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Guild Wars worth geting?


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well the problem dragoon is that you are a WoW fanboy... incapable of seeing the game's flaws.  You say nothing but good things about WoW.. when its clear it has obvious flaws.... else people like harkdawg wouldnt be casting it aside... like most people do after 3 months.  most people i meet drop WoW after about 3-4 months and say they get especially bored after level 60.  I really cannot see how the graphics are "stunning" in WoW.... i played it and it definately is no better than mario bros on the N64. The only good things i ahve heard gamers say about the graphics on WoW is that since they are crappy and dont need alot of GPU... that it doesnt cause alot of lag.  But ...if they had nicer computers.. they wouldnt lag and then could demand that the game have better graphics.  Also when defending a game its pretty sad to have to revert to "reviews" and  showing its "membership count" to justify the game's virtues... as if the only way to prove that it doesnt suck is to say that "this reviewer likes it" and "alot of people play it".  Instead of staying strictly to the game's pros and cons.

And it is a FACT that the majority of people have poor taste in gaming which is why i say the "5.5 million gamers" figure is irrelevant.  For one thing i wonder if it is truly 5.5 million people.... or 5.5 million accounts.  If it is accounts then its really 2 million people as most people have atleast two accounts in a MMORPG.  Also i cannot believe that you are attempting to defend MArio bros.... you just lost all credibility as a gamer  :P

You can disagree with me... but i think you only disagree with me because you are taking my comments way too personal.... perhaps you do have good taste in gaming dragoon (starting to doubt it from what i am hearing)... but you dont represent everyone in WoW. So stop trying to be the fanboy WoW representative for the whole world.  People who "love" WoW are the same people who enjoy "Generals"  Simply no taste.

And to say that you would play freelancer instead of EVE becuz it is "less complicated" proves my point exactly.

But i definately agree that WoW is for non-hardcore gamers who just want to have a "little" fun without a big investment in time or a huge challenge of the mind.  For instance i probably would get my nephew to play WoW as it is so carebearish that he would not really have any frustration i suppose.  Whereas he would probably have his head explode if he were to try to grip the complexities of EVE diplomacy, PvP, Fleet battles, skill training, and the heavy mathematics involved in weapon systems, defense, and industry.  And cleaning up his brain matter would be pretty messy.  Eve bases some calculations on a mathematical Gaussian Curve with many variables whereas the ordinary WoW player wouldnt even know what that is.

So yes .. WoW has its uses... it is good for casual carebears who need a little "fun"  (if it can be called that) now and then.... but there are other games which i prefer that appeal to the hardcore gamer that are deep and challenge the mind, and have longevity.  I'll be playing EVE till the server gets unplugged in about 10 years... whereas WoW will probably be in the trashbin after 2 years or so.  Well maybe not... those freaks playing Star Wars Galaxies seem like they still cant let go of that horrible game... its called battered spouse syndrome.... the game treats them badly but they keep coming back for more.

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Well I just feel like posting a reaction here. Please note, I don't have any MMO game and never played EVE, WoW or anything else, although I have seen WoW for a few minutes. So I won't realy be discussing what is good and what is bad, but more about the way you think.

Gunwounds, you seem to want to piss on World of Warcraft even though you could just forget about it. And I agree with Dragoon Knight that I find your arguments to be extremely weak. Saying someone has no taste is absolutely the worst argument in this universe. Because there is no such thing as a good taste. If 5% of the people likes wine over beer than it's rather desperate to say that 95% does not have any taste. And wether you like WoW or not is also based on that taste. I think it's pretty much known that WoW is easily the most popular MMORPG at the moment and of the people I know I have only heard people that realy love it. Graphical wise I don't know what to say since I have only seen it for a short moment. But it didn't look awful. But very Warcraftisch I agree on.

Wether you like a MMORPG with a more realistic approach like EVE (I presume) or a more fantasy approach like WoW. That's up to you. But I think the people that do like WoW also like it because there's so much to do and to see. I know that many MMORPG's suffered on this area because there were often long walking times which were kind of boring. So wether EVE and Vanguard are better or not, the fact remains that WoW is popular and most people that play it are enthousiastic. I suggest that if you don't like it, don't play it and don't comment on it. Telling us why you don't like it is okay. Since you are entitled to your opinion. If that means that you find it childish, I have no problems with that. But stating things like this and saying people have no taste. That is simply an assault on the people that play it. Because they are judged by you based on your seemingly unability to accept that fact that many people do like WoW over the previous named MMORPG's.

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WoW its 15$USD a moth more than EQ2...so plz just admit it.

How in the hell did I miss this crap? Wait a minute, lemme get this straight here....You pay a monthly fee to play online?...after you already purchase the game and or exp. packs, your telling me that a monthly charge is required to even play online? And WoW no less. I can understand new games with great ground-breaking gaming engines but,I mean really c'mon a game of WoW online is gonna cost 15 bucks a month? Not only would I never purchase this game, but I forbid my own kids from playing it now for the freakin lame monthly fees.

