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Ancient Races


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After riding for 3 days, the Dark Masters finally spotted the knight. His armor glints on the horizon. He is riding toward a rock formation. he gets to his destination and stops. After looking around, to make sure noone follows, he tightens his grip on moogie, who appears to be unconcious.Then he speaks a word, and walks closer to the formation. After that, he searches the wall and pulls a latch. a door opens and he walks into the dark abyss....

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With Lord Moogie still in an unknown area, kidnapped by a mysterious Knight, construction is once again underway at the Orcish encampment.

The Orcish infiltrator, back at the Elf camp at Encelon, follows the fleeing Elf down into the caves, where he finds the Elf city of Encelon.

The infiltrator decides to stay in Stealth and keep an eye on this little city, and keeping to darkness, he follows the Elf to Fingolfin.

Farrel and Hrogg are both about half-way to their destinations, and should make contact with the Mountain Elves and Dwarves in the next post.

Drao, however, is having a bit of trouble finding the Dwemer lair called Encelon, and is only about a 1/3 of the way. However, he will probably arrive at Encelon in the next two posts.

"What a very odd formation." whispers Flagg conspiritorily to Q'uev, "I think it is magical."

"Indeed, we should go back and retrieve Ztraag." replies Q'uev.


A few hours later, after closely examining the rock formation and making sure no-one is watching, Ztraag casts a spell of reveal magic over the hidden door...

A little while later, Q'uev is sent back to the Orcish encampment to report.

Faction Status: Strong

Political Status: High Alert

Infantry: 100War, 20Spy, 3Sor - Barraks

Artillery: 11 Cannons, growing at 5 Cannons per post - Blacksmythe

Civil: 15 Longhouses, 2 Halls

Construction: Mine 75%

Team Q.U.E.S.T.: Active

(OOC: Oh mighty Twin-Head, oh what, oh what did my little High Sorceror find? ;) )

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(OOC, the dwemer and the Hara'Kiri (the mountain elves) are NOT the same people, the dewmer lives under the mountians, not on them like the Hara'Kiri)

A dwemer child is playing around, when he acidentily spots the Orcish infiltrator, the child run home and tell his mother, who calls for the gaurd, who expeting to find an invasion form Ud

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Current dwarven military:

80 warrior dwarves

2 sorcerers (Mestif tought a student)

6 balistas

6 catapults

Meanwhile the dwarven adventurers enter the city of Giltrith. Several windows have been cut out of the stone centuries ago, but most of them were obstructed so in most places it is very dark. Based on old maps, Boldorth leads his fellow dwarves to what appears to be the main hall, completely unwary of what lies in wait.

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Ztraag casts the spell and the ground below him explodes. he flies backward, injured, but still consious and in one piece. Ztragg stands back up and looks at the door again. Now there are markings above the door. He looks, and these are the markings that he sees:


__)_-. __(!~!/)__/.-_(__

__)_-.'.-. ) @ @ ( /.-.'-_(__

___)_ '.--- (-___-)//---.' _(___


_)`. ------,-)_/(-.---/--- .'(_

_)--,-._ /v/vvvvvv_,-.--(_


_ ___/v(_____)v___ _/




Against the Dragon, only one can prevail

The one must pass Many tests or he will fail.

When at the twilight hour,

he must accept the quest to grant us power.

Only he can set us free,

We must help him when he plees.

To enter into this abbyss,

Speak towards the well, this



What does Ztraag speak towards the well?

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Meanwhile traveling dwarves that drop by the dwarven village of Dorth tell them about a mysterious knight that carries a large sac of some sort, who was traveling down the road to the western mountains. Dorth is very suspicious about this, as he had heard that a dark knight had abducted the Orc leader. He sends a letter to the Orcish clan about what he had just heard.

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The Dwarven party walks into the great hall. All of the sudden a giant creature Jumps down from the Balcany. "WHY DO YOU TRESSPASS!" The creature Booms. "Umm, we where exploring this here ruins" then the creature turns one of the stalks on it's head toward the one dwarf that spoke. KABOOM a yellowish beam comes from the eye and explodes. The light is gone and so is the dwarf. Again the Creature asks "WHY DO YOU TRESPASS!"

