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I didn't say having allies was bad but if they can't win a war without them why claim to be the most powerfull nation in the world? And no you are right I couldn't get into the SEALS hell I coudn't get into the regular army in Britian or America, I'll be hard pressed to get into the RAF (the British airforce) which is what I'm going to do. How do I know about the SEALS? Look information is all around in comparasion look at the fact that the Royal Marines were sent into Afganistan on special missionsrather than American troops. Look at the Parabats from South Africa who have to lift large blocks of concrete for a minute minimum. Look at the fact that America needs a rangers division wereas the British and most European armies have all their soilders trained so they don't need one. Look at the fact that the SAS sent 45 men into a fully armed and equiped Argentinian airbase destroyed 6 Pucaras and many other aircraft as well as destroying all of the resistence and called a navel strike afterwards, amd they took no casulties. Think the SEALS could do that? This kind of thing is my hobby and I havee the opertunity to find stuff out at the ATC (Air Training Corps) in which I'm an acting Corperal.

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Let your beliefs continue, the fact is America could take out any one country 1v1 ( without nukes of course, lets not even go there ). And about your stupid as FUCK comment about one united nation Edric. Every human has the will to fight, for whatever this is, war, rights etc....We have it, also EVERYONE has greed, and that would soon lead to the downfall of this natation. As I read your comments it gets more and more obvious you've been on the boards a WEEEEEEEEE bit to long. Oh yes, regarding the statement that American troops are il-trained, thats the sadest fucking thing I've heard. We are not il-trained, and I can tell you from seeing their training, despite what you want to think. And besides, no matter what Superpower trains their special forces team it doesn't matter. Civilians in some of these Middle Eastern countrys could take them out easily. Somelia was a example and dont say " Well they should of been prepared " or " they were il-trained " because thats bullshit. Helichopters got shot down, on a mission everyone thought was going to be a quick one ( and dont say well the Usa doesn't calcuate things well because Britan said WWI would be over in 4 months for just one example ) and they were trapped in hell. But know what? They took down a lot of enemys, more then the Usa casulties ( by far ) and a lot of'em GOT THE HELL OUT!

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A bullet is still a bullet. One bullet can kill the best trained soldier on the planet if it is lucky enough to hit him/her. It doesn't matter if that bullet was fired by a military or civilian person.

The US overreacted to September11th, heh. ::) How would you country feel if thousands of its citizens were killed by hijacked airliners within a day? I know I overreact and I've more or less let it slide without incident, and I live within two hours of two crash sites of those planes. I live about two miles from the nation's FBI Fingerprinting Center, which is a nice little target.

Now, I personally think the US could win against any nation one on one without nukes, but it would take so many casualties that it might as well be a failure.

Now lets look at nukes. If it wanted to the United States could destroy the world. It has enough nukes to destroy every country on Earth in an hour's time (given how long it would take them to fly to their targets). But you don't see us doing that do you?

I'd love a communist government. If it would actually work, then it would be a paradise to live under. Equality for all would be great, however all governments become corrupt with time and even a one world Communist government wouldn't last forever without corruption.

Democracy will fall, most likely within my lifetime. It will be replaced by a new system of government, which will in turn be replaced by a new system of government. Its practically hardwired into our DNA, humans can't live without conflict, and that is most unfortunate.

(BTW, this is a huge flame war now, please lock it.)

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Vilgent, your attitude is a fine example of what got humanity in this mess in the first place. People like you were flying the planes that slammed into the WTC.

Every government falls sooner or later. So would the United World Government. But, you see, it would be replaced by another World Government.

Ordos45 (and Vilgent too):

Saying "there's nothing we can do about it" is a poor excuse to wash your hands of all responsibility.

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I may think Bush is a Bona-fide idiot: he is.

I may think Gore should be president: truthfully, he should be.

I may think all this "War on Iraq" thing is a bunch of sabre-rattling: Bush IS on an ego-trip.

And I may think this entire country is overreacting to September 11: NOT THAT many people died. Other countries are getting bombed into the ground on a daily basis. Take Isreal.

But I do NOT think our government is dysfunctional, let alone dictorial! Is that what the Commies really tell you people?! If you had BEEN to America, you would know what I mean. I just spent a month's vacation in Europe, and, excepting some places in Germany and Switzerland, it's a h*llhole compared to America. The crime rates in these countries are through the roof, there are beggers everywhere, and they are the most unsanitary places I have ever seen. And the train stations even charged to go to the bathroom! ::)

Overall, I think America is a great country, and I hope whatever backwards, third-world, communist country you people live in straigtens up some day. >:(


WHAAAT?!? believe me i've been in the US twice and i've seen the entire eastcoast of the US. From Florida till New York and even a piece of canada :) but anyway crime rates in the US are way higher. Almost every morning on the news you hear that in the city only 2 miles away from you had a shooting last night and people died. You can tell what you want but that is not the thing here. Also even though New York is probably the worst but the amount of beggars there is incredible. You see them all over the street no matter where you go. The difference between poor and rich is way greater than in europian countries (especially the Netherlands) because our social system is way different. The US government hardly supports poor people and rich people only get better from that

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hahah i'm no communist, i've never been one and btw if you didn't know already, the cold war is over :P. but i'm definetly no pro american though. Well i was actually till bush came :). And this revenge thing of Bush since september 11 is getting out of hand

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