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Fed2k Battlegames!


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This is the official spinoff of Fed2k Warlords. It has new guidelines

"Welcome, one and all, to the creation of Fed2k Battlegames!" Dust Scout smiled at each of the people around the large, circular table in the thread Fed2k Warlords. "We have a lot to work out, but first things first... this is an era of peace after all. I hereby renounce the title of Warlord, for I hope there will be no more war. I am hoping that you will all follow my lead in taking a new title to reflect our new relationship and status..." He looked about, "Henceforth I am Dust Scout, Arch-Sorcerer of The God Emperor's Dune."

"I, too, wish to reflect this new era." King Sard stood, raising his foaming tankard. "I am not a Warlord, I am a King of Endless Days!" He shouted, before quaffing.

"...Yes, thank you, King Sard." Dust Scout nodded. "I won't make everyone think now, suffice to say that this is my decision, you need not act likewise. Now, if you would all be so kind as to follow me..." He turned around and looked to the huge, wooden door that led out of the diplomacy chamber, which immediately swung open. The Warlords, as they were, stood up and made for the door, walking along a narrow passage and up a flight of spiral stairs...

They emerged onto a platform, looking down from the very topmost spire of the thread. It was large, and pure white. A low stone rail ran around the edge, where the drop was sheer.

"What a view." ExSPlug said appreciatively. He had regained his status as a Warlord despite the destruction of his original HQ, taking up a new base in Gaming.

"I feel ill..." Dust Scout said queasily.

"Oh be quiet." EWS muttered. "We all know why we're here, let's get down to it." He strode over from the door to stand next to the rail, leaning on it heavily. Dust Scout winced at the sight of someone so close to the edge. Carefully, he followed the other Warlords over to the alabastor barrier.

"Is that the spot?" Dragoon Knight asked, pointing to a bright green glow not far from the thread's walls. Dust Scout looked up blearily.

"Yeah," he burbled, "Yeah, that's it. Everyone ready?" There was a chorus of affermatives. "Alright everyone, go..."

"Fed2k Battlegames!" the shout echoed from the top of the spire, carried by all of the Warlords to the distant glow, which pulsed in turn. The ground started to rumble...

"What's happening?" King Sard yelled, grabbing hold of the rail to steady himself, as the whole tower shook. "Another Earthquake?!"

"I do hope not..." Dust Scout whined.

"Look!" Dragoon Knight shouted, pointing as the green glow faded, "Look at the ground!" As one, the Warlords looked from their shaking perspective to the earth below. The ground was rippling...

"I see something!" ExSPlug shouted, pointing as well. Following his line of sight, the other Warlords were just in time to see the top of another spire emerge from the terra firma of Fed2k...

The huge, stone tower thrust itself up in a sudden lurch, causing masonry around the Warlords to tumble. It rose higher and higher, all the while cracking the earth and shaking the ground. The Warlords were forced back inside the tower as the falling stone tumbled around them...

A few hours passed, and the rumbling got gradually worse, before finally calming down. The Warlords cautiously looked out of their various windows.

"It worked!" EWS exclaimed, rushing for the doors.

"About time..." Dragoon Knight muttered, pushing himself away from the window and hurrying after his Gaming counterpart.

Together, the surviving Warlords of Fed2k Warlords emerged from the keep, staring up at the massive new thread that now blocked the sunlight. It was huge, all stone battlements and flying buttresses. It was covered with gargoyles and balconies, impressive walkways and tall towers. It was gigantic, and even the powerful Warlords felt small as they walked alone to the gargantuan stone doorway that led into...

"An Arena." ExSPlug murmured, staring about him at the sand-covered space.

"Split up and explore?" Dragoon Knight suggested.

The new thread is Fed2k Battlegames. It is a massive complex of armouries, training rooms, arenas, amphitheatres, colluseums, planning rooms, everything. It is this thread, the spinoff from Fed2k Warlords. Below are the basic rules, which let's face it, are really more guidelines anyway.

1) All Warlords from the predeccessor thread (Fed2k Warlords) are allowed to take part in this thread. These are King Sard, ExSPlug, Dust Scout, Dragoon Knight, and EWS. Those Warlords that also took part but left or were inactive can also rejoin, but they may have to familiarise themselves with the previous thread first. For example, through inactivity, Tamerlane's HQ now belongs to Dust Scout.