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Terrified that the creature had killed their leader Boldorth, the dwarves ask Barnan, an expert on mysterious creatures, what to do.

"I suggest we run- fast!"

With that the dwarves ran away from the giant creature. He fired another yellowish beam, but it missed its target. The dwarves run into a maze of corridors and finally end up in a very dark room, where they keep quite out of fear to be discovered.

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A piece of something shiny catches Barnan's eye. gold! all around them. he runs toward it to get it, forgetting his fears. he is right next to it, when the gold starts moving. He jumps backward. The gold forms itself into a sort-of dragon. SCREEEECH, is what it sounds like. it opens it's mouth and just as its gaping jaws are about to close on Barnan, he jumps out of the way and the dragon bites a hole in the wall.

Now it's your turn to decide what the dwarves do, then i decide what the dragon does, and so on...

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(OOC: Wooo...Nice one Twin Head, I searched all over the internet...Must be original ;) )

"...towards the well, this." recites an excited Q'uev to T'naga.

"I see." says T'naga, "So it must be."


Looking up into Q'uev's eyes, realizing the potential power, but the overwhelming ignorance of the Dark Master's mind, T'naga carefully explains. "This quest is now Ztraag's alone. Alone he must decifer the runes, and alone he must face the consequences."

Looking down between his feet, then back up again, Q'uev says, "Then I shall go back to him, with your words of wisdom and my own hands as help, we shall return with Lord Moogie...Or not at all."

Farrel and his men arrive at the Mountain Elf encampment with thier swords in thier sheaths and thier hands in the air, as a sign of peace.

After calling aloud thier intentions for peace, they are met by a heavily armed guard.

"We come in peace!" exclaims Farrel at last to what seems to be the leader of the guards, and bows low to express his submission.

As Hrogg and his men step out of the bushes, they are immediatly surrounded by Dwarf Warriors.

"Greetings!" says Hrogg loudly, barely able to hear himself over the clanging Dwarves (Dwarves are a loud species, as you know), "We have come to parley with your leader, and ask for assistance! We come in peace!"

Seeing something waving in the distance, Drao's hand goes to his weapon before he even realizes it.

Startled by their leader's movement, the two Warriors sent with Drao move to draw thier weapons as well, until suddenly Drao waves them both back and stands in the middle of the track.

Soon the Elves are upon him, and Drao realizes they are coming in peace.

Counting well over a hundred Elves, the Dwemer, it seems, Drao motions for his comrades to join him and heads toward the troop's leader.

Where, to his absolute disgust, he sees the Orcish infiltrator, walking like the "King of the Crop" with his new Elf friends.

Suddenly, the infiltrator recognizes Drao, and starts heading for the back of the group.

Ignoring the veQ (Klingon insult), Drao aproaches the Elf captain and bows low.

"Greetings Elf Lord, may I escort you to our encampment?"

The Mine is finished the post, and Orcish workers start bringing in a load of 100 Gold, 100 Crystal per turn.

Realizing the need for a greater military force, T'naga initiates the construction of a new Orcish Barraks.

Meanwhile, back at the mysterious rock formation, Ztraag awaits word from home.

Studying the runes carefully, and attempting another magical scan, he finds nothing of interest.

Not to be outdone by some wizard of the ancient world, Gandalf or whatever, he makes sure to recite the inscription aloud before attempting the game of passwords...

Faction Status: Strong

Political Status: High Alert

Infantry: 125War, 20Spy, 3Sor - Barraks

Artillery: 16 Cannons, growing at 5 Cannons per post - Blacksmythe

Civil: 15 Longhouses, 2 Halls

Resources: 100 Gold, 100 Crystal - Mine

Construction: Barraks 35%

Team Q.U.E.S.T.: Active

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ehh Lord Johnsonius I only sent 10 dwemer warriors, that about 109 was a mistake.

The Dwemer captain hands the orc a letter, it says:

To the orc comander-in-cheif, these warroirs are at your disposal.

signed King Fingolfin, lord of the Dwemer.

The Dwemer excpiditon arravis at the area disignatet by the prospector, and found Avalon, hte new Dwemer settelment

Meanwhile King Fingolfin dicides to send 50 coloinists and 10 heavy armored swordsmen to build a trade post in the low land west of the mountains, and he also sends a Zhuge Liangs Followers, offering them peace and trade.

