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Editing The Emperor Units & Stuff


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Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me

im making a mod and ive made several new units and i can begin a skirmish game with no problem but then within say 10 minutes emperor simply closes without any error message or anything. i cant work out whats wrong. Please any help would be greatly appreciated.


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eep, i hate this, when you make a lot of changes,m and it goes wrong. It will be a clash of the game engine somewhere. Either, you made a unit do something it didn't like, the units entry clashes with another copy, or maybe you accidently changed an XBF, or XAF setting, these always cause game failure.

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the .xaf and .xbf would be from the artini.txt yes?

well im certain i did that file correctly as there was not much room for error. I havnt changed the actual .xaf and .xbf files one bit tho. Here is one of the units in question if u could just analyse this and see if there are any glaring errors I'd be much obliged.

[TLFace]                                                                                                            ///////////////////////////////////

AdvancedSardaukar = TRUE

MaxRange = 8                                                                                                      //////////////////////////////////NEW UNIT

House = Tleilaxu

StormDamage=10 //only damages is never picked up

PrimaryBuilding = TLFleshVat            

UnitGroup = FromTLFleshVat

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, InfRock, Ramp

Cost = 250

BuildTime = 60

Stealthed = TRUE

Size = 1

Speed = 10.0                  

TurnRate = 0.9                        

Armour = BPV, 50, InfRock

Health = 3000

Infantry = true

CanBeSuppressed = TRUE

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ViewRange = 7

AiSpecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 1

Crushable = TRUE

ChaosEffect = SmallChaosFX

HawkEffect = SmallHawkFX

TastyToWorms = False

WormAttraction = 3

TurretAttach = IXSlaveKnife

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

GetsHeightAdvantage = FALSE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

CanBeRepaired = FALSE

Score = 6

AIThreat = 40

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 4      // Score required

ExtraDamage = 90            // 50% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 14

ExtraArmour = 50            // Takes 50% less damage

CanSelfRepair = 1

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20

CanSelfRepair = 1      // Should have 0.5?

Its modeled on the IXian slave. It basiacally runs fast w/ a knife and its cloaked.

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Mine too. Withen my data folder. I have every mod im working on. Each with it's own folder. Inside each is, a test folder, a working folder, and a keep folder.

Ideas that haven't been tested go in test.

Working files go in working

Keep folder includes workiong files at a good point. Not half way thru a unit, for example.

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ok i redid all the units and have got it working and so both harkonnen and ordos work but if atreides are in the game it crashes (reminds me of the problem with kwizatz haderach that means u cant play against corrino)

and whats even odder is that i havnt even made any new atreides units yet! Most strange...

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