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Mass Effect 2


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After playing the ME2 Demo on the Xbox I gave the first part another try. I still prefer the controls in the PC version because I hate it when you can only map 1 ability to the right bumper. But it's much more enjoyable to play a game like this on the TV and chill out in front of it. So I played through ME1 now and am on a second playthrough - or rather just doing some sidequests because on my first playthrough I ignored all of them and just played the main plotline.

I can't wait to play ME2 now, it's already installed on my Xbox' HDD but right now I enjoy playing ME1 so much because up to a certain point it was rather annoying without having the abilities maxed out so this is my "fun run" now. Guess I'll be starting with ME2 next weekend so I can play it for more than just a few hours.

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Yeah I hadnt played it since February then suddenly picked it up again this month, beat the first one entirely as pretty much 100% paragon then finished the second, though I didnt do all the little assignments for the second one yet on that character. Still a good game, need to get the DLC, I cant decide if I if I like the first one or it better though. A mix of the two would be the best, + a few large scale battles, the first one had alot of potential for that, wish I could mod it :/

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I couldn't wait and started with ME2. So far I have mixed feelings about the game and I think a mix between both games would be the best. The RPG elements have been toned down too much for my liking. I liked that much better in the first game with more options to choose from and also being able to mod the weapons and armor and stuff yourself all the time and manage the inventory of the characters. It's supposed to be more userfriendly now I guess but so far I'm missing things and the fights are very fast-paced in comparison. On the other hand ME2 obviously looks just awesome and the developes did improve the technical issues like texture-loading a lot. Well... I still have much of the game ahead of me and hopefully I will just love both games in the end. Probably have to play another class as well as the soldier class is lacking the "Immunity" skill in ME2 which made him a lot of fun to play in ME1.

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Well, playing as a soldier was somehow not as good as I hoped for. Pretty boring actually. It was fun at times but I guess other classes are just more fun in ME2. I'm playing a sentinel now and it already is much more fun. I think after that I will also try the infiltrator and then pick one class for a playthrough on insanity difficulty.

ME2 has also been announced for the PS3 some days ago and will be available in january. If they would also publish ME1 again on the PS3 with some technical fixes I'd be getting the games for PS3 as well I think. But as far as I know ME1 will never be available for any other system because of legal agreements and if I remember correctly part 1 was also published by Microsoft Game Studios (as opposed to EA for the second game).

I'm interested in playing ME2 on the PC though and if I'll ever have a gaming rig again I will try it because you can just do way more stuff with the PC controls, especially the mouse aiming and the hotkeys for all the powers which I miss a lot on the controller (not enough buttons for all the powers I want to map) so gameplay can be pretty fast if you have enough skill. Also you can disable your squadmates and play solo in the PC version.

Here are some nice gameplay videos I found. Insanity mode, no squadmates and great skill:

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