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Map Editor


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When I gave Chris the map editor petition he said that they didn't want to commit to it because if they did and then in the end couldn't release/finish it people would get pretty upset. But he said that they knew people wanted one and that they might be working on one... :)

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Geez, you guys should read all the crap going on over at the RA2 board regarding Final Alert. Evidently someone go ahold of a beta (WW's release) and now everyone has it. It's just madness. But I do hope there will be one for Emperor, since maps do extend the life of any game like this.

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We gotta get a level editor! we also need to get some modding tools, I made a post earlier, the repair pad is not included in Emperor, I've made a model of the repair pad to be added to Emperor, a pic of it is in my previous post.

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