2) 'New' players can also join, if they like. They too may have to examine the previous thread.

3) The point of this thread is NOT to win!

Unlike most threads, this one is not designed to be won. It really is a case of "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game." Good sportsmanship is very important. If you are beaten, you are beaten. Don't drag it out, you'll have a chance to trounce your opponant next time. ;) The point is to have fun in friendly competitions.

3b) There is no such thing as death, unless desired/agreed upon. Dust Scout has donated his Sorcerers to the upkeep of this thread. Unless there are different circumstances, they will automatically resurrect any fallen units. This includes named characters, and 'Warlords.'

4) How to play:

Since this is not an active fight thread, there is a slightly different method of going about things. You propose a competition, duel, or battle or the like, and your opponant/s may or may not accept it. If they do, you work out the details between yourselves here. If they do not, you can try modifying your offer, or go elsewhere. Here's a few examples:

Dragoon Knight: EWS, I challenge you to a duel to the death!

EWS: I accept! But I insist that no magic, nor flight be used in our duel! And we must be done within 8 posts!

Dragoon Knight: Agreed! En garde!

ExSPlug: Dust Scout, I challenge you to take Thread X before I do!

Dust Scout: I accept! 300 units each!

ExSPlug: 452!

Dust Scout: Deal!

EWS: Dragoon Knight, I wish to meet your forces on an open field of battle!

Dragoon Knight: Sorry, I'm busy!

EWS: King Sard, I wish to meet your forces on an open field of battle!

King Sard: Alright! I suggest the fields nearby!

EWS: Agreed!

...As you can see, they were going at it with a bit more... gusto than we might. But you get the idea. Once the details are worked out then the competition begins. It can be called off, it can be won. There is, at the moment, no time limit on the competitions, because I'm trusting you lot to be sensible. If things get out of hand I will impose a limit but I don't want to do that. Remember, if you lose, you come back and try again.

5) You keep your threads, you keep your recruiting abilities. You can still attack and take extra threads, and this time there is no limit on the number you can have per board. Remember though that this is not the main point of the thread, and if you expand too much force taking a thread you may not win your next challenge...

6) You cannot take another Warlord's thread by force. Any attempt to do so, or any unagreed competition, may result in expulsion from the thread (but I'm a nice guy, and you're more likely to be banned from taking part for 10 posts or so). Threads can be offered up as prizes in competitions. HQ threads cannot.

7) Addition 1: My Sorcerers are banned from in-battle resurrecting.

8] Addition 2: Units are not recruited during 'battling' posts. Saves time, space, and effort.

9) - I'll add to these when I see fit.

Appendix: Credit for the idea for this thread actually goes to Dust Scout, Dragoon Knight, and Sir Sard, because it occured to all of us seperately. Credit for developing it goes to the former two, and putting it together, well...  ;)

Appendix B: Has been, withdrawn...

If there are any questions, ask me. IM me. I'll be happy to iron out any problems because I'm sure I've missed some. I reserve the right to add to the rules, should anything come up, but I don't think I'll be changing any.

The first challenge, as discussed beforehand, is a personal duel between EWS and ExSPlug! Have fun guys!

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*Gives orders to bring all troops to HQ. So much simpler.*

Dragoon Knight, I challenge you. One of your Dragoons against five of my units of my chosing, excepting Dust Dragons. What say you?

Recruited forces:

70 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Dark Elf Archers

30 Sorcerers

5 Giant spiders

30 Shard Sentinals

30 Black Angels

20 Genetic Shock Troops

3 Dust Dragons

Current forces


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune <<Shielded>>

22281 Highland Claymore Militia - Cloning Tech

3197 Genetic Shock Troops

205 Giant spiders

605 Black Angels

900 Dark Elf Archers

1640 Sorcerers

2598 Shard Sentinals

100 Dust Dragons


Mountain War!!!