Encelon status:


Civilians: 198 growing by 10% (sent to the surface)

Soilders: 47 Heavy armored swordsmen. (10 armed and 10 send whit a new grup of colonists


110 residences

1 barrack

2 forge

a new forge is bing build, done in 1 post

Armory: 0 swords and 0 full plate armor.

Gold: 4500 + 500

Avalon status:


Civilians: 100 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Heavy armored swordsmen.


10 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 0 swords and 0 full plate armor.

trade post complete in 2 posts

message to the Zhuge Liangs Followers arraving in 2 posts.

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Umm, I dont think that the Zhuge Liang followers are still in this

Thanx lj, Actually, it is original. Its something that I used when I played dungeons and dragons with my brother

Ztraag recites the inscription aloud

Against the Dragon, only one can prevail

The one must pass Many tests or he will fail.

When at the twilight hour,

he must accept the quest to grant us power.

Only he can set us free,

We must help him when he plees.

To enter into this abbyss,

Speak towards the well, this


Then he tries it again, but this time using his magical chanting abilities

Against the Dragon, only one can prevail

The one must pass Many tests or he will fail.

When at the twilight hour,

he must accept the quest to grant us power.

Only he can set us free,

We must help him when he plees.

To enter into this abbyss,

Speak towards the well, this

The stones separate and allow him in

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The dwarven warriors blindfold the Orcs, and take them to Dorths village.

Meanwhile the dwarves are running away from the dragon. After running through maze like corridors for 20 minutes they finally halt.

"Well, I guess there is no more doubt who killed all the civilians of the city of Giltrith." says Roburth.

Darnan, exhausted, says:

"Boldorth has been killed- we need a new leader. I say we choose Roburth."

The others had no objection. Roburth takes a good look at the maps and says:

"This room here looks like some sort of storage room- perhaps that's were they kept their real valuables. We'll check it out- we got this far, and there is no going back now."

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The Elven guards surround the orcish troops."Who are you and what do you want,orcish scum?"The leader growls,his mouth an angry sneer."We have come for a peace treaty."The guards leader's eyes narrow to slits."Very well."They lead them with a small troop of gaurds to the kings chamber.....

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allround growth

Encelon status:


Civilians: 217 growing by 10% (sent to the surface)

Soilders: 47 Heavy armored swordsmen.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

new forge is completet

Armory: 10 swords and 10 full plate armor.

Gold: 5000 + 500

Avalon status:


Civilians: 110 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Heavy armored swordsmen.


11 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 5 swords and 5 full plate armor.

trade post complete in 1 posts

message to the Zhuge Liangs Followers arraving in 1 posts.

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Roburth looks at his map when he spots a creature directly behind his companion "DUCK!" he yells. the dwarf ducks as a dagger flies over his head into the chest of the creature. The creature shrieks in pain as others move in to surround the dwarves. The things dive toward the dwafs skulls and slice Roburth's head open. Blood gashes from the wound, he will most certainly die if he soon isn't healed...

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The messenger arrive at the Zhuge Liangs Followers campsite, but he finds nothing but bruned bodies and burned tents, the messenger begins to seach around the camp for any clues to what had happend, but when he finds nothing, he decieds to return home.

The trade post is up and running, here you can buy swords for 10 gold and armor suits for 10, or sets for 15 gold.

the same afternoon at the trade post the local captian (Fingon) notices a race og giant turtels (the size of an elephant). Fingon aporaches them, the turtels just look at him, Fingon tuch one of the turtels front leg, it dons't react as a normal turtel, instead it make a low gentel sound, all in all these turtels seem friendly, gentel and clam, Fingon wonders if they can be trained for transport and war.

Encelon status:


Civilians: 238 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Heavy armored swordsmen.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

Armory: 25 swords and 25 full plate armor.

Gold: 5500 + 500

Avalon status:


Civilians: 121 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Heavy armored swordsmen.


12 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 10 swords and 10 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 50 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Heavy armored swordsmen.


5 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 10 swords and 10 full plate armor.

