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pedo seen in texas


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Yes it exists in the USA. There is also a settlement in British Columbia, Canada.

Hopefully while these woman/children are free they will learn everything taught to them is wrong.

I love how there are 133 woman, and 401 children. Keep on popping those babies out.

They built a fortress and had armed guards patrol the area. They used to be based in Nevada I think.

The leader was put in jail a while ago.

Most thought there would be a battle before police ever stepped on their land. Much like happened in Waco Siege.

If you want to watch an interview with a member by a documentary style tv show, I would extremely recommend watching this episode:

Bustup In Bountiful

It is about a member who almost became the leader of this group. But politics within it meant he had to leave with his family and others and settle elsewhere. This person has 26 wives and 80 children. Click on the small camera icon on right side of page.

I saw it several months ago and it was pretty good.

Quite frankly I seem to enjoy most Fifth Estate Episodes. The most recent one I watched was a hospital in Afghanistan that treated patients that were injured (some died too). This included Canadian soldiers, Afghan soldiers and civilians, prisoners of war etc. It showed everything you wanted to know about the casualties of war. Life and Death in Kandahar.

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'' but why they do that? do they hate the community? or for religion?

or just so they can abuse underage girls?''

Note that the guards employed were armed with fairly high-tech and EXPENSIVE gadgetry and that a whole compound was built after all. Even if the those partaking in their desired ''pleasures'' at the camp took on the task of guarding it themselves the whole affair still seemed to demand significant money.

Ie: It is the rich we are speaking about here, and what is very often the case with the overly wealthy (especially at old ages, probably) is that they become bored with life as they have grown used to their luxuries and pleasures. Hence, they fall back onto rather depraved acts as only these now offer any novalty or interest to them. Ie: the answer to your question is: They probably just wanted to abuse underage girls :D :P :( (not to much of a laughing matter I suppose).

It reminds of speed graphers, for those who have watched that show.

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Yeah US is full of bizarre Christian sects. These sects tend to breed there like rabbits and cosntantly break away and start new ones. Why Americans are so crazy about different new way to look for God, i don't know.

Whether they really beleive it to be religion or some guy at the top manipulates people because he wants to satisfy himself somehow I don't know. It could be a little bit of both. The guy once gets powerful perverts the original message to suit him. Like the guy in Waco, Texas he in few days went from calling himself the Horseman of Appocalypse named Death to reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

The leaders are not rich they often draw on the finances of their followers (Scientology style, except you give all the money upfront) and people buy into that stuff.

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