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Does Other Games Suck??? Rate it here..

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Hello guys have you ever played these games???

Command and Conquer Generals

Empire Earth

Age Of Mythology



Unreal Tournament


Colony Wars

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

Half Life 2

Age Of Empire

Then if so post your comments and things you like to say I'd like to have a poll... Lets see what game sucks and whats not...  But theres nothing to ever top EMPEROR BATTLE FOR DUNE....


Yes all other games suck apart from Emperor battle for dune! And I thought this forum was supposed to be only about Dune games. In a way it seems you have just come on this forum to talk about games in genral more than dune. And to have a poll about other games?

Cmon m8! ???


Command and Conquer Generals

> Pretty nice game but to much bugs and to weak support (EA anyone  ::)) to become an online headliner.

> Very nice graphics for his time


> Wins almost all polls about 'best RTS game'

> Best balanced game ever seen

> Great support (Blizzard...)


> Not poor, but not great at all. Multiplayer was ok...

Unreal Tournament

> One of the best fast FPS ever made, together with quake

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

> IMO: best RTS after emperor dune (not official ofcours  ;D :P)

Half Life 2

> CSS... one of the best games of the moment, no doubt

www.gamerankings.com , if you want to see how good the games really are...


Earth 2160

Well no one screenshot is gonna do this game justice, but the more I play this one the more it gets better. Awesome graphics,units, zoom, gameplay. Very nice rts.


close up of fully upgraded ref. with 3 landing pads.


Some mech vehicles of one house.



Counter-Strike:A popular game


StarCraft:Good balance...good support=>BLIZZARED ENTERNTAIMENT...and a really good game play

Emperor battle for dune:Not a bad balance....great graphics for a 2001 game...


Counter-Strike:A popular game


StarCraft:Good balance...good support=>BLIZZARED ENTERNTAIMENT...and a really good game play

Well, you just selected the most popular FPS, RTS and MMORPG over there  ;D


Yes all other games suck apart from Emperor battle for dune! And I thought this forum was supposed to be only about Dune games. In a way it seems you have just come on this forum to talk about games in genral more than dune. And to have a poll about other games?

Cmon m8! ???

Well I just want your oppinion enough crap..... SORRY IF I OFFENDED ANYONE!!!!! BUT DUNE IS THE ONLY NUMBER ONE GAME!!!! LOL!!! IS IT A CRIME TO ASK????????? AWWWW C'MON!!!!


I'll Kick Yoh Subhouse ***! PEOPLE!!!! I JUST WANT TO TALK ALL ABOUT DUNE WOULD YAH GIVE THAT "Talking about games in general" A ******* REST!!

What unit you all think is the best and strongest?

Which subhouse is stronger?

What kind of map/battlefield you all like best? Dessert? Fields?


Amp............ Waiting for your answers be back tommorow....

By the way... Cool screenshots scar5150... Were you playin' that???

And is there a population limit in dune?? I never noticed that...


I'll Kick Yoh Subhouse ***! PEOPLE!!!! I JUST WANT TO TALK ALL ABOUT DUNE WOULD YAH GIVE THAT "Talking about games in general" A ******* REST!!

What unit you all think is the best and strongest?

Which subhouse is stronger?

What kind of map/battlefield you all like best? Dessert? Fields?


Amp............ Waiting for your answers be back tommorow....

By the way... Cool screenshots scar5150... Were you playin' that???

And is there a population limit in dune?? I never noticed that...

population limit.......yeh at least of my experiance emp has a unit limit ..

which house n subhouse stronger......all house has equal chance to win.....dont think about when players even, its up to players skill.....if a player is better than anyones he can beat anyone(mostly saying that ordos is weak, but it is up to players.

and looking for subhouse, its choice of urs but mostly ppl think about fremen or sard...

what units u like in emp n best..... no one has superpowr n cant bring win a game for just one units... but in games... light vehcile(sandbikes buzzsaw dustscout) is most important in real game of emp :)


I never played SC but i know it lacks the paper, rock, scissors balance of emperor and SC has the simple "bigger unit is better" philosophy... so basically SC is flawed like other old RTS in that you can tank rush every time and win.


Well for me SC BW still the #1.I can play at any time wo lag and dont have to wait and i enjoy it really much...Anyway...SC is the complexest(the 3 uniques races) RTS i've ever seen...