'The List'  <<Shielded>>

~Matrix Rising~  <<Shielded>>

Dungeon Siege RPG

Fed2k RPG

Battle Of The Line~HighLands~

The Evilness Withen

KYA Setara War

KYA Setara: Rebirth


Age of Wonders (2)  <<Shielded>>

Never Winter nights  <<Shielded>>

Neverwinter Nights <<Shielded>>

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

The Occult


Cloned Baby Supposedly Born  <<Shielded>>

Other Dune Games

Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault

Music and Sound

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity - Powering

Undead Upgrade - Powering

Music Box - Powering

List Tech

Neo Gobism

Spice Melange - 8th post

House Shields

Magical Splicing

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"Then we'll proceed to the ruins of Kanly." said ExSPlug as his men hands over him his canister rifle and chainsword "Regulations?"

Total unit count:

387 ST

81 As

587 R

5374 DP

630 FR

143 DS

2160 W

733 APU

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 81 As/387 ST/587 R/5409 DP/630 FR/733 APU/143 DS/2160 W/ExSPlug/Warmaster Vin/Siren/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair

Next botting takes effect in 4 posts.

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Three Genetic Shock Troops enter the arena, marching in time. Above them fly two Black Angels. Though the faces of the Shock Troops are hidden behind their Sardaukar-like masks, they pause to wave to the crowd that has quickly filled the stone seats around them. The Black Angels do no such thing, and hover silently in the air, scrutinising their opponant.

The cheers are wild, but eventually they die down. The two sides face each other across the sand of the arena, gauging each other's strength. The Black Angels fly slightly higher, and move behind the Shock Troops, who step forward and raise their Burst Rifles. The clattering of their first, experimental shots echoes around the amphitheatre...

[OOC: This means I've decided to go first. And since this is a battling post, in keeping with rule 8, I'm not recruiting. Take note, please.]

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"If you say so..." One of the Black Angels hissed. Two two split up, one flying to the far right of the Dragoon, the other to the far left. The three Shock Troops held their ground, letting fly with another hail of bullets from their Burst Rifles. The Angels both hold up their right hands for a moment, letting the black clouds gather around, before hurling a thunderbolt each at the waiting Dragoon.

"All sides, all sides!" One of the Shock Troops is heard to shout, gleefully.

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I hereby formally challenge ExSPlug to a duel on the ruins of Kanly!  The duel will be decided by dice rolls.  I ask him to contact me to iron out the rules.


Forces (I am assuming that all troops have now moved back to Farcry)


20 Milita Troops

10 FarCry Demons

1 Flying Monkey

20 Tyranid

In Farcry

650 Militia Troops

535 FarCry Demons

017 Flying Monkeys

004 Assassains

20 Eldar

20 Space Marines

40 Orks

20 Chaos

20 Imperial Guard

20 Tyranid

General Minerva

General Albus

The Emperor


General Severus

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"Oh you are so in for it now..." The wounded Black Angel burbled through its choking of blood. It lay on the sand of the arena for a moment longer, gathering the last of its strength even as it felt the power flow from its limbs... So this is what it was like to die. The Angel glanced upward to see if he could make it. Yes, his partner was even now hurling another volley of thunderbolts, under covering fire from the Shock Troops. He made an effort to stand.

With the Dragoon distracted, although maybe not harmed, by the continued fire, the fallen Angel stood wearily. He held his scythe in one loose hand, while the other made a vain attempt to stop his bowels joining his blood in redecorating the arena floor. He raised his tattered wings, and with an almighty flap managed to get back of the ground. He hung heavily in the air, wheezing. While his still-healthy partner soared and wheeled away from the Dragoon's counter attacks, he himself was slipping, and could only just stay aloft. He made his way towards the Dragoon's back...

Just in time, the Dragoon must have caught a glance from the corner of his eye or something, for he turned at once to bat aside the downward-swinging scythe, catching the Black Angel by the throat as he did so. He squeezed.

Choking even more now, the Angel didn't even have time for a smug smile as he exhaled sharply, blowing a cloud of black spores into the Dragoon's face. The spores seemed to attack, moving in and burrowing into the Dragoon's face. He bellowed in anger, and threw the Black Angel to the ground. There was an audible *crack* as the body hit the ground, before it lay there, lifeless.

The spores were not finished. They were seeds of utter evil, so malignant and foul that only the Black Angels could hold them inside of their souls. They stung the Dragoon's eyes, they choked his throat. They were painful and dangerous, and they also allowed the other troops to get even closer...

