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Giedi Prime


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Hmm, they attack you with many tanks.

Ok, there is only 1 bridge to defend :D, but they keep flooding of tanks. So put sonics at the front line. Behind that Mino's and Mongooses. With repair vehicles between them all. And then put some snipers and many kindjal (but first upgrade your barracks with your level 3 kindjal, and when you have got more, upgrade it again. Until you have only but Kindjal level 3 in your defense) next to the sonics. This is a perfect counter for the rush-attacks.

Have some (10) AirDronen flying around for defense vs Gunships. This is a good defense

For the Death Hand: Place you mcv a bit further than your other buildings and have an engineer standing by. When the Death Hand fires. And the toxic is gone. Repair the conyard...

For attack

Build 30 Sardaukar (20 normal, 10 elite) and put them in 6 APC's. And transport them to the West. There you can begin your assault. Watch out for Flame Tanks, Buzzsaw, and Inkvines.

When you have damaged enough. Attack with Fremen Fedaykin from the front. Since when you have damaged the Harkonnen alot, they don't attack anymore...

Good luck...

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  • 2 years later...

I agree with you Timenn but I think 10 krindajal 5 mongoose and 4 mintaurus will do + rocket tureets

for deathhand they will always strike the tureets so when it strikes on the turets sell it and build another one also defend the other side as the gunships will come protecyt it with 5 mongoose.Attack the enemy with ix infitrators.Hope you can pass

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  • 1 month later...


Will email a random generated password to the email adress that was given by that username. Then you can login and change that password to whatever you like in your profile.

By default, we help you retrieve your password by randomly generating a new one, and emailing it to you. If you want, however, you can try to answer your secret question (as you defined in your profile). If you get the answer right, you can define your new password right away.

And I think Gob can merge both of your accounts. (or simply delete the new account if only used once or twice)

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  • 1 month later...

For the Death Hand: Place you mcv a bit further than your other buildings and have an engineer standing by. When the Death Hand fires. And the toxic is gone. Repair the conyard...

Good luck...

Another alternative: Un-deploy your MCV, move it out of the radiated zone and have 2 Repair Vehicles on standby to repair the MCV. Saves a wee bit more money that way.

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