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All Subhouses -[vs.]- All Houses

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if..to say..and couple of infils(Ix) and Fadayiks(Fremen) were to ware down the defences and then they managed a huge assault of Sards and Elite Sards combined with both type of Fremen infan with leeches and contaminators to ware down the enemy combined with a massive assault of infils as sweepers through the break in defences..do u think u could fend it off???

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yeah..good point..also no reinforcements now for major houses...bigass blockade. stop resource mining too. also while all other subhouses fronting major attack at front of base, guild sneak in at back..base units too busy at the front to deal with the guild NIAB Tanks...muahaha

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I believe that this post assumes that the Guild is trying to test it's strength or some other such stuff when allied with other subhouses. If not, the smugglers aren't considered a subhouse by Emperor OR the Dune books. They're just there. They'll provide ANYONE with enough solaris, transport anywhere. As for the Emperor, he was already assasinated by that Lady Elara, consort, remember? But House Corrino is one of the great houses. Kinda intresting, Sardaukar vs. their master.

As for the guild NIAP? Please, that thing is almost worthless. Sending in airdrones completely wipes them out. Those Tleilaxu Living Turrets could be a different story though...

I say that it would most likely be a long, tough battle. It would also depend on whether or not the great houses allied with each other. If they did, the great houses would probably win. If not...

Atreides would probably win, if they build proper anti-Guild defenses (check out emprworm's site, the slide show on that works) and deployed scouts in front of ramps, around spice fields, etc, etc. They would have to be using super defensive strategies to win. Slow advancing, setting up fortified areas on and around infantry rock in the sand, and multiple bases (if possible).

Ordos probably wouldn't, even if they built great Guild defense, their sheilding is their doom against elite Sards. Leeches would get harvys, then Fremen Feds and Sards would annihilate any other units, and then would help the Guild to destroy defenses and the base.

Harks could really go either way. I've played the least with them, so I'm not an authority, but they could win. Buzzsaws tearing up their fields, Inkys to kill many infantry, protected by buzzsaws and missile tanks. Flametanks and infantry would be useful there too, since the subs are mainly infantry based. Of course, scouts around ramps, spice fields, and any group of units.

What do you think?

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In Dune, subhouses would win. Tleilax can provide all the soldiers they want and not be affected if the first wave all dies, just reclone them. And the guild can stop all transportation to Houses, leaving them divided and stranded, which is an extreme advantage - just kill them one by one. Fremen would rule Arrakis obviously, so whoever goes there is dead.

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It is impossible to clone something without resources - so why do you say that the Tleilaxu lose nothing?

And "they do everything as Corrino say" er... not really! Besides, the alliance of the subhouses is a given factor...

As to an airforce, it is not a necessity - remember it is not airpower that can win on arrakis, it is desert power (which *can* include air power).

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Tleilaxu uses recources!

And you forgot the Face Dancer (What exactly are that thing... never read dune1 just seen the movies and played the game, and im now reading about a face dancer and a navigator++ in the start of dune2(messiah or what its named))

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