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Am I the only one who thought that the plot for the final level was just plain stupid. I think that the whole "Emperor Worm" was completely lame and was a cheap immitation of Leto II in Emperor: God of Dune. It had no relationship to the whole story of Dune. The Tilaxeu (never learned how to spell their name) weren't fit to be the main villians. They're more of a "side dish" villian faction, while the Corrinos and the Harkonens are the main villians. Also, it didn't make sense that the spacing guild has helped them out. The Guild wanted an Emperor back for their interest, so it doesn't make sense they would help the Tilaxeu out. Plus, I thought the image of the face dancer looked retarded at that one cutscene. That face dancer looked like something from Star Trek or any other cheesy scifi disgrace. It was in comparison to the face dancer on SS, the one that tried to assasinate the Sardukar general. Do any of you agree with me that the whole ending virtually killed the plot of the game.


Am I the only one who thought that the plot for the final level was just plain stupid. I think that the whole "Emperor Worm" was completely lame and was a cheap immitation of Leto II in Emperor: God of Dune. It had no relationship to the whole story of Dune. The Tilaxeu (never learned how to spell their name) weren't fit to be the main villians. They're more of a "side dish" villian faction, while the Corrinos and the Harkonens are the main villians. Also, it didn't make sense that the spacing guild has helped them out. The Guild wanted an Emperor back for their interest, so it doesn't make sense they would help the Tilaxeu out. Plus, I thought the image of the face dancer looked retarded at that one cutscene. That face dancer looked like something from Star Trek or any other cheesy scifi disgrace. It was in comparison to the face dancer on SS, the one that tried to assasinate the Sardukar general. Do any of you agree with me that the whole ending virtually killed the plot of the game.

emperor was based largely on the last few dune books namely god emperor by FH (his son is crap at writing them anyway). the tielaxu were more f**ked up than the harkonens, and the corinnos were good. also the face dancer is based off of the carecter sylux who tryed to assasinate leto and later revive tilexu (one other thing i noticed is that the sard generals are in the david lynch movie dune as background carecters. also the ending was cool espacilly the emperor worm (witch is based off of leto 2, you are right there)

I just thought that the Tilaxeu had too much of an edge during the game. Hell, they seemed to have more of an edge of the Harkonens (the most evil faction in Dune itself). I never played the end with the Harkonens, but it makes me shudder to make them even somewhat of the good guys. 


I dont think the story line meant much to me at all when playing the game. I hadnt read the book then so I suppose that helped, the whole ignorange thing.

But even now, having read the books, I still dont care about the storyline, the game play is excellent, as the spiceboy says.


and should be called  as  for artifcial stupedity, it dunno haw to  build or move its so mutch criplled

He could have been talking about a game of cricket with the Aussies ! Joking ! :P


Agreed, I like the game because I like the gameplay.

The only thing I know of the story is that the hark are the bad boys and the artr the good guys  ;D


Damn, I was hoping the World XI Kick butt, but they turned out to be less able...

As for the game, I think its good both offline (campaign, skirmish or LAN) and online. The offline part is good for learning basics. Come online and learn how to play the game properly.

As far as I am concerned, the in game movies are not really a big part of the game.


Yeah that series was a bit disappointing (world XI v Aus XI), anyone see afridis 10 off 2 balls  :O  ;D I love that man. Good luck touring bangladesh later this year  ;)

Well I have yet to complete a campaign :P, is there a way to extract the movies off the cds? I am real interested in story lines and want to try running them together.


Yeah that series was a bit disappointing (world XI v Aus XI), anyone see afridis 10 off 2 balls  :O  ;D I love that man. Good luck touring bangladesh later this year  ;)

He did hit 100 off, what, 37 balls, so yeah, he can be a bit manic, if not self destructive. Yes I saw his 10 of 2 balls. 1st ball for a huge 6.

Shame he needed about 150 more of those to win. Lara did well though (!).


He did hit 100 off, what, 37 balls, so yeah, he can be a bit manic, if not self destructive. Yes I saw his 10 of 2 balls. 1st ball for a huge 6.

Shame he needed about 150 more of those to win. Lara did well though (!).

Not only 100 off 37 balls, but tied second for 100 off I think 45 (although both his were against respected sides and brian laras against bangladesh  :P), Not only this but the second was this year and he got 150 off 90 in a test against the West Indies.

Speaking of Brian Lara WTF!!!  ??? I cant believe he got 2 ducks and about 2 runs in total :O

Good to see the two would be losers of australian test cricket (gilchrist and Haden) smoke the world eleven batters and prove critics wrong

Anyway, so does anyone know how to get the movies off the cd? or am I missing something?


Get rid of them or rip them off so you can view them seperately ? If its get rid of them, just delete the lot of them from the emp folder...I think its movies...or datamovies...


Cool thanks, it worked fine  ;D

The only problem I have now is that I can't view the mission movies, just the starting ones and selecting the houses (I havent played all the campaigns) is there any way I can unpack them from something that anyone knows of?


Hmm, I can see the one big 400mb movie file (say for harkonen, however bink only plays one short movie from it then closes) Is there a tool or something to extract others that anyone knows of?

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