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Emperor: Battle for Dune "The Revival" official blog link:

Visit the Events page for the latest event.

Logo submissions and screenshots, send to: zhartconcepts@aol.com


  • Site is still under construction. Errors in design are to be expected.
  • Clans event will be officially open for business when there are enough active clans registered.
  • Every Clan should have their own logo. If you can't make your own, please let me know... I can always help with my limited skills in design.
  • Please try to use English when using chat boxes in the site, as it is an universal language on the internet. Use of other languages are still allowed but try not to overdo it.
  • There might be a new server, so be prepared for transition. A new server will allow us to record battles and setup our own Ladder ( As known as Ranking list ); It will also ensure there are no players playing under new nicks.

Here is an update of the list of new clans and their members:

1. "Dark Allience" has changed their name to "Children of Dune"

Members list:

  • Kindjal86
  • Centner
  • Moroz666

New logo on the way, "Dark Allience" Logo proposal was:


2. "Russian Attack" (Official when logo is submitted)

Members list:

  • Chaos
  • Kralizets
  • "Awaiting for new member"

3. (No name, no logo)

Members list:

  • Atom
  • Newlords
  • Viking

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correct n necessary thing.

i create the clan too.

preliminary name: RA (russian attack)



3.............. (we wait for demands )

IMHO all clans a limit 3 persons

Nice Chaos... Im glad you jumped right in by creating already your clan. Russian Attack will be. You may want to create a Clan Logo and submit it to me. If you cant do it let me know... I can help.... Clan Badges or logos are neccessary and cool haha :D

And yes a limit of 3 members would be a good idea. Numbers will increase as playerbase grows. Thanks for your interest Chaos, please let everybody know what we are up to.

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Great idea my friend! You know, I with pleasure would join your clan :D but will be it balance? ??? or it's necessary for me to create the my clan... I will think 8)

Join mines... :) You were always my team mate since the first time you played the game. We can invite also newbie in our clan and it will be balanced.

Let the others practice and develop their skills on their own like we did long ago. They are players with huge potential, so they will be able to catch up. For old players..... its time for them to play serious.

Help me by telling everybody in Tunngle about my Clan idea. :laugh:

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Well then I ask you to accept me in a clan of a black cross - Dark Alliance! 8)

Yes you are in! 8)

Hahaha It is just a "proposal" logo... I might change the name and the logo. It can stay that way if you like it.... I did it when I was 15... now I am 24 and I see it awful :D But it serves as an example of a logo for the rest of the people. :D

I might not able to play this whole week; but I will be in the forums... I need to take care of a bunch of projects right now. Make sure everybody reads this thread! :laugh:

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Yes you are in! 8)

Hahaha It is just a "proposal" logo... I might change the name and the logo. It can stay that way if you like it.... I did it when I was 15... now I am 24 and I see it awful :D But it serves as an example of a logo for the rest of the people. :D

I might not able to play this whole week; but I will be in the forums... I need to take care of a bunch of projects right now. Make sure everybody reads this thread! :laugh:

Well if it made 15 years small kindjal, I think it's not necessary to change it :D this symbolically :) I already write about clans in tunngle ;) when you will have free time come to play 8)

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Well if it made 15 years small kindjal, I think it's not necessary to change it :D this symbolically :) I already write about clans in tunngle ;) when you will have free time come to play 8)

Thanks a lot my friend, I really appreciate it! :laugh: I am also looking to host my own server so I can setup a real ranking system for clan battles and normal battles. I already found a used computer for $20 and I will be using Linux to try hosting, test speed... see if we can keep the 8 players battle possibility of tunngle too. But its experimental and its only a probability.

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Wow good job kindjal hope this emperor revival site works out.

i have deleted the patch its out dated.

Here we go you asked for ideas so heres one , i made an unofficial 1.10 patch (must have 1.09). Sometimes online there are not many people so some of us players play with A1 computers but they are to easy so i made a patch ,here is the read-me from the game;

Emperor: Battle for Dune Patch Information Version 1.10 April 15, 2012

Dear Emperor: Battle for Dune Player, The latest unofficial patch for Emperor: Battle for Dune is primarily to make the A1 computer more competitive in game play.

EasyBuildTime was 75 now is 45 elite level

NormalBuildTime = 100 noob level

HardBuildTime was 125 now is 45 pro level

EasyBuildCost was 50 now is 30 elite level

NormalBuildCost = 100 noob level

HardBuildCost was 125 now is 30 pro level

So what does this all mean?

easy = tricky

pro level normal = normal noob level

hard = brutal elite level


Project Leader - Atom

Programmer - Atom

ALPHA Tester - Atom

A word from Atom ,Thanks for your support and enjoy the new changes!

i have deleted the patch its outdated.

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Wow good job kindjal hope this emperor revival site works out.