$15.00 a month for THAT type of gaming engine alone is lame to say the least. Sorry but no web site, or dazzling reviews or 20 billion people are gonna convince me that insn't a total rip/sucker-scam alone. Also, out of curiousity how many of you playing it actually have to pay that monthly fee yourself? And yes there is a difference here, is the only reason I ask that.

If you like the game thats one thing, but all other charges for it(especially for that game type)are just plain retarded.

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I think the situation is more akin to how Rene described it, Gunwounds; yes, I enjoy WoW, and so of course my opinion is biased.  You did not enjoy it, so yours is biased as well.  That's the thing about opinions; they tend to be reflections of your personal views, and are thus biased by default towards what you think.

Just because there are others out there who think that WoW is crap, doesn't automatically mean that the game is objectively crap.  It makes sense that the people you know don't like it either, as friends tend to share many interests and general values (only one explanation).  I don't deny that there are problems with the game; I just argue that there's only as many as any other game out there, and yet it still comes out on top.  Lots of people like it, despite what you say, so you must be wrong on at least one level. :)

I never mentioned that the graphics were stunning; merely that they are more than capable of creating scenes of great beauty and fantasy.  Standing atop the highest mountain in the world as the sun rises; flying upon a gryphon over the Searing Gorge; being welcomed by enormous stautes of fallen heroes as you enter the Human City of Stormwind.  These things are part of what makes WoW appeal to me, not what you believe to be lax judgement in games.  And believe me, if you are comparing the graphics of WoW to those of the N64, it isn't me who's lacking in judgement.

It may be a fact that the majority of people have bad taste in games, but that's because the majority of people are not gamers.  The majority of gamers, however, have good taste in games; you'll find very few that play bad ones.  The 5.5 million figure is accurate to the number of unique accounts that WoW has, but you seem to be in doubt as to the meaning of the word account.  A person can have up to 10 characters on any given 'realm' (server) per account.  You can only be logged into one character at a time, because you're only allowed to run the account on one computer at a time.  Contrary to what you say, most people don't have a second account, as it would cost them the price of another subscription to have.

Please don't criticise my taste in games in such a way that you portray your tastes as somehow superior.  Millions of people - many more than those that like WoW or EVE - loved and still love Mario.  There have been several great games, with Mario64 being one of the greatest of all time.  It was surpassed on the N64 only by GoldenEye (the best multiplayer FPS in existence, full stop :P) and possibly Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  I can somehow see you as condemning Zelda as being crap as well, despite it being hailed worldwide as a great game, simply because it's 'kiddy', though.  To try and demonstrate this point; I hate Generals as well.  Does this mean it's a crap game?  Perhaps by my standards, yes, but not in the opinions of the majority of gamers.  It's their opinions that determine whether a game is successful or not, and these decisions are directly influenced by how good the game is.  Generals is, therefore, classed as a good game; we just don't like it.

To be honest, this argument is like trying to talk to a brick wall, or negotiate with gravity.  You obviously have your opinions regarding the game, and seem compelled to force them upon others.  I only hope that people reading this will see sense enough to do their own research, possibly try the game out for yourself before deciding.  If you don't like it, fair enough; that's what the 1 month free's for.  But take Gunwounds' offensive comments with a pinch of salt; the majority of WoW players aren't 'carebears', as he puts it.  And as for complex mathematics?  Screw that; I play games to have fun. :)

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its a F'n debate about two games... so yes i will voice my opinion.. and give the pros and cons.  Stop freaking out everytime i criticize something.  FFS.

Also there is such a thing as taste.  That why there are different tiers of quality. Thats something you cannot debate.  Quality varies.  Else there would be no way to review a game or a movie or anything.  There are objective ways to judge such things.

And if people would have read my post... you would have seen that i said WoW has its uses.  I said i would probably get it for my nephew as he probably would want an easy game that doesnt challenge much. Refer to that passage.

As far as you saying that mathematics "isnt fun"  well i disagree... one of the most fun things in EVE is fitting out your ship... putting on shield hardeners that increase you resistances by X percent or increasing the damage multiplier on your weapon systems.  Its very interesting and fun.  Not as simple as WoW's braindead "grab this uber sword with +5 dmg and helmet with AC 200"  but still fun nonetheless.  Also EVE has won several awards for its fluid PvP and shardless universe.

    Also i found out that WoW has 5.5 mill ACCOUNTS.... not PLAYERS.  You are a naive if you think that people dont have multipe accounts.  Sure people can have 10 characters on different servers... but everyone knows that to really get ahead in MMO's you buy a second or third account on the SAME server so that all your characters are available for use to compliment each other on the SAME server.  They are worthless if they are on seperate servers.  If you arent familiar with this then this just shows me what a noob gamer you are. For instance some people will make a warrior and a healer on the same server (they did it on EQ all the damn time) ..... or a warrior and a crafter.... its no big deal for people to pay two monthly fees.... $30 bucks a month is chump change.. especially for "all the 26yr olds who play WoW" who have jobs.  So in actuality.. if you count in the people who have multiple accounts the real population of WoW is probably around 2 million.  And i would bet that most of that is asian or european demographics who also love Final Fantasy and Lineage 2... which are both horrible games, further proving their horrible taste in gaming.

