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Who do I have to kill to get a non-newbie team mate???????????

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And that last post, is why I shouldn't be allowed on the internet while in a bad mood. And when I am tempted to tell what I think of someone's constant whining about what is overpowering and what isn't and so forth.

Btw Nav, you remember those strats for early game that you said were unbeatable, I ran them past a guy who has a great record on Warcraft III. He figured a way to counter them in under five minutes. Wish I had saved the ways to tell you.



Man..i need to get a little bit better at wc3...out of like 13 games i only one 3..but i'm gettin better by playin the custom games so i can lose at not have it put against me.


nav, alot of the people in skirmish are newbies but we all have to start somewhere. You and elite47 and sh3llshock and severybody else at one point was a newbie, but just think, in another month they may be at the top of the QM Ladder.


nav, alot of the people in skirmish are newbies but we all have to start somewhere. You and elite47 and sh3llshock and severybody else at one point was a newbie, but just think, in another month they may be at the top of the QM Ladder.

hahahaha the WORST part about all these newbies is that 95% of them never ever even play QM!

of course there are some guys who i run into in QM who still play at the same level they were at 9 months ago - they gave me a run for my money when i was a newbie, and now i crush them in about 5 minutes. so the amount of time someone has had Emp for doesn't necessarily make them become better.


Thats true......but Nav... you have to rememebr that some newbies are taken under the wings of veterans and trained while some newbies are learninig the hard way......OBVIOUSLY the newbies getting the accelerated training courses from the veterans are going to outperform and become battle-hardened before the the non-trained newbies...... I myself was stuck at an average level before Thoxen trained me as Gunwounds. (before he declined and left)


But if double spaced text annoys u then i will post in *your* threads in a single spaced manner because someone making an off topic comment about how someone types like what u did is even more annoying


You are hurting my eyes by posting text like that, in addition to pissing me off with the offtopic post that *you* just made. btw, FEW is mostly newbies so I can see why you'd know a lot about this subject :)


NO NO Navaros.... Few*Jr is mostly newbies in training (althought 50% of the members could defeat you now).FEW is full of elite players.... but lets not go off topicwe dont need to get into a disscusion about who you think you are better than.You have gotten better since your newbie days and we have had lots of fun games ..like when we quadrupled a guy with 2 hawk strikes and 2 chaos lightening blasts but your not at the point in your emperor career where you can call the FEW clan newbies.....since Procyonb, Djcid, Desertway, Tracxm, Sendakon, Drnknmsta, and many others including myself could easily beat you in custom Battelclan or QM.but like i said lets not go off topic


hahahah none of them could beat me LOL (with the quitting under 3 thing in effect)FEW blows and FewJR blows just as bad ROFLhahahahahahaahrofl


you are only saying that because you have bad blood with Desertway... dont take out your frustrations and anger against Desertway on the rest of us. Just because desertway had to leave a game (he has a wife and kids you know..thats more important) doesnt mean you can be mad at him....he has a right to turn off the computer and take care of his kids and wife whenever he damn well pleases.


You are the only one in FEW who has even a remote chance of beating me on a regular basis. Well I never played pro, but I could take out the rest of those guys on that list easily, because they are lacklustre. And 50% of FewJr? Oh man, owlowl could beat every member of FewJr! :) LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

I am saying that 'cause it's true. Elite players. LOL Oh my, really, that's funny stuff. I've played with all of those guys except pro, they are just as clueless as des.


Oh excuse me... if you actually are capable of defeating Desertway, Tracxm, Djcid, Sendakon, and Drnknmsta on a regular basis....well i am sorry i didnt know that...I guess i will have to leave it up to those guys to defend themselves. Since I am unaware of your playing history with them.


i don't play emperor too much, but I think that DjCid is really good, i have never played with him, but I have heard that he is very good. Nav, I have heard that you are a descent player, but the problem is that I don't have the time to waste all of my day playing emperor, there are more important things to do. Especially when you have a summer job and school.


FEW are not newbs Navaros, you sir are the newb, who has to complain about everything, say things are cheap, duck, say things are unbeatable and the whole freaking bananza. FEW will be more succesful then any clan you could EVER make. Until next post, Vilgent.


Well ...thats not true desert eagle... we meet tons of people in the real world who complain constantly.....about many things..but we dont kick their asses everytime they do.......unless your somoene who has alot of "assault and battery" charges on their record :P :P :Pwhy dont we all give Nav a big group hug and make him feel better?...no wait some guys in here might try to crush him. :-X :-X

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