Here we go you asked for ideas so heres one , i made an unofficial 1.10 patch (must have 1.09). Sometimes online there are not many people so some of us players play with A1 computers but they are to easy so i made a patch ,here is the read-me from the game;

Emperor: Battle for Dune Patch Information Version 1.10 April 15, 2012

Dear Emperor: Battle for Dune Player, The latest unofficial patch for Emperor: Battle for Dune is primarily to make the A1 computer more competitive in game play.

EasyBuildTime was 75 now is 45 elite level

NormalBuildTime = 100 noob level

HardBuildTime was 125 now is 45 pro level

EasyBuildCost was 50 now is 30 elite level

NormalBuildCost = 100 noob level

HardBuildCost was 125 now is 30 pro level

So what does this all mean?

easy = tricky

pro level normal = normal noob level

hard = brutal elite level


Project Leader - Atom

Programmer - Atom

ALPHA Tester - Atom

A word from Atom ,Thanks for your support and enjoy the new changes!

Thanks a lot atom :)

I really dont understand what you wrote, except for normal, brutal and stuff. I havent done or tried fan made mods after a few when I used to play Red Alert 2, because Ive always seen em as way too exagerated, making the game unbalanced. I will get on with that when I test the mod.

I thought of working in a patch... but seriouslly work on it so we can make it our "oficial expansion" for the game. I like that you can contribute with mods. Really cool.. we can work together on this project.

Im gonna download it and try it when I got the time, hope it has a manual :D

Thanks Atom for your contribution!

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Nice idea, Atom, but perhaps we want to minimise the potential for people to go out-of-sync? AI patches will obviously result in that if everyone doesn't have the same version. I might see about putting together a new patch with my old edits -- the extra zoom, altered minimap for better visibility, that kind of thing. I don't think many people use that old modification any more, so perhaps an update is in order. There are also some old files knocking about on my computer from the old add-on I attempted with new game modes (such as Yak Attack, capturable buildings on maps a la Generals, that kind of thing). There's also plenty of scope for updated textures and unit models for anyone good enough to make them, since we all tend to have computers which are more than capable of running higher polygon models etc nowadays.

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Nice idea, Atom, but perhaps we want to minimise the potential for people to go out-of-sync? AI patches will obviously result in that if everyone doesn't have the same version. I might see about putting together a new patch with my old edits -- the extra zoom, altered minimap for better visibility, that kind of thing. I don't think many people use that old modification any more, so perhaps an update is in order. There are also some old files knocking about on my computer from the old add-on I attempted with new game modes (such as Yak Attack, capturable buildings on maps a la Generals, that kind of thing). There's also plenty of scope for updated textures and unit models for anyone good enough to make them, since we all tend to have computers which are more than capable of running higher polygon models etc nowadays.

Dont overdo the graphics... not everyone here has an up to date computer.... there are a bunch of ppl still playing on old machines. By the way... do you still play the game? why dont you join us in tunngle.

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I don't think many people use that old modification any more, so perhaps an update is in order.

yooo Apo! well... ALL in tunngle use your wonderful zoom-patch ;) somebody did some change there :D

good ideas from u ;) and come back in game, we need more elite players :)

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HEY, who said you can name your alliance dark without my permission ?! ;)

I will ask for your permission when you get back to emp and play! :D

Anyways I got bombarded with class assignments for these 3 weeks.... So I will have less time to work in the site.

Update: Events page almost done...

I dont remember if I mentioned it. I stopped working in the main page so I can work in the rest of the pages just so I can have some working links in the site. So yes Main page is left for later.

I wanted to open my server so I can record the battles and setup a ladder somehow.. but I lost the oportunity to get a real good used PC to be the server. I found some dude selling the PC for 20 bucks but he already left it in the streets when I contacted him.... If I wouldve come up with the idea 2 days before then I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT IT. So yup someone already might probably picked it up.

I dont know, now it seems that its pretty hard to get a decent machine for this. I might probably consider building a new one under probably $100 but I dont have the cash right now.

I will see if theres any workaround for this. If not then we might probably off abandoning this server idea and just take screenshots or whatever. No videos though... unless they are tournament events with a prize involved.

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Long time no see, just randomly decided to log onto Dune2k today and am greeted by this lovely topic, will reinstall dune on my desktop and start practicing because I was always bad :P Yeah videos would be awesome, to bad causes lag and huge file size. There is still problems with desync with many players right?

Does anyone use Skype? or how do we keep in contact these days, maybe just make this thread my Homepage....

Anyways, I'm always happy to make maps too btw!

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HEY CALTHAZAR! Long time no see!!!! Please come back with us man! Join us in Tunngle... we are all there. I dont remember if you ever played in the Tunngle servers, I mentioned it just in case.

Play and get to know the new players. I am trying to post links in youtube videos of people that are only playing on their own against AI, thinking that the game is dead.

Hope that drags them here.

By the way you guys should start practicing already and work out as a clan. :D

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