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I have an Uncle and Aunt who deprive their children of the truth, and one is 14! He's gonna grow up and hate the way he is if his parent's don't let him into the world. They aren't allowed to see Star Wars, and of course HP. They are a good christian family though, and the parents do all the crap they tell their kids 'not' to do. But anyways, edric you sure like sarting religious brawls eh? And spells might work... All ye behold, I have created a spell mixed with sulfuric acid and a little caterpillar droppings - it will burn you on sight! Throw it in the eyes of the evil doer and watch him burn! ;) Just kidding though. And the two before me that posted, don't bash what you don't obviously understand anything about.


Witchcraft is ancient edric. If you really do think that it started in europe then you are nuts. Shamenism, rod and pendulim, mediumism, necromancy, conjuring blah blah have existed for very very long. The king james version just explains this how it worked during their time. This stuff actually can be very real and is freaking dangerous. Jews that did this crap were killed (granted tehre were 3 witnesses that could conferm it to the judges) God would not let curruption enter into isreal in ancient times. Read it yourself guys. No homosexuality, no rebel kids, no rapists, no murderers. The list goes on. It was to keep isreal clean of anything unredeeming to god. Dont try to make the bible "politically correct" Edric.lol

Disclaimer: Harry potter is just a fun story for kids and is not evil like stupid ultra conservitive christians say. They say everything is and have no fun. the freaks.lol


maybe he does exsist and hes best trick is getting us to think he doesnt by saying that he is really an anthropomorphism of the malice in ppls' hearts ;D


Tack? I don't get it, Nema... ???

TMA_1, I hate political correctness. :P But what I said about the Bible is true. King James was extremelly afraid of witches...

Witchcraft as we know it is part of the ancient celtic religions of Western Europe. Of course, you can use a broader definition... in that case it includes the vast majority of primitive religions everywhere.

You're right about God keeping Israel "clean", TMA.


"This stuff actually can be very real and is freaking dangerous."

Vodun. Voodoo if you want its common name. It is very misunderstood. Most of it focuses on the white arts, but some focus on the black arts. The black arts are what give Vodun a bad reputation. And yes it is very dangerous, just take a trip to Haiti and make some of the friendly folk in the countryside mad.

"Yeah...sure enough, I've seen it in a Christian Bookstore. I personally prefer Veggie Tales though"

"How did you know I like Vegie Tales?

I don't even know why I'm posting here but I will say a little something. I think people, Americans especially (I am American by the way) are becoming overly sensitive. This reminds me of a King of the Hill episode (cartoon) I saw a couple days ago oddly enough. An extremem Christian woman was arguing against Halloween."

What didn't scare me was the trick or treaters. Or the made up stories that with the Hunter's Moon the demons were released for one night. What scared me was the Mormons competeing with the Methodists handing out packets of religious info. When you are handing out candy you can't avoid them.

"And ordos... whats up with you and the wiccan religion? you have posted about it 2 times before. YOu say you are a christian. are you one of those new age types?lol if you know what I mean the bible is well... kinda against having other faith systems incorperated with christ? lol or you are just being corny idealistic. either one.lol NOT A FLAME BUT TRUE. my first caps lock usage on a website in forever!"

No just religiously tolerant, or try to be. I am not in any way a Wiccan, though I do know several and I respect them for their respect to nature, peacefulness, positive attitudes, etc. And I think it was three times. Once "Witchcraft and the Media" "Religion" and I thought there was a third, guess I was wrong.

"I think if you've got questions about the Wiccan belief system or Satanism (which is a form of extreme Christianity in my views...) or any other religion, for God(s) sake(s), RESEARCH IT! Trust me, God won't strike you dead."

Trust me, I have researched it heavily. I just wanted to see your all's opinions. It is usually good to see how other people believe.


I haven't read them all - I borrowed a copy (before understanding such a prominent craze, I need to know what is is about), and was amazed at how tacky (er... full of ghafla and superficiality) it was. I see no substance to it.


Of course. HP was never meant to be more than just light reading. It's superficial and has no message, but it's interesting nonetheless.


Well, I sat down and watched the movie last night (nearly three hours...is it just me, or are they making the fantasy movies longer and the Sci-Fi's shorter?), and I've got to say I really enjoyed it. It was actually much better than I anticipated...Which is saying a good bit ;)

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