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Yes we are, I'm not completely sure, but I'm pretty sure cockroaches are just resistant/immune to radiation or toxins, and everything else will most likely kill them.

So I think we're more physically tough than cockroaches and I think cockroaches are more resistant to nukes, radiation, etc.

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i watched a tv series on bbc  few years ago  made by the albert einstein of the new age

the genus  Stephen Hawking  who died shortly after 

he  classified the dangers as follows : 

1_ genetically engineered viruses  which he considered the number one threat and made

a whole episode on that topic and he sounded almost sure that life will end on this

planet because of that before 2260  thinking that the only way is to evacuate the human

population to a space colonies until the virus is treated ...

2_  sudden global warming  that  he said it may develop in only 2 years  turning earth

to something like Venus

3_ nuclear war  which he think it has the lowest possibility because every coward

on this planet knows what will happen when he will push that bottom lol

unless he is totally  mad  like todays politictions

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Yes we are, I'm not completely sure, but I'm pretty sure cockroaches are just resistant/immune to radiation or toxins, and everything else will most likely kill them.

So I think we're more physically tough than cockroaches and I think cockroaches are more resistant to nukes, radiation, etc.

Q.E.D. already, huh? That was quick.

I'm pretty sure the ole cucarachas are also immune to the effects of brain-numbingly dense forum posts. And they don't make them, either. So there's two more points for the bugs! (GO BUGS! GO!)

(And Hawking is most certainly still alive and ki...er, um, yes, alive! :-[ )

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Most of this thread makes me weep for the future of humankind.  :'( Where have all the science teachers gone?  :'(

SandChigger, we need to find a way to make a ghola of Carl Sagan -- STAT!

People, Earth WILL end in fire. The Sun will vaporize us as it grows bigger on its way to becoming a red giant. There is nothing we can do about this. Nothing. The only way for any Earth-born life to survive is to go to other solar systems.

No, the Sun will NOT supernova or go "BOOM." It isn't massive enough. Only the really HUGE stars go supernova. The Sun will blow off its outer shell, which will dissipate somewhat into a "planetary nebula." Eventually some of this material may coalesce into a new solar system or part of one, depending on what else it encounters on its trip around the galaxy. Call it cosmic recycling -- the Universe went Green billions of years before anybody here ever thought of it!  ;)

Speaking of the Milky Way Galaxy, nothing our own Sun does will destroy the galaxy. It's very large, and our Sun is very small.

In fact, I found this video link on another forum where people were discussing how small Earth is in comparison to other astronomical bodies: http://www.techdo.com/images/largest-know-star.htm

It's downright creepy (to me) to think of how massive those big stars are, and how some of them probably no longer exist -- even though we can still see them, we're seeing them as they were a long time ago. But supergiant stars go through their lifecycles so quickly in comparison to smaller stars like our Sun, and it's unlikely that they exist long enough to form planets where intelligent life could evolve.

Of course, it's also possible that we could render ourselves extinct long before anyone needs to worry about the Sun's age-related expansion. We could get hit by a killer asteroid or comet. Maybe a black hole will have us for lunch. But those, too, are things I don't worry about, as there is nothing I, personally, can do about them.

My best recommendation for anyone here who is confused about this: Get to a library NOW and borrow the "Cosmos" series by Carl Sagan. It's still every bit as relevant now as when it was first produced, and Sagan explains the basics of things in everyday terms that anybody with a basic education can understand. And he does it in an entertaining way, too.

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I'm pretty sure the ole cucarachas are also immune to the effects of brain-numbingly dense forum posts. And they don't make them, either. So there's two more points for the bugs! (GO BUGS! GO!)

I've no interest in speaking to flamers, but I guess I can make an exception, when you said "this is going down in flames" I thought you meant I was going to cause it, it seems I was wrong, I'm going to stop it, stop flaming, I'm sick of people who think they can just blurt out anything they want, especially on these boards.

I guess cockroaches are immune to the effect of me stomping on them, shooting them, burning them, poisoning them, electrocuting them, etc... Oh wait, they aren't. Whoa! That's like 5+ more points to humans!

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I've no interest in speaking to flamers, but I guess I can make an exception, when you said "this is going down in flames" I thought you meant I was going to cause it, it seems I was wrong, I'm going to stop it, stop flaming, I'm sick of people who think they can just blurt out anything they want, especially on these boards.

But... You're one of them...

I guess cockroaches are immune to the effect of me stomping on them, shooting them, burning them, poisoning them, electrocuting them, etc... Oh wait, they aren't. Whoa! That's like 5+ more points to humans!

And neither can humans.

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Blah blah blah, Kirby. Boogah boogah boogah.

Reading is fundamental, wee one.

You could start with the Sagan book Hypatia mentioned. There are also excellent astronomy texts out there as well.

Of course, useless knowledge is such a bother to acquire, and besides, it's more fun to just spout off ignorantly about da world gonna go BOOM. (What was that about blurting out anything one wants?)


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But... You're one of them...

Am I? The last time I flamed was with Dante and DK, and that was a long time ago, also I wasn't the one who started it, unless you're saying that people who call people flamers are flamers, so if that's true, then you're a flamer too I guess.


I'm sick of people who blurt whatever they want out, with no regards to how it will hurt people's feelings (ie. I'm sick of flaming), of course I expect some wise-crack to comment/flame on what I just said.

Don't just post something with no evidence or information, if you want me to agree even the slightest, you have to do that.

And neither can humans.

In most cases, yes they can. I've seen humans survive getting hit by a car, shooting themselves in the head, poison, and even electrocution. Don't just post something with no evidence or information, if you want me to believe you, you have to do that.