The Dragoon was sent reeling as a blast of black Death-magic from the scythe of the second Angel hit him on one shoulder. Though he could not see to aim properly, he threw back a hurricane force wind that picked up one of the Shock Troopers and slammed him against the far stone wall, breaking his neck instantly, even through his suit. The remaining two Shock Troopers switched to their electrified swords, and moved in for the kill, while the Dragoon was still blinded...

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"AARGH!  It burns!" exclaimed the Dragoon Knight, flailing about with his spear and flying in an erratic manner.  Another bolt of lightning hit him, propelling him downward towards the arena floor.  Still the spores burrowed... but the Dragoon hadn't yet begun to fight.  He spread his wings, eyes still firmly shut, and swooped back into the air.  He began to spin his spear again... but this time, red flower petals flew into the arena.

"Rose Storm!" he shouted, and the rose petals flew up around him in a personal tornado.  Green light went 'gling' all around him, and the healing wind slowly rid the spores from his system... but they had done their damage.  In front of him, he could see the Black Angel flying towards him at high speed, scythe at the ready; ever malevolent look in its eyes.  The Dragoon managed a smile, and thrust his spear in the direction of his enemy... the petals became thorns, and flew towards the approaching winged evil.

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"Eep." The Black Angel's eyes went wide as she found herself flying full-tilt towards a fearsome array of thorny objects. Probably thorns. A tiny voice at the back of her mind said 'Oh bugger...' A more practical voice said 'Turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn!' Throwing her wings out, the Angel obeyed the second voice, sweeping around to the right and losing a few feathers in the process. Instinctively she held out her scythe behind her, and felt it tear into the thorny barrier as she soared away.

When she felt she had reached an appreciable distance, the Angel turned around again. Her scything hadn't done that much damage... but the Dragoon couldn't stay down there forever. Come to think of it... The Angel looked down, and whistled to the Shock Troops below. Nice guys, but not too bright.

"Oi! Let's see some flamethrowering here!" She shouted down. They didn't need to be told twice. The Angel hovered at a distance, scythe at the ready in a defensive position, as the thorns began to burn...

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The Dragoon couldn't believe his luck... now he had a simoon of flaming thorns to play with!  The Shock Troops obeyed the Black Angel, switching to their flame-thowers and igniting the thorns.  What they didn't count on was the ability of the Dragoon to be enough to ensure no damage was done.  As it stood, the thorns were rapidly running out... enough for one focused attack.

"He'll do." thought the Dragoon, and pointed his spear at one of the remaining Shock Troops while simultaneously flapping his wings to thrust him up and back.  The remnants of nature's flaming spikes went flying towards the Shock Trooper, who could but look on in amazement as fiery flowery death raced towards him.  They ripped into his armour, causing no initial damage... but then, they were never intended to damage the Trooper himself...

The Shock Trooper's flame thrower began to make a funny noise.  This was not surprising, as the barrel was now clogged with several hundred flaming rose thorns, and the fuel canister had been perforated...

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The Black Angel sighed, wiping a piece of Shock Trooper from her cheek. The ground below her was... messy. The resulting explosion from the flamethrower had thrown back and probably injured the one remaining Shock Trooper. More fortunately, the Dragoon seemed to have underestimated the explosion as well, as he too had been thrown back against a wall, cracking it badly. The Angel herself had been far enough away to emerged unscathed. She readied her scythe, but kept her distance. She wasn't going to risk getting close again... She held her hand out to the sky, and felt the air pressure drop suddenly. She smiled, as stormclouds began to gather already...

"A black cloud over Fanfiction." One of the spectators commented, wiping a nose from his shirt.

"How very apt." His wife muttered darkly.

The Angel didn't bother with firing her own thunderbolts. She swirled the clouds around her fingers, watching as the Dragoon was distracted by the petty remaining Shock Trooper below, who was now shooting again for all he was worth. She waited for just the right moment... To send baleful green lightning blasting down from the sky, smashing into the Dragoon. The clouds disappeared immediately, their power spent.

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O.O.C. --> Ow.

