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do you ever get the feeling?

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Well i really havent put much thought into writing things on this thread, because theres so many of you guys that are just genius's it makes me look like a fifth grader reading national geographics. But lately, ive just been looking at the world and thinking, wow this place is just going to shit, i mean theres so many things a person can do in life, or could want to do, and so many people dont even try to experience life in its full beauty. So many people are worried about bills, or money, or woman/men, that they forget about stopping to smell a rose sometime, or looking at the clouds wondering, wow those are cool. I get so sick of watching everyone wander around like zombies, doing the same thing everyday and only looking forward, to that Sunday night with the guys watching a football game or getting to play a few hours on the internet, i mean really why does it have to be so complicated, why cant we just live?

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Although I try to avoid routine as much as I can, it occurred to me that with age, I have become unable to enjoy simple pleasures of life like a sunset, or a fresh summer morning, or a nice landscape. I know I used to get certain positive feelings but now such feelings are dulled. Perhaps it's because I've become more inward-looking, so to say. This, however, has not affected the way I enjoy music or art, for example.

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Although I try to avoid routine as much as I can, it occurred to me that with age, I have become unable to enjoy simple pleasures of life like a sunset, or a fresh summer morning, or a nice landscape. I know I used to get certain positive feelings but now such feelings are dulled. Perhaps it's because I've become more inward-looking, so to say. This, however, has not affected the way I enjoy music or art, for example.

Hello MrFlibble! If you wish to experience those things that you use to, you can again. If you're interested and you'd like to know how you can experience those again? You can e-mail me rojeh8@hotmail.com and I can explain.

Thanks Sapzelord

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Slightly bleak outlook there Mord. The hustle and bustle of life can appear to be be drab but unless you have the wealth to be able to indulge yourself, then the mundane has too be endured for you to have the things you want or need.

There is comfort in stability, which is why we resist change even if it is for the better.

Sunsets and Dawns are free and easy to appreciate just take the time.

Personally i love a day on the bank, whiling away the hours pretending to fish whilst taking in the beauty of the countryside But it would probably drive me insane if i had to do it day in day out.

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"Hello MrFlibble! If you wish to experience those things that you use to, you can again. If you're interested and you'd like to know how you can experience those again? You can e-mail me rojeh8@hotmail.com and I can explain.

Thanks Sapzelord"

Er... I get spam emails that look very much like this.

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I tend to have the view that people have on the one hand their obligations and on the other just such a quantity of possibilities that it does not always leave clear what combination would be what they actually are after. For many I think that their solution to this is to try to slow down and appreciate things. Maybe this works at times by getting rid of an "excess of possibilities". But obligations often cut from this as present societies seem to have something against it at times.

That's my impression of how it works but if you see "life in its full beauty", well lucky you :)

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"Hello MrFlibble! If you wish to experience those things that you use to, you can again. If you're interested and you'd like to know how you can experience those again? You can e-mail me rojeh8@hotmail.com and I can explain.

Thanks Sapzelord"

Er... I get spam emails that look very much like this.

lol what spam? I'm just trying to help. It seems these days it truly is wrong to help people out. lol it's either spam or that's gay or some other shi*, when are you people going to be satisfied with life and not judge things? So low. What ever happened to appreciation? And why can't you look at it from a different point of view other than spam? Spam doesn

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Is "just enjoying a football match" so different from, say, "just enjoying looking at people living their lives" in a somewhat more inward style of it? Same question for childhood. Although things change, radically or not, I don't think that they go off.

So I don't see caring for football/bills as necessarily "fake" for the younger guy, or then "lost" for the older guy. If it'd turn sour, I'd think that I am missing the parts I do have around, am becoming jaded or that.


It seems a bit odd that art wasn't affected but sunset/landscapes were since I see both as art, and both inward. Could that just be because you went for an art style very different from landscapes, or more human-oriented (e.g. voices)? Or did you imply that you saw too many pre-set landscapes/sunsets while you didn't grow used to always changing human creations?

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When contemplating art, e.g. paintings, I don't feel being part of it, but rather regard it as a creation of another human on one hand, and as a message on the other. When watching a real sunset, I would feel this attachment to the whole picture, the personal presence in it. I can't say that now this feeling is completely gone, no. It is rather that I either pay less attention to it, or get distracted by other things, like thoughts or an inner emotional state that does not correlate with the "mood" of the surroundings.

Like an opaque screen that shields the inside from the rest of the world.

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