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Dune Encyclopedia


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I don't think it is all right to provide the link. Just because it is out of print does not make it right to provide it illegally. The original Dune books were out of print in the mid nineties I believe, but I doubt that made it right to download them.  And I'm not going to argue whether it is right to download them or not, but providing links/files on the Fed2k Discussion board is not allowed.

Ew. McNelly's Foldspace website is no longer available along with some others.

I would say search yourself or use other methods of communication about the location of the Dune Encyclopedia pdf.

But reading ebooks is a pain, and printing them is not much of a solution. Getting a real copy makes the reading process much more enjoyable.

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yeah andrew, but the difference is, millions of Dune books were floating around. The DE doesnt exactly have that number.lol It is illegal though, and I do agree with that.

but like I care.lol I have it and I am not ashamed to say so. I am not going to pay 100 bucks for the Dune Encyclopedia.lol

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Bi-Ixian, for any file search there exist Overnet, a peer-to-peer program. On the moral ground, I would pay the author and those that worked to put a product out... when it is possible. I see no reason to pay a premium to someone for storing something which supply got artificially kept low.

McNelly tried to make it reedited, but without success. Sad really.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If any of you guys live in the US, Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Virginia Tech) has a copy of the Dune Encylopedia in it's library.  My brother graduated from there, so I had him check it out for me and I made copies of all the interesting sections  ;)

The book is still there if you want to borrow it.

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Lol, I managed to find a copy at my library. Some guy had found it first and hidden where no one would think to look. I had to do a project and that was the section where the book was.

8) 8)

Take it, say you lost it, and pay the replacement value.  Cheaper than buying one.

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