The Dragoon lay on his back upon the arena floor.  The lightning bolt had struck his breastplate, meaning that a lot of the damage had been absorbed... but considering that he had already been thunderbolted, shot, flamed, spored and death-rayed, he was in pretty bad condition.  His chest rose and fell lightly with each rasping breath.  His form began to flicker between Dragoon and Human, his power waning.

"I summon forth the Spirit of the Jade Dragon, Feyrbrand!" he exclaimed, ripping the Dragoon Spirit from his breastplate.  It shone violently, then shattered.  The Dragoon died... but the spirit lived on.  Swirling and rising, a green wind blew around the Dragoon's lifeless body, which soon disappeared in the tinted wind.  Slowly, a figure began to form in the green breeze... that of a 15-foot tall Dragon - Feyrbrand, the final form of the Wind Dragoon.

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The ruins of Kanly is now bustling with activity once more, as the troops of both sides had gathered to observe the duel between their respective warlords.

ExSPlug marches into the arena slowly and fired a shot into the air. The sound of the explosion filled the arena, soon overwhelmed by the cheers and taunts from the audiences.

The two combatants is now face to face in the middle of the arena, and handed to their opponent a parchment.

"The abilities and equipments that I would use in the duel are all written down inside. See that it doesn't violate our terms, and let the battle begin..."

=Inside the parchment=


C-10 Canister rifle(HE/Lockdown/Optic Flare)-- Primary weapon

Space Marine Chainsword-- Secondary weapon


Cloak-- Terran ghost armor and stealth generator

Psi Storm-- Psychic

=End of Parchment=

"And the battlefield. We could fight it out in this arana, or tinker it a bit with terrains of other threads. I'm sure we could do so by using The List."

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EWS arrives in a flash of light.  Everything around him seems calm.  The crowd goes silent, he arrived slightly later then ExSPlug, a brilliant plan to get him noticed.  You could hear a pin drop.  He raises his hands above his head, and bows.  The crowd goes wild, all cheering and shouting.


It seems that the crowd are on his side, except ExSPlugs troops and a few others, they stand stone cold silent.  EWS calms the crowd.

"I am here oh great Ex" [He aint great, he's a mug], "and I am here to fulfill our wargame.  But first, what do you say to a little wager?  300 Gold coins should do the trick don't you think?" [He can't afford that..]

"However, before you respond.  Here is my parchment."

=THe Right Royal Parchment of EWS=


Space Marine Flamer (Modified so only EWS can use it)

Sword of Vengeance (A gift from the Emperor of Warhammer 40K) [Attached to EWS back)


Armour of Dargan (A second gift from the Emperor)


Quickness - Taken from the Assassains

=End of Parchment=

EWS takes his stance.  He awaits the battle to begin!

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The Black Angel backs off, keeping her distance. The Wind Dragon fills a lot more space than the Dragoon had done. She scowls, realising that after that last lightning bolt she is severely drained. With an unintentional sigh, she raises her scythe once more. Far below, the last remaining Shock Trooper gets to his feet with a grunt. With the Angel directly above him, he can no longer see her. He turns to the Dragon, which grins gleefully at him.

"A gleeful grin." A spectator says casually.

"Full of glee." His neighbour agrees.

"That black cloud's still hanging ominously over Fanfiction..." Says someone else, who quickly disappears into the crowd.

"Oh crud..." The Shock Trooper murmurs, as the Dragon's teeth decide to get aquainted with his ribcage. He dives to the side as the massive jaws clamp shut in the air above him, pulling a small, gray object from his belt.

"Eat metal, lizard!" He bellows, hurling the grenade at the re-opening mouth...

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Feyrbrand opened his mouth.  In went the trooper.  In went the grenade.

There was the sound of a muffled explosion, as the fragmentation grenade ripped apart the Dragon's innards.  A primal roar bellowed forth from the Dragon's mouth, followed by dark green blood.  Stumbling to its knees, more roars followed.  The Trooper was most definitely dead, but the Black Angel was smirking.

Beating its wings weakly, the Dragon tried to fly up and attack it... but to no avail.  It was soon to perish.  As a last ditch attempt at victory, the Dragon began to inhale.  More and more air was sucked into the bloody maw, forcing the Black Angel to flap against the vaccuum.  When the air flow suddenly stopped, she had to compensate very quickly to avoid ramming into the scaled beast... she was tiring...