P.S:you should ask schorpie ^^


well SC has cool balance the paper rock scissors in elites players. and terran most dominent race there. yeh it balance not bad. but I think emp is more good balance than it. :)

wc3 is too hard for me to learn. anyway when it released, I ever played 1months, but I couldnt play it. The most hate thing for me I hate to hunt mob there n get some item(i think it like a crates on emp)


Best RTS? you have got to be kidding me. SC is like a pre-Command n Conquer run of the mill 2-D and 1/2 game at best,with some horrible viewing/zoom for it among other things.


Also the ratings these games have are a joke to rely on for best gaming results. If I remember corrrectly, Emp had a crappy rating, and some bad reviews, it was funny to read those. SC reminds me of a space oriented Red Alert with some added cartoonish aliens that spit goo. Try a few of the newer games with great graphics, It makes these look like minesweeper in comparison.


HEHEHE HELLO AGAIN GAMERS!!!! Wow So many replies in one day???

Well for me SC is the best that blizzard can offer but i have doubts of WC3...

Anyone like C&C Generals??? The graphics lack reality but the superweapons are the killer!!!!

Dune however is potent... Full of great terrains and many comandable units plus nice zooming and angle positioning....

WC3 sucks... Graphic details look very poor plus unit lifespan is very puny...

AOM well no comment...


I liked Starcraft. At least it had a good storyline.

I don't think there were any RTS better than it when it came out. If your trying to compare its graphics to todays graphics and say it sucked, well DUH.


Best RTS? you have got to be kidding me. SC is like a pre-Command n Conquer run of the mill 2-D and 1/2 game at best,with some horrible viewing/zoom for it among other things.

Also the ratings these games have are a joke to rely on for best gaming results. If I remember corrrectly, Emp had a crappy rating, and some bad reviews, it was funny to read those. SC reminds me of a space oriented Red Alert with some added cartoonish aliens that spit goo. Try a few of the newer games with great graphics, It makes these look like minesweeper in comparison.

Scar, i don't have a problem that you look a lot at the graphics of the games yourself. But when you discus about games, especially if you also discuss about games of 5 years old, than you should compare it with other games of the same time. Then you'll see that SC had great graphics for his time. But it's gameplay is even better.

And gameplay is more as double as important as graphics, so it hasn't really much use to post screenshots of the games in here to proove that.

Besides, SC is still the most played RTS in tournaments... ah well that isn't really true... probably warcraft3TFT has become more popular this year, but whatever, SC is with the most played RTS games today, and it is over 5 years old!

But 'the best RTS' doesn't really excist imo, when do you call a game the best ?? it's fucking personal  :P

For me the best game ever is Zelda, for me the best RTS ever is emperor...

Even in the global ratings SC isn't ranked #1, WC3 is !

While warcraft gets 92,7% http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/256222.asp

SC gets 92,6% http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/25418.asp

Does that means that WC3 is the best RTS ever ?? I have no fucking idea, because it's personal  ;D

Emperor wasn't that poor ranked by the way... 81,3%



Well your right Comparing to today's graphic they all look lifelike nowadays...

Heard about PS3? The color really sucks i like black better!!! :- :-

Which one is more dominant!!!!




Well Let me tell you which is the best in my opinion...

PC: Advantages...

Can store and install all the games that you want but to a limit depending on the memory of your drive..

Can also play MP3 and Video files.

Can also see what the CD game contains.

Also never lose your save file data..


If your computer breaks down all the games you installed are lost.. (except if you have the game CD)

Lags so much if you installed to much games...

Requires many hardware and software..

Consumes more energy..

Higher radiation level..

Too bulky and takes up space..




Can play any PS games you want...

Can play MP3 files and audio files also...

Store save data on a memory card..

Cheaper and efficient...

Takes up little space at all...

No memory limit.

Never lags..

Never Restarts..

Never corrupts

Can also connect to the internet. (ps2)


Very few games to play and you can't play especially "EMPEROR BATTLE FOR DUNE!!!!"

Not very popular...

Easily breaks if fell or moisted..

Limited data saving space...

Needs a T.V. to play (duh!!!)

Many cords and wirings!!!

Limited programs...


:O :O :O :O :O


Oh hey there spectral paladin... well this is still about games and stuff just say what yah want and we'll fit it in!!!

So you like fighting games better??? You said close combat?

Like Tekken? Soul Caliber? Mario Smash Brothers? Etc.....

Well for me fighting games are nice but Soul Caliber is the best!!!!

Anyone here knows Chaos Legion??? (pc)

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