Turtel project 0% growing by 25% per post

Messenger will be home in 2 posts

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(OOC: Orcish scum? I ought to wipe your faction off the face of the planet for that little comment... ;) )

Q'uev runs to the camp and sees only Flagg sitting across from the rock mound.

"Where's Ztraag?" he asks, puffing.

"After saying a few words in some strange language, the door on the rock face opened." says Flagg slowly.

"Yes? And?"

"Well, before I could catch up, he said a few more words and stepped into the abbyss, then the door closed before I could follow him."

"'Only one can prevail...'" whispers Q'uev quietly.

"Indeed, indeed." says Flagg, stoking the small fire with a peice of rotted wood.

Meanwhile, within the opening of the abbyss, Ztraag breaks a small flare and takes a look around.

"Greetings Lord Dwarf, I am 1st Leiutenant Hrogg of the Orcish Q.U.E.S.T. Team. May I say it is an honor to meet such a powerful Dwarf as yourself." says Hrogg, realizing he is in unknown, possibly hostile territory, and relying on whatever charisma afforded to him.

His charisma is, however, lost on Dorth, who appears to have little patience for flattery and many other important things on his mind.

"Yes, I am Dorth, leader of the Dwarves in this area. Frankly, I don't have time for proper introductions and what-have-you, so please, to get to the point, what is your business here, Orc?"

"Yes, well, I am to begin peace negotiations and ask you about a Dark Knight who has kidnapped our leader."

"I see..."

Furious at being called "scum" by the Elvish infidel who now walked before him into the Elf King's quarters, Farrel keeps his emotions in check, barely, and has the presence of mind to bow when they reach the throne.

"Greetings Elf-Lord, I am Farrel, High Warrior in the Orc clan, Arrowhead."

"Greetings Sir Elf, and welcome to our home." says T'naga when they reach the Orc encampment.

Drao had already sent one of his Warriors racing back to the camp to tell of the Elvish arrivals, and T'naga had put the city into ship-shape and met the troop at the city's entrance.

"Indeed, here." says the Captain shortly, as he hands T'naga the letter.

"I see..." says T'naga, then ushers the troops on in. "I will have some food and shelter arranged for you. You and I must talk later." he says pointedly to the Captain, and then beckons a messenger over.

Less than an hour later, the messenger departs with 10 Crystal, 3 Orcish Warriors and a note that says,

"Greetings Lord Fingolfin of Dwemer,

Many thanks for the Elvish soldiers, their aid will be greater than you can realize.

With this message I am sending a gift of 3 Orcish Warriors, for you to do with as you see fit, and 10 Crystal shards.

As you will see, this Crystal is of a substance unequaled in this area, having properties of both might and magic.

Once again, many thanks for the Elvish soldiers. May our paths converge in the great battlefield of life,

T'naga, Leader of the Arrowhead Clan."

Faction Status: Strong

Political Status: High Alert

Infantry: 147War, 20Spy, 3Sor - Barraks

Artillery: 21 Cannons, growing at 5 Cannons per post - Blacksmythe

Civil: 20 Longhouses, 2 Halls

Resources: 200 Gold, 190 Crystal - Mine

Construction: Barraks 70%

Team Q.U.E.S.T.: Active

(OOC: Twin-Head, could you, perhaps, establish a value for Gold? Since two of the factions in this game utilize it, it may be a good idea. Perhaps we could also use Gold for troop buildup and construction...Just an idea :) )

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Fingolfin reads the note and smlies, "It's nice to have freinds" he thought. He called for a servant "make sure that our new warriors are comfotabel in their quaters, and then take them to my personal armor smith, and see to that they get 3 modifed dwemer armor suits, I want the orcs in my guard, and by then way send 20 sword and armor suits to the trade post" he said "yes milord"


Fingon har lerand how to navigate the giant turtels, it was just a matter of tuching the turtels on the side of their headm then they would turn that way, the turtels weren't fast, but they were an impressive to behold, and they seemed quite clever.

Encelon status:


Civilians: 261 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Heavy armored swordsmen.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

Armory: 20 swords and 20 full plate armor.

Gold: 6000 + 500

Avalon status:


Civilians: 133 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Heavy armored swordsmen.


13 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 15 swords and 15 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 55 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Heavy armored swordsmen.