Without any warning, the Dragon exhaled with one great breath, mighty and full of little green particles... poison spores, deadly when inhaled.  They rushed towards the Black Angel with unmeasurable speed, the force of the blast pinning her against the arena wall, and forcing the spores into her mouth, nose, eyes and lungs.  But would it secure her death before the Dragon's energy failed?

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"Kho-haaaaak!" The Black Angel choked. She coughed and spluttered, but even as she fought to clear her throat, she felt the spores squirm their way into her flesh... She welcomed them. While the Dragon coughed and spluttered the last of his life away, the Black Angel writhed on the stone wall, making more than one member of the audience vow to live a virtuous life from now on if only they could have some extra underwear, please. Even more vowed to live a life of absolute, puppy-kicking evil; in exchange for carnal favours. Ordinarily the subject of their attention would have heard their thoughts, and taken a great deal of time to cause as much misery as she could, but right now she was busy. She moaned, and those sitting nearby crossed their legs.

The little green spores were spreading their venom, slipping inside her system and corrupting her utterly. She saw them, knew them, let them into her and used their foul poison to grow even stronger... "You cannot corrupt the corrupted..." She breathed. She lay there against the stone for a moment longer, before rising slowly back into the air, flapping slowly. When she spoke, her voice had a new tone, a new echo. She raised her scythe.

"I, I, I am the instrument of your destruction, great lizard!" She intoned, her voice filling the arena and making small children wet their pants. The Dragon glowered up at her from the arena floor, and made an effort to stand. It slipped, lacking the strength, and fell back down again. A fain green mist hung around the gaping wound where the grenade had exploded. The Angel flew closer, a malevolant smirk on her black lips. "You fought bravely, dragon, but your time is up! I, I, I have come for you! Behold your fate, and cower before her glory!" She reached back and threw her scythe.

The black staff and grey blade seemed to trail a palpable sense of evil, visible as a black smoke that followed it at it hurtled down from the sky like some smiting thunderbolt from a god. It struck the Dragon directly between the eyes, smashing through the skull and into the brain beyond. With a final deafening bellow, Feyrbrand's neck arched up at the sky as green light began to pour from his eyes... With a crackling of green energy, he exploded into mist and green sparks, leaving nothing but a gentle breeze and the echos of his death cry.

The arena was silent for a time. The Black Angel scoured the floor in an instant, to find that her scythe had survived the explosion. It lay on the sand, none the worse for wear. She held out her hand, and it flew to her grip. She turned a full circle, staring at the spectators. The silence grew. And then, someone started clapping.

For a few embarassing moments, the clapper was on his own. But then it spread, it spread like a wave around the arena stands, the applause growing almost as loud as the Dragon's bellow. People shouted, people cheered, people whooped and whistled... Lyrabel the Black Angel smiled in smug satisfaction, and threw her hands up to the sky. She had won.

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ExsSPlug: When you're done with your fight, I challenge you to beat one of my champions.


Recruited forces:

70 Highland Claymore Militia

20 Dark Elf Archers

30 Sorcerers

5 Giant spiders

30 Shard Sentinals

30 Black Angels

20 Genetic Shock Troops

3 Dust Dragons

Current forces


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune <<Shielded>>

22351 Highland Claymore Militia

920 Dark Elf Archers

1700 Sorcerers

210 Giant spiders

3927 Shard Sentinals - Cloning Tech

635 Black Angels

3197 Genetic Shock Troops

100 Dust Dragons

Espionage  <<Shielded>>

Mountain War!!!

'The List'  <<Shielded>>

~Matrix Rising~  <<Shielded>>

Dungeon Siege RPG  <<Shielded>>

Fed2k RPG

Battle Of The Line~HighLands~

The Evilness Withen

KYA Setara War

KYA Setara: Rebirth


Age of Wonders (2)  <<Shielded>>

Never Winter nights  <<Shielded>>

Neverwinter Nights <<Shielded>>

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

The Occult


Cloned Baby Supposedly Born  <<Shielded>>

Other Dune Games

Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault

Music and Sound

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity - Powering

Undead Upgrade - Powering

Music Box - Powering

List Tech

Neo Gobism

Spice Melange - 9th post

House Shields

Magical Splicing

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