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CNC: TS or StarCraft?


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no i'm the human father heheh :)... i'm the strategic mind behind everything... but she strikes with the honor... but every evening at 6:00 pm she comes to me and asks... what are we gonna do tomorrow daddy? :)

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star craft

1.-you can build multiple units instead of 1 at a time

2.-more fun

-easier to play

1.-You can que TS, too, dummy...

2.-Let's stick to non-opinion reasons. For instance, I think TS is WAY easier to play, not as much micromanaging.

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-better graphics

-betterstory (not the same 2 armys one good one evil)

-less and better units with multible abilities


-made by awesome l33t gamerz who care about there games and keep them alive for a very long time and all of there games get really good reviews and are grrreat!

-made warcraft3 which is really cool(and for you that hate the group cap the game is still awesome besides that).


-crappy graphis

-too many units and the are all bad

-no capital warships

-no upgrades

-made by SOBs that diserted emperor make crappy games that are the same format and there games die fast and really suck.

-note: the term l33t is more than a language it is a term of honour like n00b is is a bad term. So don't acuse me of using the balck arts because I am not.

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- runs on P120 too

- 3D voxel graphics instead of 2D cartoon of previous C&C or SC

- no side is good or evil! GDI betrayed mankind, Nod just Hassan...

Also, what capital ships are in SC? SC isn't Homeworld.

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Battlecruisers and Carriers... and btw... Starcraft runs on a pentium 60 lol.. while TS needs at least a p200 to run smoothly (probably more)

And yes, upgrades make blizzard games indeed better... though you enemy may play the same side as you do in starcraft. It doesn't mean that your units are totally the same because of the upgrades.. this might give you an advantage... it's always a choice, upgrade (costs quite some money) or not. It does give u an advantage later on though.

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I'm almost through with the Protoss campaign so I'll see what's so special about that ending scene :).

I also almost completed the Zerg campaign but it kept crashing at the same point so I haven't seen that ending scene yet :-.

Btw: SC definetely beats TS at originality.

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tiberian sun is not 3d its 2d and if you think is your wrong emperor was westwood's first 3d game they even said so. and I take back all westwood games suck renegade is cool.

Blizzard STILL hasn't released a true 3D RTS. Remember, you can't rotate in War3, so you only have to draw part of buildings and units, thusly it is 2D.

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And even then. If you can't rotate it doesn't mean that it isn't 3d. Total Annihilation was the first 3d RTS (still one of the best 3d rts engines ever btw) and you can't zoom/rotate there... but it is 3d believe me.

TS is not 3d no. But it does have a voxel engine. It does make it somewhat 3d. Deltaforce for instance was also made by a voxel engine.. It does give certain advantages but it is just not as good as a 3d engine.

btw about the starcraft book (and warcraft and diablo books) does anyone have them. Or does anyone have the E-book? I would realy like it. Plz mail me if you have it...

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Blizzard games all have horrhble "stories" ROFLWhat's that? I need to find Khalim's Brain which is being hidden up the caboose of a spider monster, and after that I need to find Khalim's heart. But that's not all, because another generic monster also happens to have Khalim's Eye! And combine them together in the Rubik's Cube to make a magical mace of purity? ROFL ROFL ROFLThat's the kind of stuff Blizzard's "stories" are. Uber-Babyish with a capital "UB".

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Have you even read them u dumbass...??Your so fukin stupid, u prolly haven't even read them, Blizzard had top-of-the-line writers from princeton and harvard and so forth write these stories, and are very detailed,literate, and not "uber-babyish" as u call them. So either u never understood a friggin word of it :P or you are just plain ignorantAnd we all know whut the majority of us here at FeD2k would chose...

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BLIZZARD!!! Diablo II's storyline is wicked... it is just so dramatic.. the world is about to become under eternal darkness heheh... i love it. Just as I love the other 2 universes, Starcraft and Warcraft

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Or better yet:

The Protoss all gather together in a single ship, go to warp speed around a black hole and travel back in time to exterminat the Zerg in their infancy but instead land on Earth in the time of Warcraft and battle primitive races with outdated technology ;D.

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When was that?

WCI, WCII humans were good in that one and won

StarCraft, technicly the goodguys won

WarCraft III all the good races won

Diablo, good guys win, just that the bastard keeps comin back ;D

and either way it doesn't matter if good guys or badguys won in a story, i mean goodguys winning has been TOTALLY WAY-OVER DONE

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