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the ordos raider trike completely replaces the regular trike when you play as ordos right?

so if you are atriedes for example, and you capture an ordos light factory, do you produce raider trikes or just regular trikes?

and it goes the other way around too, if you are ordos and you capture an atriedes light factory, which type does it produce?

  • 3 weeks later...

The ordos are weaker in armor then others and they get good tanks and infantry later then harkonnen or atreides. They are no match for devastators or sonic tanks. The daviator sux.

But it`s good fun to play with them cuz they are so weak.

I love to play with the atreides myself cuz the fremen are very strong. U can let them do all the fighting for u. Itt`s fun watching the fight.



yeah, choosing what house you want to play with is like choosing the difficulty level.

harkonnen=easy, atreides=medium, ordos=hard

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

The Devastator can't lay a finger on the Deviator: Deviate -> Destruct. For Launchers, there is always the Starport. I don't like spending $600 on a Heavy Factory, $600 on upgrades just to get the Siege Tank. On the other hand, look at it this way: Ordos gets Siege Tanks earlier than the other Houses because they don't have to upgrade to Launchers first. Of course, it still sucks that you have to wait until level 7 of the Campaign before you get them...

Unfortunately Dune II doesn't have multiplayer; Raider Trikes would give a decent reconnaisance advantage to the Ordos player.

  • 1 month later...

yeah, choosing what house you want to play with is like choosing the difficulty level.

harkonnen=easy, atreides=medium, ordos=hard

in a way...if you found this out, ordos is the easiest once it has the deviator tank. Just fire at a unit and take it over. Get it to attack and click on the attack button again. Once it turncoats back to its team, you should still have the attack mouse icon on the screen. Get it to attack a structure and the enemy wont attack it. Cheap way to win.


Yes, but you can also take advantage of the sonic tank bug which allows you to increase the range of the sonic tank (great for taking out defence turrets) by increasing the game speed momentarily.

i don't see how anyone can argue that harkonnen is not the easiest house. devastators are very powerful, especially when used to their full potential (self-destructing in the right places at the right time), and death hands are the easiest/best palace special in the game.


Neontext is right...

IMHO however, were it not for the range/power of the rocket turrets, I think a slightly altered unit distribution would have made the game a little more perfect still.

I was thinking that each side could be denied access to either the Rocket Tank (AT), Seige Tank (OR), or the Combat Tank (HK).

That way, each house relies on the starport to a different extent, and has more strengths/weaknesses. In this case, HK incur much greater army costs, as thier units are inherently more expensive...



Neontext is right...

IMHO however, were it not for the range/power of the rocket turrets, I think a slightly altered unit distribution would have made the game a little more perfect still.

I was thinking that each side could be denied access to either the Rocket Tank (AT), Seige Tank (OR), or the Combat Tank (HK).

That way, each house relies on the starport to a different extent, and has more strengths/weaknesses. In this case, HK incur much greater army costs, as thier units are inherently more expensive...


Neh. Windtrap -> Refinery -> Starport.

Who needs factories?

Besides, the Ordos don't get Launchers, it's Dune tradition :P - the Atreides are supposedly against excessive violence, deny THEM the Siege Tank instead.

Not giving a house the basic Heavy Factory unit doesn't make sense at all. :

Also, $4800 worth of Sonic Tanks >>> $4800 worth of Devastators.

Sonic tanks in groups kill all. Just too powerful on max game speed.

Atreides is easily the most powerful house, especially with multiple palaces. Just go 2 ref, quick HF, Starport (order 2 carryalls), IX then order/build as much Siege/Sonic as possible then attack fast. If they engage your army and seem to be winning, order 1-3 Launchers to do quick HF/Yard kill.

No need to upgrade Yard/HF or expand base (maybe 1 extra ref or Light Fac to send Quads).

Harkonnen is good too, but ONLY because they can get Devastators earlier than Siege Tanks: LF (build a few Quads) Starport (start ordering tanks), HF, IX -> Devas. Your real base busting power will come from Launchers anyway. Upgrade HF or order from Port...2-3 for quick building kills while your main army engages the enemy.

Because R-Turrets build so slowly, the enemy won't have many of them when you come knocking. You should be able to kill them easily, as they have only marginally more armor than a Quad, and repairing even one of them will cripple your opponent economically.

Against Ordos, Harkonnen is outmatched. Ordos get quicker Siege Tanks, get recon advantage with Raiders which Harkonnen can't counter with slow Quads.

Deviators positively rape small attack groups or recon units.

*POOF* there goes your recon unit.

*POOF* there goes a third of your attack squad.

*POOF* there goes your Devastator...

Harkonnen will have to use a large army to effectively engage the Ordos, and guard their units well...Saboteurs can easily destroy a lightly guarded base...and if they do go pure offense, it never hurts to buy a few Ornithopters and attack their base. The only thing that will stall the Ordos is a lucky Death Hand hit or pure defense, in which case the Ordos player will be forced to buy Launchers from the Port and kidnap the Harkonnen player's Harvesters with his Deviators. Also, Saboteurs and small groups of Raiders Tanks are little Harvester terrors. In the end, the Harkonnen side just runs out of money anyway. Then the Launchers kill the turrets, while Siege Tanks handle any mobile units sent to defend the turrets.


I play this game too much.


In dune 2, harks are the hardest, atredies are 2nd, and ordos are the easiest.

The atredies have a bug for the sonic tank, the ordos have a bug for the deviator.

Atredies and ordos have a superweapon that can actually do something while harkonnen have an highly inaccurate death hand


well i guess that depends on your strategies, cuz i think ordos was the hardest, until mission 7 that is.

They do not have launchers in mission five, so you will have to face the turrets with brute force, and they get siege tanks relatively late (mission 7). however once they get deviators the game is a piece of cake

Harks get all the heavy technology in the right missions, launchers, siege tanks, whatever you need. I found them to be the easiest i think, also thanks to the deathhand which may be inaccurate. But utterly devastating.

Atreides comes 2nd as it gets all the units at the right moment like the harks, and their sonics are great, as are the fremen. However fremen are not as good as the DH IMO


No, Ordos can get Siege Tanks in mission 6. It's just that they can't build Launchers. And so they will need to buy them from the StarPort. Something you get from mission 6


no no no, i'm positive. They can't get siege tanks until mission 7. As i recall myself being incredibly cautious with those 2 siege tanks they drop off in the beginning of the mission


Hmm, maybe it's too long ago since I played Dune II

I can only remember Harkonnen Mission 2 where you get vehicles as reinforcements which you can't build (the Quad)

  • 3 weeks later...

IMO the ordos deviator is FAR more powerless than most here thinks.

It has a big tendency to miss, and you get your unit back just by firing at it with an infantry(like if any infantry survive a second in a war :P) or a trike or something.


yes, but you can take over an enemy unit, and then give it an attack order vs. the enemy base or unit, and even though the unit may turn back to it's original house, it will still attack, so it will attack it's own friends...

and you can selfdestruct devastators


the only problem is that deviators don't take much damage...

They don't damage anything either.

However, it may be used with big advantages against a devastator.

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