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how to i fix this problem, ai always ally with other ai in red alert 2. i know i can in yuri revenge.  i tried use tibed for this but not found any function what allow u to make between computers war.  if i do war vs 8computers in ra2, they all are agaist me. there is any mod/trainer to change this thing and  have FFA ( comps vs comps vs me lol)i used many ways to try. but didnt work.. also i have little problem when i trying to missions

my base explode after few minutes in missions...  in skirmish that happen when i use  germany house.

i need few tips how to make comp unable to ally with other comp that mean, war between computers and me, i played with 7comps and i dieed , cos they comes from all ways and  there was few color of ai, lol all was allied with others,

regards  RA2_bot :s

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I used to play RA once, from what I can remember plus knowing you I would say you started playing skirmish and you couldn't handle it. (now comes the knoladge part) so you pressed "A" in order to ally the AI who comes to kill you, by doing that all the AI's allyed against you, exceps the ones you pressed "A" on, and the game is done, there is no way back for them to fight each other after doing that. What I recomand you to do is to start small, against few AI's, and after you're better you can fight 7 AI's.


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Guest LtTitan

In Red Alert 2 there is no team function for the player. With the patches, you can select either battle for free for all for game modes. In battle, all the AI players are allied and battle against you. Free for all is, well, a free for all. So there is no way to team up in Red Alert 2. Only in Yuri's Revenge did they put in the team function.

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i want have fun of ai...i want do free for all,  i checked deezire.net but i dont got any interresing things.. i need modification what make ai fight agaist oteher ai... ps if we know there is way to speed up game on older computers, in main game options  grapchics detail i set to low,  then game gonna fast like dune lol.  i used tibed to make  alot of crates in game lol, 200crates  haha ..i enabled to making civilian buldings too :P  also in ra 2, or tib sun i can build any bulding where i want... ra havebugs like other ww game, cos they used same engine ...  this bug dont work only on red alert 1.  also there are no websites with red alert 2 mods what let ai attack other ai?  grrrr.... i need that because my  head was no one time cuted off ..aha  ai always build walls near construction yard and research lab, why? same thing in tiberian sun , ai build walls around base..  how to improve ai build order in red alert 2, i want see ai what build around base alot of walls etc. i used many stuff for that but  notthing worked ......... ai is still dumb ..  so i have question ... 

when i played today game, i blowed up ai base with  5 apocalypse tanks but i leaved yuri's units .. then i comed with 3 germany mcv,  when he took it, they started making base again, but few minutes later he deploy soviet construction yard in my base on other continent in map,  why ai can do that without having mcv.  that pissing me off too.

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Don't want Yuri's Revenge but want FFA?

Update your game ;D

About the base exploding thing, it happened to me before when I did NOT reinstall Red Alert 2 after reinstalling Windows (that means Red Alert 2 is not recognised in the Windows registry. ie Windows is so stupid it doesn't know you have Red Alert 2). To solve the problem, reinstall Red Alert 2.

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i heard about code red beta mod, but i dont know were i can get it :(  i used it once and they suppor ffa in skirmish :s

westwood online is dead... to not get bored i play vs computer in skirmish 7 comps i always add ,i wanna see how fight ai agaist other ai, that mean i want just watch ai battles :P also i want be attacked but not by 7ai,  max 3 lol

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lol, i got no other way than buying  yuri revenge,  i have it now ... so  when i go to 4way skirmish battle, i set one ai what fight for me, and two ai agaist me,  but how to do that thing, when my base get attacked, allied ai should send me aid, so that never happen, they dont help me lol.  ....

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i heard about code red beta mod, but i dont know were i can get it :(  i used it once and they suppor ffa in skirmish :s

westwood online is dead... to not get bored i play vs computer in skirmish 7 comps i always add ,i wanna see how fight ai agaist other ai, that mean i want just watch ai battles :P also i want be attacked but not by 7ai,  max 3 lol

I think I misunderstood, but the last sevearl times I've played RA-2 online there was hundreds of people on.

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