Blah blah blah, Kirby. Boogah boogah boogah.

Reading is fundamental, wee one.

You could start with the Sagan book Hypatia mentioned. There are also excellent astronomy texts out there as well.

Of course, useless knowledge is such a bother to acquire, and besides, it's more fun to just spout off ignorantly about da world gonna go BOOM. (What was that about blurting out anything one wants?)


What's that supposed to mean.

I agree, if you're relating this to cockroaches, that's why I started reading the article on cockroaches on wikipedia like a week ago.

I haven't blurted out anything, I'm stating my opinion and what I (ie. ME, not YOU) think is right, even when I was saying stuff about the sun exploding, and it could destroy the solar system, I said "WHEN THE SUN IS FULLY GROWN". Of course, you could mean that whatever I'm saying is blurted out nonsense, I expect you to say yes to that though.


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Don't just post something with no evidence or information, if you want me to agree even the slightest, you have to do that.

In most cases, yes they can. I've seen humans survive getting hit by a car, shooting themselves in the head, poison, and even electrocution. Don't just post something with no evidence or information, if you want me to believe you, you have to do that.

Coming from the person who's made statements like:

If the sun went supernova, it would likely destroy the solar system, not just up to mars, it is constantly growing, so when the sun does go "boom", it would probably destroy the solar system (or the galaxy maybe?)


Someone who studies physics told me that it [a particle accelerator] would be beneficial but not worth the risk of the planet being destroyed.

I think I'll take that advice with some salt please.

Besides cockroaches can survive without a head for a few weeks and can hold their breath for 40 minutes. That's pretty hardcore.

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Coming from the person who's made statements like:


I think I'll take that advice with some salt please.

1.) You don't need evidence for things that are likely true, at least in my opinion, what you were saying was something that could blatantly be wrong.

2.) Especially to the second one, as it's an opinion and the evidence has been posted before too.

Oh, and plus, I don't care if you agree with me.

Besides cockroaches can survive without a head for a few weeks and can hold their breath for 40 minutes. That's pretty hardcore.

So you're saying that ONE cockroach is stronger than ONE human, because that's what I'm speaking about. What it means to be strong or survivable depends on the circumstances.

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1) That is completely untrue and you could not supply any evidence for it

2) An opinion with no evidence to back it up is erroneous and the evidence to which you refer has never been supplied and therefore can be considered nonexistant.

You started this argument but then I guess you don't care about that eh?

I'm saying that a cockroach is much hardier than you seem to give them credit for. They can survive greater exposure to radiation, they can survive temperatures far below zero, they can hold their breath for 40 minutes and they don't need a head. You on the other hand can't string an argument together. They may not be better than the entire human race but at the moment I'm starting to believe they're a darn sight better than you.

Besides I'll bet you'll just call me a flamer now and ignore the main body of my post. A cockroach would never do that.

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1) That is completely untrue and you could not supply any evidence for it

2) An opinion with no evidence to back it up is erroneous and the evidence to which you refer has never been supplied and therefore can be considered nonexistant.

You started this argument but then I guess you don't care about that eh?

I'm saying that a cockroach is much hardier than you seem to give them credit for. They can survive greater exposure to radiation, they can survive temperatures far below zero, they can hold their breath for 40 minutes and they don't need a head. You on the other hand can't string an argument together. They may not be better than the entire human race but at the moment I'm starting to believe they're a darn sight better than you.

Besides I'll bet you'll just call me a flamer now and ignore the main body of my post. A cockroach would never do that.

1.) No it's not, the sun probably won't go supernova to be honest, it might go supernova in a ridiculously long time though, and when and if it does, it won't just go up to mars because the power of a sun going supernova is very very very strong.

2.) I don't need evidence for me saying that I don't think it's worth the risk, especially since there is an article already posted on the first page of that with all the information needed.

I never said that, and it wasn't my fault for starting it, it was Sandchiggers fault for flaming me.

I'm saying that humans are much hardier than you seem to give them credit for.

Yes I know cockroaches can do all that was mentioned in your post, as in I agree and there is no reason not to, even though you didn't give any evidence, but that's besides the point.

Wrong, I can't string an argument the way you want it to be stringed.

And this is related to the argument in a non-fiery way how?

I bet a cockroach can't read or sing, but what relation does that have to the argument at hand?

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Because of the size of the sun it couldn't go into a supernova. It doesn't have the mass and it will never have the mass. Unless you can provide any contrary evidence you'll always be wrong about this.

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As predicted, it ends in flames. ;D

That's something I agree on, at least it wasn't me who flamed.

Because of the size of the sun it couldn't go into a supernova. It doesn't have the mass and it will never have the mass. Unless you can provide any contrary evidence you'll always be wrong about this.

I said IF, IF the sun went supernova, IF.

"If the sun went supernova, it would likely destroy the solar system, not just up to mars, it is constantly growing"

IF, the fact that the Sun won't go supernova is completely irrelevant.

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It's idiotic because the sun cannot go supernova. Period. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, give it up, game over. You won't waste your time acquiring useless, impractical information but you will waste it on pointless speculation?

(If, say, you were to calculate the amount of energy released IF the Sun were to go supernova, and then calculate the speed of propagation of the shock wave and the impact force undergone by each planet, etc., then THAT would possibly be interesting. As it stands...uninteresting twaddle. Yes, solar system destroyed. Yawn.)

Logically, if your protasis is crap (false), it doesn't matter what your apodosis is.

a) If the Sun goes nova, then you're a bit of a git.

b) If the Sun goes nova, then my bum itches.

Both (a) and (b) are logically true.

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