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Ok go here to get it http://53073317.home.icq.com/dune.htmlSorry to release so soon to yours neonext,but here it is,Its not finished, and I won't release another version without a data extraction tool - so any volenteers.. I won't get around to making one for a long time otherwise, Im doing this mainly for fun, and experiance.few things,dont bother with anything but the single player buttonsin there you can choose your houseand the level you want to play 1-22 - the original maps for each housealthough most of ordos maps will not work correctlyyou can throw any midi or ogg files into the data/sound/music dir and they will play automatically in gameyou can edit the scenarios or seed files by hand very easily, fiddle - you can add merceny units via that too


whoops, i can't get the game to run on my machine. when i start the game it'll display a black screen for a second and then exit without any error messages.

here's the content of the stdout.txt file (stderr is empty):

initialising sound.....

allocated 64 channels.

loading data.....

loading fonts.....

starting sound.....

starting main menu.......


are the routines you are using based on time? because it runs really really fast on my 2 ghz processor, to the point where it is unplayable. by the time i deploy a structure or two my construction yard is blown to bits by the army of atreides soldiers that start out surrounding my base

i would like to check out your game more if i could get past this problem, looks pretty decent so far


hey that's a pretty cool remake. although, where dune 2 redux is quite slow, this is quite fast.

the game seems to be developed pretty far already, and i really like all the details that are already in the game (group selection and deselction with the shift button, saving groups, several infantry men on one tile etc). also i find that the hi-res graphics, although a little small, look better than dune's original low-res graphics. oh yeah, and not to forget the controllable air units, those rock :)

again, a few things i've noticed (that you may already know):

- even the new version of the game is very fast. unlike the old version it's not too fast to be playable, but some people will like to have the game slower. maybe there should be an option to set the game speed.

- the enemy doesn't seem to actually build units in his factories

- on the other hand, i was able to give build orders to the computer's structures (that was in mission 17, me playing harkonnen)

- in some missions (mission 1), all the enemy units like to attack my base right at the start (making the missions quite impossible)

- sand worms are... um... damn fast, and damn effective

- there does not seem to be a way to repair structures (but the repair facility for vehicles works, great!)

- structure upgrades aren't there yet, and you don't need a house ix to build special units either, it seems

- the air units are very cheap, and i couldn't get the ornithopter to fire at the enemy. it's an excellent scouting unit nevertheless

- my carryalls love to fly my harvesters right into the middle of the enemy's base, if there are spice fields

i hope you'll actually finish this game at some point, it shows great potential to me. good luck!


thanks rheo,oh, I beleive the ai will build units unless u fiddle with thoughs controllable structures - I had just left that on for debugging purposes, but they will build but only after they have about 1000 credits(they start at 0), then they will really start to mass build. So just pretend u cant controll their structures :). All they do currently, is as soon as they build a unit they send it to closest enemy structure, its kinda basic.As for cheap air units and stuff, that was there just for debugging too, carryalls arent finished, they get stuck sometimes and stuff, it wouldn't be hard to fix, but theres alot to do there. For orni's I would like to make them do fly-by attacks like in the original but, controllable - Its just a matter of gettings around to it,but I think i might have ago at networking first.try r to repair things, hitting r on a unit should make it go to repair yard automatically as wellu can cheat and see the whole map with f2.Best way to test ai out is level 22 for any of the houses, I havent been able to win so far on that lev.Another thing,There will be probs on many maps, because Ive changed the way units behave to make it a little more balanced, Infantry and troopers are much more useful now unlike dune2, and so mission 1 will be pretty much impossible really.Infantry are very effective against other men, but Troopers are not so useful against other men.



it is obvious the game is well polished and refined. the only clipping problems i saw where on the health bars. and i noticed there is no smooth scrolling (one tile at a time) but that is just being picky because dune 2 didnt have it and even 'new' games like civ3 dont have it. overall very good


yup, i forgot to mention that: the health bar of units and structures will often be behind other graphics like impact craters or other units. i guess that shouldn't be so.

thanks for the tip with the "r" button, i think you forgot to mention that in the readme file ;)



theres 3 files from this thread youll have to get,

id post a full fixed version but the board complains about no room left,

so make sure u get them in order from top to bottom of forum


just out of curiosity, what resolution and color depth does this run in (to save me the time of checking myself ;D) and is there any option to change it?


it runs at 640x480 8bit hard coded atm, it wouldn't be hard to change this with an in game option - Ill get around to it eventually.


it runs at 640x480 8bit hard coded atm, it wouldn't be hard to change this with an in game option - Ill get around to it eventually.

ah no wonder it runs so much faster

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