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Brian Herbert on the web??


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Despite his aversion to the internet, Brian Herbert has given a very interesting interview with AMCTV.com.  In this interview he offers his thoughts on the work that he has produced with KJA, as well outlining the literary future of Dune; three new book titles were mentioned, the Sisterhood of Dune, Mentats of Dune, and Swordsmasters of Dune.  Apparently Frank Herbert believed there were five Great Schools, so by the looks of it the Guild of Navigators and the Suk Doctors are being left out.

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Apparently Frank Herbert wanted to do five books, so perhaps the Guild of Navigators and the Bene Tleilax were left out?


We may go on to the founding of the great schools: Dad says there are five, but we're going to do it in three. You've got the Bene Gesserit -- that would be The Sisterhood of Dune; then there's The Mentats of Dune and The Swordmasters of Dune.

Where does it say Frank wanted to do a single book?

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