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sigma07br vs. jbonde007

Game Duration: 21 minutes

sigma07br's point change: +35

jbonde007's point change: -4

jbonde007 [james bonde 007 is back] Result: Lost

Points: 33

Record: 1/1/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 181/98/0

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 10/16/0

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 92/46/0

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 17/12/0

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 136.225.14X.XXX

sigma07br [colecionadores de ossos] Result: Won

Points: 35

Record: 1/0/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 93/344/154

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 10/35/25

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 49/226/127

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 12/32/14

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 5.137.18X.XXX

mad009max vs. matuya

Game Duration: 3 minutes

mad009max's point change: +35

matuya's point change: -3

matuya Result: Lost

Points: 29

Record: 1/2/0

Side: Ordos

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 21/58/0

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/7/0

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 19/43/0

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/2/0

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 19.24.22X.XXX

mad009max [colecionadores de ossos] Result: Won

Points: 35

Record: 1/0/0

Side: Ordos

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 46/71/50

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 1/9/9

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 34/45/26

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 1/7/7

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 5.137.18X.XXX



sigma07br vs. aleface

Game Duration: 8 minutes

sigma07br's point change: +17

aleface's point change: -2

aleface Result: Lost

Points: 19

Record: 1/7/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 30/42/0

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/8/0

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 16/29/0

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/5/0

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 120.78.17X.XXX

sigma07br [colecionadores de ossos] Result: Won

Points: 215

Record: 8/0/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 39/163/129

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 2/17/17

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 30/91/72

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 3/22/22

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 136.137.18X.XXX

gxmasterz vs. mad009max

Game Duration: 3 minutes

gxmasterz's point change: +40

mad009max's point change: -34

mad009max [colecionadores de ossos] Result: Lost

Points: 309

Record: 18/2/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 16/49/0

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/8/0

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 8/31/0

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 1/4/0

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 136.137.18X.XXX

gxmasterz Result: Won

Points: 290

Record: 12/2/0

Side: Harkonnen

Units Killed/Bought/Left: 38/59/46

Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/7/7

Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 26/31/26

Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 1/4/3

Saw Completion: Yes

IP: 112.75.13X.XXX

So not ony does he dc, but multi-nick too?!

link to game stats



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Unfortuneately, krazyorse, the people who have that power no longer care to use it :'(.Nice work dj, I didn't know you did this kind of stuff. Flame free, presenting everything plain and simple.Since zamboe already blurted my nickname I see know harm in revealing that sigma d/c cheated me too. Here are the game stats, plus two screenshots i put on my webspace.sigma07br vs. cnadntankGame Duration: 16 minutes sigma07br's point change: +29 cnadntank's point change: -9 sigma07br [colecionadores de ossos] Result: Won Points: 158 Record: 5/0/0 Side: Harkonnen Units Killed/Bought/Left: 68/224/18 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 2/23/23 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 35/122/9 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 9/34/1 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 233.161.19X.XXX cnadntank [endo] Result: Lost Points: 82 Record: 3/4/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 194/147/0 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/17/0 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 104/47/0 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 33/25/0 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 140.67.8X.XXX Stats taken from:http://games2.westwood.com/emperorgamelogs/86488521.htmlScreens:http://members.shaw.ca/markbaerg/sigma07br(1).bmphttp://members.shaw.ca/markbaerg/sigma07br(2).bmp

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Also, suppe100. He d/c cheated me over 4 points lol. He must really be bad if I can beat him (hark) on daja saja with atreides. Here are the stats, plus a screen of the game before he d/ced and one of him d/cing.suppe100 vs. cnadntankGame Duration: 4 minutes suppe100's point change: +32 cnadntank's point change: +0 suppe100 Result: Won Points: 32 Record: 1/1/0 Side: Harkonnen Units Killed/Bought/Left: 25/73/18 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/9/8 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 16/43/6 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 2/7/7 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 33.222.13X.XXX cnadntank [endo] Result: Lost Points: 0 Record: 0/1/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 54/63/0 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 1/9/0 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 37/33/0 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/9/0 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 140.67.8X.XXX Stats taken from:http://games2.westwood.com/emperorgamelogs/86393057.htmlScreens:http://members.shaw.ca/markbaerg/suppe100(1).bmphttp://members.shaw.ca/markbaerg/suppe100(2).bmp

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i know ace that noone do nothing against cheat...

but now there's a lot of people who use that cause they know they 'll win points easly..

the human are stupids! needs to ve rank or money in a game and it's cheatland (lol)...

and ace i answer you cause the post "always cheat" is moved..

i know that before 3 mins there s no points wins or lost ..

but it was not before 3 mins, believe me!

more!....there's some months ,i think ,i ve played a bc vs one guy..at one moment ,noone had the advantage!it was the begining of the game, the dc sreen appear,wait 120 sec...:( and time out..

i look the game stats, and : WE'VE TOGETHER WIN THE GAME'S POINTS!

it was wright that i've lost the game but i 've the points too!

believe me!

i've played game (since i play this game!a long time lol) when the guys quit quickly and loose too!

i don't know how many time is during a westwood's minute..

sometime i play game which was during 1 hours and in the westwood time it's written 25 mins..

if the game is laggy time leave slowly...

see you


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yeah its my first time (other than that bilbo xxx007xxx way back at the WW forum) but its kinda funny how it happened.

I was in qm waiting and got matched with max 4 or 5 time (know of the dc thread he was reported in) I cancled him (sh*t im not gonna give him the chance) ;D so finally I figure i'll tell him why im not playing him. But then he signs off (i didnt know yet) and i get matched up with sigma right away. I go to page max again and hes gone so i page sigma "max is that you" and then sigma is gone ;D

so i feel a lil froggy (after getting airdrone cheated on) and go check the WW site and lookie what I found ;D I alt back over to emp and tell clan mate to let me in but not to kick max out (cause it was going to be funny). i pop in and say hi sigma.... he left. ;D

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Yes, you are right. It's three minutes based on the emperor game speed. The slower the game, the slower the clock. Also, it seems that if someone starts d/cing within the first 3 minutes in game time (can be up to 5-6 minutes real time), it counts as an under three finish. So for example, he can start to d/c at 2:59 and the game won't count, even though he finished d/cing at 4:59. If you're absolutely sure that it was over, say, 8 minutes real time, then it must be just dumb luck for him. Perhaps your connection with WOL was comprimised too, in which case nothing records. If two people d/c at the same time, it's as if the game was never played. It's happened with me and xvayne when we were playing a clan game that slowed to a crawl, we thought screw it so we both agreed to d/c so it wouldn't count.

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Hey ACE can you do us all a favor and tell us when you get DC cheated *BEFORE* (key word = BEFORE) someone else posts it on here.

You did the same thing with viet1987. You could have saved me a whole load of points (and even more aggravation) that month if you simply had posted about him DC cheating you before it happened to me. I am sure other feels the same way. Please.

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