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finally i did mess with  maps ..one was weird _prac.mis  located in dune2000/data/maps  i took _o6v1.mis from dune2000/missions and put in maps folder and then renamed _o6v1.mis file  to _prac.mis ..i started game and taken habbanya erg map 5ai  i started then ..my ally was yellow ordos me was green ordos....problem is .DRAMATIC..all ai deployed mcv ...but dont build base  ,they just sitting duck.. I tried add buldings to map but they wont come..what now..  Anyway i have did it..ai has  been 'captured' ..you can start with allyed ai..HELP NEEDED URGENTLY... One file control arrakis... After discowery i noticed that you can ally with any ai..just rename  example _a4v1.mis to _prac.mis and put in maps folder


i tiink that people are too lazy to help. That is easy .just rename two files to see it yourself..to have four al ally use _o9v2.mis file...i tested more,i try to hak colors. Play harkonnen for good performance..the script in mis file dont permit ai to build base  in skirmish,..then there must be way to set buldings before mission start


Hi there AMIgaBot,

What's the difference between the .mis files in /missions/ and in data/maps? In single player, does the AI always have its construction yard prebuilt?


no..in campagin ai wont replace dead construction yard....if ai is ordos he can deviate mcv...did you tried it? Did ai was your ally?..i have idea how to use that in multiplayer....in 3v3 game use file h9v1...im not going back online due to high internet prices in cracow..maybe if someone help me it will happen....i checked manY ISp .vectra is out of range same with astra.. Netia and tp-sa are slow alot.. Blast is outranged .upc cost is 120zl .i had it 7years..but situation changed and my mum canceled it.. She looks for cheaper than others.. When my mum checked eutelsat isp they want 220zl for 4mb/s ...i have exhausted all forces..mum too  i would play with you all many games but how...i want to test some stuff ..helper will win 40 games with me


hmm... i tried to took _o7v1.mis renamed to _prac.mis and put in maps folder and i have ally with ordos yellow and emperor and play for ordos green, and ai can deviate mcv but they dont want to build new constructions :(


scripting is problem...skirmish dont work in campagin..  If you rename other missions you find dizzy stuff.hark mission 9 v 2 in ordos mission 4 looks cool.. Try with atreides mission test.. Use test.map  rename to a9v1 ..have fun.... I have tried to play mission in skirmish  .. But i was kicked to campagin,..when used other save i went to practice... Goto savegame folder rename any p.sav to s.sav ..example s2.sav to p2.sav...another way to infiltrate may be savegame hacking..can someone try to decompile ? If this can be done then just save game with allied ai  and copy data of other save  so ai can rebuild as he has base .. When you start with allied ai..you can see that he is not making base ..if we think here on that idea we can use ally trick online in 2v2 game or 3v3..someone should help us with this.

  • 1 month later...

If anyone still wants to play in skirmish mode with an AI ally, here is slightly modified original _prac.mis. Place it into datamaps directory (don't forget to backup original file). All AI opponents will act as they should in skirmish, including your ally. AI ally randomly plays for any house with any colour; it knows where other players are, and constantly attacks them. If ally's CY is destroyed, it will restore it if possible. You cannot break the alliance with an 'A' hotkey.

Warning: this works in Network games, too! There you can break the alliance with AI, but you won't be able to restore it. Still, I don't recommend to play Network games with an AI ally, 'cause I've never tested it and the result is unpredictable.



Honestly, I don't know. This file is a result of random editing. I even don't remember, what did I do to it to make one of AIs player's ally. Sorry...


you did use hes editor ?.. i have tried random editing  but it caused game to crash

i am looking for two ai allied .. because this one on funreal plain die so fast  :/  i tried to protect but yellow atreides take him over. and then blue atreides engage .  .. i did few times destroy atreides but ordos overwhelmed me and ally..  i will try smuggle mcv into ally base and build inside

but it could be fun...  two allies and two enemies and one neutral ai..  like in campagin map..

i am looking for this one . to get 2 allies and 2 enemies plus neutral on skirmish


it is only a matter of luck. Sometimes AI ally builds up a very large base and destroys 2-3 enemies by himself only.


but it could be fun...  two allies and two enemies and one neutral ai..  like in campagin map..

i am looking for this one . to get 2 allies and 2 enemies plus neutral on skirmish

Do you mean "human player + AI vs. AI + AI and neutral AI"? That can be difficult to make, 'cause it's "skirmish" mode, after all. What will be the result if you choose, for example, 3 AI players before start? Who will be ally, who enemy? Or if you set 5 AI opponents. One is your ally, two - opponents, one - neutral... And the one left?

Still, maybe I'll try to modify _prac.mis to match your offering, if I have time.


can you tell us  metod you use? since we could create multiplayer maps with allies already setup..

o and one small question.. is possible to put bulding at start? i mean start skirmish game with refinery two wind traps and light factory ?


Method?.. Huh... Actually, there was no method at all. Just compare original and modified files - the difference is that method.

As for buildings in skirmish... I think it's not possible. In campaign, buildings are set for houses, not for players. In skirmish you can play only three sides instead of seven (Emperor, Mercenaries, Smugglers, Fremen), and, besides, you can change color every time. Plus _prac.mis affects ALL MP maps...


so you open with notepad example _a4v1 and _prac.mis ?    aha thats it.  you just look for difference so you copy difference into _prac.mis so it works

but how you do it. i trying  and game is keep crashing.. what part of file  need to copy.

my target is ordos mission 6 part 2. to get starport reinforcements for skirmish lol.. i rename  the files so i get countdown in skirmish but  when have starport/... notthing happens


so you open with notepad example _a4v1 and _prac.mis ?    aha thats it.  you just look for difference so you copy difference into _prac.mis so it works

In fact, yes. But better use hex editor instead of notepad. It allows to modify file without changing its size.

As for inserting scripts into skirmish... Script of reinforcements is bound to starport as building, that is in its turn bound to house. Plus if you remember this mission, if you build additional starport, no reinforcements will be sent to it.

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