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Does anyone here have an interest in chemistry?


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Just know that any justification you made for recreational use of illegal drugs will never be good enough.  NEVER.

Why illegal drugs and not legal ones?  I know plenty of people who use legal drugs the same way as illegal ones.

Also, perhaps if drugs were legalized then the illlegal drug industry would be regulated so that it was not so dirty.  for example you would have to be 21 or you could only use them in certain locations, like pot brownie bars/coffee shops or whatever you call them.  Just look at Amsterdam.  never been there but that's a good example of drug legislation, although I don't know whether it is considered successful drug legislation or not.

I am only defending psychadelics, and if you say that you've seen someone become addicted to and die or have their lives irreparably ruined by mushrooms or to acid or salvia or DMT-containing plants, then YOU might as well shut up, because that is plain ignorance and a nasty generalisation that ALL drugs, without exception, are addictive and will make a shell out of a person.

know a guy who took 20 tabs LCD in one night.  He couldn't come down for two weeks.  got kicked out of his parents house. went to jail.  Dropped out of school.  He thinks at about half speed now, but actually he's still a pretty damn good scrabble player, so I guess not all is lost.

"salvia"  lol

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know a guy who took 20 tabs LCD in one night.  He couldn't come down for two weeks.  got kicked out of his parents house. went to jail.  Dropped out of school.  He thinks at about half speed now, but actually he's still a pretty damn good scrabble player, so I guess not all is lost.

"salvia"   lol

(LSD, not LCD ;) )

Well, in all fairness, that can and does happen, but 1) That is just plain idiotic, and however harsh this may sound, but that guy either wasn't very bright to begin with or deserved it and 2) Taking 20 tabs of acid is really overkill. After about 1000 micrograms or so the intensity of the trip doesn't get any stronger, but it gets longer/takes longer to stop tripping - a normal dose is two or three tabs.

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haha, LCD.  oops.

I don't think it wash harsh at all, just fact.  He was an idiot. still is actually.  He tries to call up a female friend of mine roughly 6 times a day, every day.  she never answers.  he can't take a hint.  thick as a brick.

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I have an A in GCE A level chemistry. I took the S paper and got a merit for it too, though I've really forgotten about 50% of my chemistry knowledge. Never liked the subject much as I got into organic and inorganic chemistry.

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I read today in the newspaper about using a (dutch) reed plant to generate energy. Not as in burning it, but at the roots bacteria use the 'spit out' sugars from the plant and during that process electrons get free to generate energy. It does not generate much energy, but it's a nice development if you ask me. This way we can fill up space next to the highway with nice grass/reed plants for a green look but at the same time generate energy. Better as everywhere solar panels.

Is this case example of your interest?

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