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House Ordos (saboteurs)


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Saboteurs against a human opponent vs. AI does of course require different tactics.

Although the AI uses turrets I usually find it easier to use saboteurs against this defence. Using other units as a diversion this allows the saboteur to slip past slip past the AI base defences. Do not get me wrong the AI will compensate usually by moving tanks into the area being attacked or more light infantry.  You could send in a group of saboteurs and then at the last moment designate different targets. Using this sometimes draws attention to one of the units but only works in areas of an opponents base that is not heavily guarded.

Really my question what are some of the better offensive tactics to be used to make the saboteur more effective against a human opponent?  

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It was mainly ment as a suggestion to Mahdi or Gobalopper, if one of them would also say it belonged in general stategy they could move the topic.

Some tactics in general ;


I've been planning to post some new things for about 2 weeks now. Just didn't have the time jet but you can expect some updates soon.

The first two are for the AI, the last for humans. Not verry mutch help for some, but when you are a "beginner" it could have some value.

About the saboteur, I hate that guy. Personally I can't work sucsessfully with it. So I can't help you there

Defending against the sabotuer in Dune2000 goes almost automatically with my defence. Usually a bouble wall arount my base with rocket turrets behind it. At places more remote to a possible atack path the wall could be 1 row but still rocket turrets behind it. I usually use just one row of turrets, in most cases this proves effectieve enough against any attck. The remote parts of my base don't always have a compleat row of turrets behind the wall, when a turret is missing the wall is double.

Behind the wall is my army [ at first, then I move the whole bounch out and start building my "second" army ]. usually stated in the remote part are the sonics and tanks, infantry just where I can place them. And an extra group [ but small ] of sonics, infantry and some tank at the most likley place of attack.

In my base itself I've placed some rocket turrets aswell [ I love those things ;D ] just incase a unit whould penetrate my base.

note: the base is not compact, this would be a enormous catastrove when you get an Death Hand or Air Strike.

After some minutes in the game I move the whole bounch out, depending on the situation and the map at the time, I either build a second base more towards the enemy's base or "scatter" the units infront of my base along the path my adversary has to travel by inorder to reatch my base or another strategical place.

Again, can't help you with saboteur attacks. They always fail with me. If you whant to know anything specific, feel free to ask. :)

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Also a good tactic is to use cheap trikers scattered throughout your base. They don't have good range, so put them at chokepoints and small entrances. They can easily mow down a saboteur.

A good tactic FOR saboteurs is to have a diversion. Simple, but oh does it work very well. Just launch an attack that can hold for about till the saboteur gets to the base. When the attack is defeated, your saboteur will be on his way to the building. But this works better on human players.

Also, it doesn't even have to be a diversion. Send a big army, with chances they will survive going through the main forces of the enemy, and also send a saboteur. The AI almost always sends troops from his main forces to attack the saboteur, giving you a better chance to survive fighting the main forces. This works either way, if the AI focuses on the main attack, then you can just walk your saboteur right into the base. :)

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Then I wonder, is that one building you destroy worth the units you lose in the attack. Or if your attack holds, you can simply take over his base ?

So what's the use of the saboteur, or am I underestemating him ?

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The saboteur is mainly used as a preparation-tactic. It can be used to destroy a palace or something other important, but is mainly used to blow up unit-producing buildings, so the units won't be flowing in to help the main attack right after the deployment of the saboteur.

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Send in a squad of about 5-6 and target different buildings or as someone mentioned turrets themselves. They work good on turrents when you have the saboteur in stealth mode, as the turrets sometimes do not detect the saboteur until it's too late. Saboteurs should be used as part of an attack with attention drawn away from saboteur unit itself. Using the saboteur is a game of deception by chance.    

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They work well on turrets but because they have little defence (saboteurs themselves) I have found it's best to make sure the turret is distracted with other units. I agree sending in units with the saboteur then separating (using a squad) for multiple targets works well it gives you a higher chance of success.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Their best 4 taking turrets b4 an attack. Especially when more than 1 sabotaur is used at once. U're units stay outside turrt range. The sabotaurs destro the turrets. Yiour units swamp the enemy base with less turrets to worry about.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Stealth units will be expose if they are near turrets or infanterys!Most saboteurs will get exposed by turrets then a Devastator/sonic tank will "boom"then you will hear unit lost!to destroy buildings using saboteurs:1)Don't ignore your saboteur!2)avoid all enemy units!3)once you deploy your saboteur don't waste time!

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