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VidiWare's Dune RPG - Download and Try


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Dune Game

I have made a totaly zero dune game.

Want to try?

Download it from this post.

Anybody want to take over the project or have any ideas how to make the game easier/less time to program?

Made in Delphi 6.0 Personal edition

To get it work you need to put 2 mid files in C: named dune.mid and dune2.mid

Any comments?


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Can i get the answer? Shall i continiue on it

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I have to say I like it.  So far as being a game it certainly needs a *lot* of work but the idea of using the Dune II graphics to create an adventure game was excellent.  I think you could really have a start of something here.

The game looks interesting but it would help if I knew how to play it.  So far the only controls I've found to have some function are the arrow keys and the space bar.  Also, I loved the ability to commandeer a vehicle but how to I exit it?

Now, I can't really afford to take on a new project myself right now but I think I will toy around with a few ideas you've inspired.  The only programming language I know with proficiency is Visual BASIC but I think that should be powerful enough for these purposes.

Keep up the work, I'd love to see what you come up with.


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Visual basic is a good thing but i dont like piracy and i cant afford a license  :'(

Space = Enter Vehicles

Shift = Exit Vehicles // CAus i didnt find a easy way to enter + exit with space (this is easy to change)

Arrowkeys = Moves You; he's called VidiWAre (guess why)

I think thats all, i need a picture of a sonic tank faced  this way-> to continiue, and i dont want to complete 5 levels in D2 to do it

I realy love that a person likes my work

The thing is Currently Licenced as Freeware, plz give some credit to me when you give it away (if you want to)

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Here is a picture of a sonic tank.

I can't see the source but I have seen you have imported all images in the exe-file. I advise you to take them apart. Otherwise the exe-file will be slow if you have many images in it...

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I've created a bitmap containing the in-game image of each structure in Dune II.  The flags have been removed and I've included each frame of animation for the Heavy Weapons Factory, Repair Depot, and Outpost.  I had compiled it for my own project but thought it might be of use here.


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The mid files must be real, (because the player cant come out with an error... ) and...

I havent uploaded any midis in the test, so use some of your own dune midis. Nema have a lot of them... on his page... I dont know the adress but... maby he can uplaod a few?

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Here the files i used are... place them in C:*.*

his could not be so very difficult for PC users.

Remember this game is made for MS Windows! I have onlyt tested it on Windows 98 and a Computer 166Mhz 64mb ram can run it. No dlls installed on that computer

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it worked for me, i just don't understand what you are supposed to do. Jacob, extract dune3.exe to C:/duneIII/, then extract the two mids that vidiware attached to C:/ that should do the trick.

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Yes thats all and i compiled it in C:Mine DokumenterVidiWare Dune RPG*.* (im norwegian)

in english it should be:

C:My dokumentsVidiWare Dune RPG*.*

But this dont make any sense  i  tested in in C: too

Look at the post Vidiware opinions frodo and douds to get a suprise...

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