concept which completely makes them irrelavent and make them bankrupt.

Genetics has proven conclusively with out a doubt that evolution occured. Take your head out of the sand for one second and look at the mountains of evidence. Do you understand that we share 98% of a chimpanzees genetic code. Think about that, it is fact. Concrete and in your face.

I honestly hope that you can look at life without the religion googles on for just one minute and you will see religion for what it really is.

Opinion without facts to back it up.

Dday is coming for religion and it will not be a moment to soon. All their lies and manipulation will come out for the public to see and personally i can't wait to its death. :D

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What holes in evolution have you pointed out??? Before you say the missing link consider this. A geologist recently found a fossil of a dinosaur that was the cross between a land dwelling creature and a flying creature. Not only that they have found skeltons of ancient homonids that have varying brain sizes. These skeltons also importantly show the transition from walking with 4 legs to walking with 2 legs.

Mutation has proven to be advantagous very recently. Look at Ian Thorpe. He has Size 18 feet that propell him through the water like a fish and a nose so big that it parts the water before his body gets to it ;D. Before you say that isn't a mutation you have to understand slight variations in genetic structure is the basis for evolution. Another example of mutation being beneficial to humans. In africa there are women now who have developed resistances to aids and cannot catch it. That is not adaption as the body has a genetic difference to women who can catch aids.

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If an animal, because of a random mutation, has a certain advantage in a particular envirionment, I think I can call that adapted.

But this wont happen. There is no random mutation that gives an advantage. Show me an example. Adaption is not random at all. It is very specific and it does not involve mutation.

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Genetics has proven conclusively with out a doubt that evolution occured.

lol. Yes, someone has been marketing to someone, but it isnt me. WHere in the world are you getting this spoon-fed stuff from man? Genetics hasn't proven a thing! WHERE is the proof? WHAT proof?

Do me a favor. Go to this site: http://www.trueorigin.org and scroll down to biology.

Every article there was written by scientists with degrees. They were NOT written by priests.

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The feasibility of this has been examined on statistical grounds[1],[2],[3] and soundly rejected.

That statement is the most generalised rejection without anything what so ever to back it up.

Emprworm, I have been respondaning to each individual point that you have brought up and yet you completely ignore mine. You say again "what proof". You can read can't you. I'll make it bold this time so you don't miss it


Why is this the case... because evolved from the same genetic background. It is impossible to have a human race as diverse as it is from only adam and eve.

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