5 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 30 swords and 30 full plate armor.

sword price 10 gold

armor price 10 gold

set price 15 gold

Turtel project 25% growing by 25% per post

Messenger will be home in 1 posts

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Ok, gold will now have a value.

Train a Warrior: 50 gold

Make a sword: 10 gold

Buy a sword: 25 gold

Hire a sorceror to enchant a sword: 5,000 gold

Enchant a sword yourself: 1,000 gold[for material components of the spell]

Train a WarHorse: 50 gold

Train a Guardian[stronger warrior]: 100 gold

Build a barracks: 1,000 gold

Build a town hall: 2,500 gold

Build a shop[blacksmith metalsmith etc]: 500 gold

Build a farm: 250 gold

Hire a shop owner: 200 gold

Build a temple: 4,000 gold

^Magicaly enhance a building or warrior^ 10,000 gold

You will gain 250 gold per post if you have an active gold mine

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(It's all right for me to already have a mine right? Afterall, dwarves are mining experts and they do live in a mountain.)

Dorth quickly thought of all the consequenses that this agreement with the orcs would bring along. Orcs are known for their violent tendencies and Dorth wondered whether an orc could be trusted.

"This is not the time or the place to discuss an alliance, if that's what you mean. However, we do know of a Dark Knight traveling westwards, possibly carrying a captive."


"A sac, large enough to carry an orc."

"An...indignified way of traveling for an orc of his magnitude."

Dorth saw the fury in his eyes.

"We dwarves do not use horses...we're to small to ride them anyway. However, our sorcerer Mestif has an alternative method of transportation."

The orc Hrogg looked confused.

"Eeeeh...what do you mean?"

The sorcerer Mestif took Dorth and Hrogg to his personal laboritory.

"Now, Mr.Hrogg, you will see something quite unusual."

Mestif opened a door, and in the room behind the door was a large bird of sorts, with lion paws.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a griphon. A very interesting animal indeed. I captured this one nearly 7 years ago, and have tamed him. His name is Grob. He will take us westward to look for your missing leader, orc."

Hrogg looked rather uncomfortable and uncertain. Dorth spoke:

"I shall send one of my best men, Timili, with you. Grob won't be able to carry more then two persons. When your leader has been founnd, we will commence diplomatic negotiations. I wish you luck, orc."

Meanwhile, in the ancient city the dwarves discuss what to do. Darnan, the only one who knows even the slightest bit of healing, says:

"I can patch up this wound I suppose, but it looks like Roburth is poisoned by the creatures claw. We must get him back to our village."

Golg, the grumphy dwarf, says:

"Then we came all this way for nothing. I say we continue, or Boldorth has died for nothing. Maybe Roburth will survive long enough for us to find the treasure of this God forsaken place."

Dilinar, the young dwarf, says:

"No! We didn't expect to see any weird creatures here and it isn't why I signed up for this. We've already lost Boldorth, and we shouldn't put Roburths life at risk too. Let's blow this place."

"There is no garantue that Roburth will survive the trip back to the village. I will not return empty handed!"

The other dwarves began mingle in the discussion. Finally they decided to choose to head back in an attempt to save Roburths life. Golg gave in and headed back with them.

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Dune to the new need for gold to everything, King Fingolfin dicides to start colecting taxes (if thats allowed), angry dwemer protest in the streets >:(

Fingon had now learned to comunicate whit teh giand tortoises, thay were wise beyuon imgainig.

If all this is still allowed:

Encelon status:


Civilians: 287 growing by 10%

Soilders: 47 Heavy armored swordsmen.


110 residences

1 barrack

3 forge

Armory: 35 swords and 35 full plate armor.

Gold: 6050 + 500

Avalon status:


Civilians: 146 growing by 10%

Soilders: 20 Heavy armored swordsmen.


13 residences

1 barrack

1 forge

Armory: 20 swords and 20 full plate armor.

Trade post status


Civilians: 60 growing by 10%

Soilders: 10 Heavy armored swordsmen.


5 residences

1 barrack

Armory: 30 swords and 30 full plate armor.

sword price 10 gold

armor price 10 gold

set price 15 gold

Turtel project 50% growing by 25% per post

ambused by unkown reiders and killed

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