    So the fact that they would love WoW isnt much of a surprise.  Also ... just becuz alot of people play "Generals" doesnt mean it is a good game either.... those poor people just havent got a clue about what they are doing.... they might as well be 2 million monkey's banging on a keyboard...but i guess since its 2 million then it has to be good.  And Lineage 2 is a prime example of a game where the people are just braindead gamers who sit in a dungeon killing the same mob over and over for 52 hours straight and then stand up and walk out of a cafe' and have a heart-attack.  A prime example of how poor taste in gaming can have fatal effects.

You can go on and on about "Quality Relativity" and how no one person is right.... but i think we all know deep down inside when we are being challenged and when we arent.  And when we are playing something for the childish simplicity and nostalgia.

But this is all my "opinion"  so please dont reply with another  "OMG  Gunwounds, WTF"  I just love to give people a hard time about crappy games.

So chill and read the post in the spirit it was intended.

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Never questioned your right to an opinion, and your last post seemed to be more oriented towards what you think of the game, rather than trying to assert that the game must be crap simply because you think so.  Opinion is fine. :)

But I'm not sure you're quite getting this whole player figures thing; it's 5.5 million people, aside from very few who have multiple accounts.  I only have ONE account, yet I have a Druid, Warrior and Warlock on the same server.  I could make more characters if I wanted, but I can't play more than one at a time.  By this, I mean that if I wanted to play my Warlock, I'd have to logout of my Druid and then back in as my 'Lock.  The very few people who have more than one account can play two characters simultaneously, but they would be restricted per account (i.e. I couldn't use Account 2 to play a character I have on Account 1).  Any account can make characters on any server (for example, I have characters on at least 4 servers), but again, I can only play one at a time.  If I had another account, I could play another character at the same time, but would still be restricted per account, as described before.

The figures Blizzard have are for individual accounts, and so the figure is much more of an accurate count of players than you seem to believe.

And please don't call me a noob gamer, especially when it's you that doesn't seem to understand how the WoW Account system works.  I know that Gold Farmers purchase multiple accounts so they can multi-box, grind gold and sell it for hundreds of

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I know how the WoW account system works.... its just like any other game.... its the same as EVE.  But i own two EVE accounts.  Why?  Because I have two computers (like many people do) and can use one character to support another SIMULTANEOUSLY ....  i know you understand this becuz you brought up the gold Farmers.  And to say that 90% of the WoW community is not Gold Farmers is an outright LIE.  A large portion of any video game are Farmers. 

I can go find an article for you where it details how foreign countries like romania have "gaming sweatshops" where they have a computer lab full of computers and they pay 1 person to make sure all the computers are running their bot programs properly. 

read here..this is just one of many ---> http://observer.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,6903,1436411,00.html

thing is you dont have to be a "Farmer" to be a multiple account holder .... most people arent like you... most people do have multiple accounts for simultaneous online play with multiple characters to give them an edge or to allow them to be self-sufficient. And i bet you money i can find a source that says WoW has many people who have multiple accounts so they can play two characters simultaneously on two comps.  There was a guy in EQ who had 8 characters going at once... his own little army... it was hilarious... and yes he had 8 different computers.  I would say that sure not alot of people have 8 accounts but i would bet money that there is a huge portion of players that have atleast two different accounts , allowing them to play two characters at the same time.

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Edited AGAIN, LOL !!!

Guns, i posted about downloading the game and playing it on legit server if id pay a subscription, but there still is some authentication key needed wich forces you to buy box and i got pissed how much they rob me for money if id ever want to play it legit.

BUT, i did figure out how im gonna get a Legit Boxed WoW and play it on Legit Server and not gonna pay a dime out of my own pocket, so ill give WoW a try.

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I have a box right infront me of, brand new, just opend and starting to install.

QUICK someone answer me, do i use the guest pass first for 10 days and after that the regular key or  what? I want to do 40 days myself, not give the 10 to friend , what do i do ?

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This is what i read from support

I used up my 10-day guest pass, and now I want to continue playing on my account. What do I have to do?

To keep playing with your 10-day account, you need to upgrade it to a retail account. Therefore you need an unused full version key, which is only available with the retail version of the game.

When you have access to a retail key, you must log into the account management page, and enter your new CD-Key into the fields provided. You then click the

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Well so far here is what i have to say about WoW. The graphics definately look Warcraftish (its not bad or good, just depends on the person), i can play on highest settings possible and they look ok, nothing spectacular but nothing bad either. The gameplay is simple and fun, nothing brainkilling here but again cant say good or bad, for me its again quite ok. Overall i find the game enjoyable and a good past-time. Ive been mostly soloing and am lvl 29 human Paladin now

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